Source code for

NLL Gaussian Scorer

Gaussian negative log-likelihood Scorer.

The anomaly score is the negative log likelihood of the actual series values
under a Gaussian distribution estimated from the stochastic predictions.

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm

from import NLLScorer

[docs]class GaussianNLLScorer(NLLScorer): def __init__(self, window: int = 1) -> None: """NLL Gaussian Scorer Parameters ---------- window Integer value indicating the size of the window W used by the scorer to transform the series into an anomaly score. A scorer will slice the given series into subsequences of size W and returns a value indicating how anomalous these subset of W values are. A post-processing step will convert this anomaly score into a point-wise anomaly score (see definition of `window_transform`). The window size should be commensurate to the expected durations of the anomalies one is looking for. """ super().__init__(window=window) def __str__(self): return "GaussianNLLScorer" def _score_core_nllikelihood( self, vals: np.ndarray, pred_vals: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: mu = np.mean(pred_vals, axis=1) std = np.std(pred_vals, axis=1) return -norm.logpdf(vals, loc=mu, scale=std)