Quickstart guide

Here we’re setting up a quick first example to train on the MNIST image dataset.


First we need to install vegans. You can do this either with:

pip install vegans

or via:

git clone https://github.com/unit8co/vegans.git
cd vegans
pip install -e .

Test if the module can be imported with:

python -c "import vegans"

Loading data

Here we will quickly load in the data. Dedicated data loaders exist for

  • MNIST: MNISTLoader

  • FashionMNIST: FashionMNISTLoader

  • CelebA: CelebALoader

  • CIFAR10: Cifar10Loader

  • CIFAR100: Cifar100Loader

Only the first two are downloaded automatically. Let’s load the MNIST data with the loading module:

import vegans.utils.loading as loading
loader = loading.MNISTLoader(root=None)
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = loader.load()

This downloads the data into root (default is: {{ Home directory }}/.vegans) if it does not yet exist in there. Each image for the mnist data will be of shape (1, 32, 32), while the labels will be of shape [10, 1], a one-hot encoded version of the original labels.

Now we can start defining our networks.

Model definition

The kind of networks you need to define depends on which algorithm you use. Mainly there are three different choices:

  1. GAN1v1 require
    • Generator

    • Adversary

  2. GANGAE require
    • Generator

    • Adversary

    • Encoder

  3. VAE require
    • Encoder

    • Decoder

In this guide we will use the VanillaGAN which belongs to the first category.

We first need to determine the input and output dimensions for all networks. In the unsupervised / unconditional case it is easy:

  • Generator
    • Input: z_dim latent dimension (hyper-parameter)

    • Output: x_dim image dimension

  • Discriminator
    • Input: x_dim image dimension

    • Output: 1 single output node (might also be different)

For the supervised / conditional algorithms it is a just a little bit more difficult:

  • c-Generator
    • Input: z_dim + y_dim latent dimension and label dimension

    • Output: x_dim image dimension

  • c-Discriminator
    • Input: x_dim + y_dim image dimension and label dimension

    • Output: 1 single output node (might also be different)

We can get these sizes with:

x_dim = X_train.shape[1:]
y_dim = y_train.shape[1:]
z_dim = 64

gen_in_dim = vegans.utils.utils.get_input_dim(z_dim, y_dim)
adv_in_dim = vegans.utils.utils.get_input_dim(x_dim, y_dim)

The definition of a generator and adversary architecture is without a doubt the most important (and most difficult) part of GAN training. We will use the following architecture:

class MyGenerator(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, gen_in_dim, x_dim):

        self.encoding = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(in_channels=nr_channels, out_channels=64, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2),
            nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=5, stride=2, padding=2),
            nn.Conv2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=256, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),
        self.decoding = nn.Sequential(
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=256, out_channels=128, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1),
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=128, out_channels=64, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1),
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=32, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1),
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=1, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),
        self.output = nn.Sigmoid()

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.encoding(x)
        x = self.decoding(x)
        return self.output(x)

generator = MyGenerator(gen_in_dim=gen_in_dim, x_dim=x_dim)

Almost the same architecture can be loaded in one line again from the loading module which takes care of choosing the right input dimension:

generator = loader.load_generator(x_dim=x_dim, z_dim=z_dim, y_dim=y_dim)
discriminator = loader.load_adversary(x_dim=x_dim, y_dim=y_dim, adv_type="Discriminator")

gan_model = ConditionalVanillaGAN(
    generator=generator, adversary=discriminator, x_dim=x_dim, z_dim=z_dim, y_dim=y_dim,

Model training

The model training can now be done in one line of code:

gan_model.fit(X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train)

There are quite a few of optional hyper-parameters to choose from in this step. See the full code example below. The training of the GAN might take a while, depending on the size of your networks, the number of training examples and your hardware.

Model evaluation

We can finally investiagte the results of the GAN with:

samples, losses = gan_model.get_training_results(by_epoch=False)

fixed_labels = np.argmax(gan_model.get_fixed_labels(), axis=1)
fig, axs = plot_images(images=samples, labels=fixed_labels, show=False)

You can also generate examples from now on by providing the labels as input:

test_labels = np.eye(N=10)
test_samples = gan_model.generate(y=test_labels)
fig, axs = plot_images(images=test_samples, labels=np.argmax(test_labels, axis=1))

Saving and loading models

After a network has been trained in can easily be saved with:


and later loaded:

gan_model = VanillaGAN.load("model.torch")


gan_model = torch.load("model.torch")

Full code snippet

This is the previous code in one single block:

import numpy as np
import vegans.utils.loading as loading
from vegans.utils.utils import plot_images
from vegans.GAN import ConditionalVanillaGAN

loader = loading.MNISTLoader(root=None)
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = loader.load()

x_dim = X_train.shape[1:]
y_dim = y_train.shape[1:]
z_dim = 64

generator = loader.load_generator(x_dim=x_dim, z_dim=z_dim, y_dim=y_dim)
discriminator = loader.load_adversary(x_dim=x_dim, y_dim=y_dim, adv_type="Discriminator")

gan_model = ConditionalVanillaGAN(
    generator=generator, adversary=discriminator,
    x_dim=x_dim, z_dim=z_dim, y_dim=y_dim,
    optim=None, optim_kwargs=None,                # Optional
    feature_layer=None,                           # Optional
    fixed_noise_size=32,                          # Optional
    device=None,                                  # Optional
    ngpu=None,                                    # Optional
    folder=None,                                  # Optional
    secure=True                                   # Optional

    X_test=X_test,           # Optional
    y_test=y_test,           # Optional
    batch_size=32,           # Optional
    epochs=2,                # Optional
    steps=None,              # Optional
    print_every="0.2e",      # Optional
    save_model_every=None,   # Optional
    save_images_every=None,  # Optional
    save_losses_every=10,    # Optional
    enable_tensorboard=False # Optional
samples, losses = gan_model.get_training_results(by_epoch=False)

fixed_labels = np.argmax(gan_model.get_fixed_labels(), axis=1)
fig, axs = plot_images(images=samples, labels=fixed_labels)

test_labels = np.eye(N=10)
test_samples = gan_model.generate(y=test_labels)
fig, axs = plot_images(images=test_samples, labels=np.argmax(test_labels, axis=1))