Source code for

Scorers Base Classes

#     - add stride for Scorers like Kmeans and Wasserstein
#     - add option to normalize the windows for kmeans? capture only the form and not the values.

import copy
import sys
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Sequence
from typing import Optional, Union

if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
    from typing import Self
    from typing_extensions import Self
    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

import numpy as np

from darts import TimeSeries, metrics
from import (
from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_log
from darts.metrics.metrics import METRIC_TYPE
from import create_lagged_data
from darts.utils.ts_utils import series2seq
from darts.utils.utils import _build_tqdm_iterator, _parallel_apply

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class AnomalyScorer(ABC): """Base class for all anomaly scorers""" def __init__(self, is_univariate: bool, window: int) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- is_univariate Whether the scorer is a univariate scorer. window Integer value indicating the size of the window W used by the scorer to transform the series into an anomaly score. A scorer will slice the given series into subsequences of size W and returns a value indicating how anomalous these subset of W values are. A post-processing step will convert this anomaly score into a point-wise anomaly score (see definition of `window_transform`). The window size should be commensurate to the expected durations of the anomalies one is looking for. """ if window <= 0: raise_log( ValueError( f"Parameter `window` must be strictly greater than 0, found `{window}`." ), logger=logger, ) self.window = window self._is_univariate = is_univariate
[docs] def score_from_prediction( self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], pred_series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]: """Computes the anomaly score on the two (sequence of) series. If a pair of sequences is given, they must contain the same number of series. The scorer will score each pair of series independently and return an anomaly score for each pair. Parameters ---------- series: The (sequence of) actual series. pred_series The (sequence of) predicted series. Returns ------- Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]] (Sequence of) anomaly score time series """ called_with_single_series = isinstance(series, TimeSeries) series, pred_series = series2seq(series), series2seq(pred_series) name, pred_name = "series", "pred_series" _assert_same_length(series, pred_series, name, pred_name) pred_scores = [] for actual, pred in zip(series, pred_series): _sanity_check_two_series(actual, pred, name, pred_name) index = actual.slice_intersect_times(pred, copy=False) self._check_window_size(index) scores = self._score_core_from_prediction( vals=actual.slice_intersect_values(pred), pred_vals=pred.slice_intersect_values(actual), ) scores = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values( values=scores, times=index, ) if self.window > 1: # apply a moving average with window size `self.window` to the anomaly scores starting at `self.window`; # series of length `n` will be transformed into a series of length `n-self.window+1`. scores = scores.window_transform( transforms={ "window": self.window, "function": "mean", "mode": "rolling", "min_periods": self.window, }, treat_na="dropna", ) pred_scores.append(scores) return pred_scores[0] if called_with_single_series else pred_scores
[docs] def eval_metric_from_prediction( self, anomalies: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], pred_series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], metric: Literal["AUC_ROC", "AUC_PR"] = "AUC_ROC", ) -> Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Sequence[float]]]: """Computes the anomaly score between `series` and `pred_series`, and returns the score of an agnostic threshold metric. Parameters ---------- anomalies The (sequence of) ground truth binary anomaly series (`1` if it is an anomaly and `0` if not). series The (sequence of) actual series. pred_series The (sequence of) predicted series. metric The name of the metric function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" (Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve) and "AUC_PR" (Average Precision from scores). Default: "AUC_ROC". Returns ------- float A single metric value for a single univariate `series`. Sequence[float] A sequence of metric values for: - a single multivariate `series`. - a sequence of univariate `series`. Sequence[Sequence[float]] A sequence of sequences of metric values for a sequence of multivariate `series`. The outer sequence is over the series, and inner sequence is over the series' components/columns. """ self._check_univariate_scorer(anomalies) pred_scores = self.score_from_prediction(series, pred_series) return eval_metric_from_scores( anomalies=anomalies, pred_scores=pred_scores, window=self.window, metric=metric, )
[docs] def show_anomalies_from_prediction( self, series: TimeSeries, pred_series: TimeSeries, scorer_name: str = None, anomalies: TimeSeries = None, title: str = None, metric: Optional[Literal["AUC_ROC", "AUC_PR"]] = None, component_wise: bool = False, ): """Plot the results of the scorer. Computes the anomaly score on the two series. And plots the results. The plot will be composed of the following: - the series and the pred_series. - the anomaly score of the scorer. - the actual anomalies, if given. It is possible to: - add a title to the figure with the parameter `title` - give personalized name to the scorer with `scorer_name` - show the results of a metric for the anomaly score (AUC_ROC or AUC_PR), if the actual anomalies is provided. Parameters ---------- series The actual series to visualize anomalies from. pred_series The predicted series of `series`. anomalies The ground truth of the anomalies (1 if it is an anomaly and 0 if not) scorer_name Name of the scorer. title Title of the figure metric Optionally, the name of the metric function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" (Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve) and "AUC_PR" (Average Precision from scores). Default: "AUC_ROC". component_wise If True, will separately plot each component in case of multivariate anomaly detection. """ series = _check_input(series, name="series", num_series_expected=1)[0] pred_series = _check_input( pred_series, name="pred_series", num_series_expected=1 )[0] pred_scores = self.score_from_prediction(series, pred_series) if title is None: title = f"Anomaly results by scorer {str(self)}" if scorer_name is None: scorer_name = [f"anomaly score by {str(self)}"] return show_anomalies_from_scores( series=series, anomalies=anomalies, pred_series=pred_series, pred_scores=pred_scores, window=self.window, names_of_scorers=scorer_name, title=title, metric=metric, component_wise=component_wise, )
@property def is_probabilistic(self) -> bool: """Whether the scorer expects a probabilistic prediction as the first input.""" return False @property def is_univariate(self) -> bool: """Whether the Scorer is a univariate scorer.""" return self._is_univariate @property def is_trainable(self) -> bool: """Whether the scorer is trainable.""" return False @abstractmethod def __str__(self): """returns the name of the scorer""" pass @abstractmethod def _score_core_from_prediction( self, vals: np.ndarray, pred_vals: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: pass def _check_univariate_scorer( self, anomalies: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]] ): """Checks if `anomalies` contains only univariate series when the scorer has the parameter 'is_univariate' set to True. 'is_univariate' is: True -> when the function of the scorer `score(series)` (or, if applicable, `score_from_prediction(series, pred_series)`) returns a univariate anomaly score regardless of the input `series` (or, if applicable, `series` and `pred_series`). False -> when the scorer will return a series that has the same number of components as the input (can be univariate or multivariate). """ def _check_univariate(s: TimeSeries): """Checks if `anomalies` contains only univariate series, which is required if any of the scorers returns a univariate score. """ if self.is_univariate and not s.width == 1: raise_log( ValueError( f"Scorer {str(self)} will return a univariate anomaly score series (width=1). " f"Found a multivariate `anomalies`. " f"The evaluation of the accuracy cannot be computed between the two series." ), logger=logger, ) _ = _check_input(anomalies, name="anomalies", extra_checks=_check_univariate) def _check_window_size(self, series: Sequence): """Checks if the parameter window is less or equal than the length of the given series""" if not self.window <= len(series): raise_log( ValueError( f"Window size {self.window} is greater than the targeted series length {len(series)}, " f"must be lower or equal. Decrease the window size or increase the length series " f"input to score on." ), logger=logger, ) def _assert_stochastic(self, series: np.ndarray, name_series: str): """Checks if the series is stochastic (number of samples is larger than one).""" if not series.shape[2] > 1: raise_log( ValueError( f"Scorer {str(self)} is expecting `{name_series}` to be a stochastic " f"timeseries (number of samples must be higher than 1, found: {series.shape[2]}).", ), logger=logger, ) def _extract_deterministic_series(self, series: TimeSeries, name_series: str): """Extract a deterministic series from `series` (quantile=0.5 if `series` is probabilistic).""" if series.is_deterministic: return series logger.warning( f"Scorer {str(self)} is expecting `{name_series}` to be a (sequence of) deterministic " f"timeseries (number of samples must be equal to 1, found: {series.n_samples}). The series " f"will be converted to a deterministic series by taking the median of the samples.", ) return series.quantile_timeseries(quantile=0.5) def _extract_deterministic_values(self, series: np.ndarray, name_series: str): """Extract deterministic values from `series` (quantile=0.5 if `series` is probabilistic).""" if series.shape[2] == 1: return series logger.warning( f"Scorer {str(self)} is expecting `{name_series}` to be a (sequence of) deterministic " f"timeseries (number of samples must be equal to 1, found: {series.shape[2]}). The series " f"will be converted to a deterministic series by taking the median of the samples.", ) return np.expand_dims(np.quantile(series, q=0.5, axis=2), -1)
[docs]class FittableAnomalyScorer(AnomalyScorer): """Base class of scorers that require training.""" def __init__( self, is_univariate: bool, window: int, window_agg: bool, diff_fn: METRIC_TYPE =, n_jobs: int = 1, ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- is_univariate Whether the scorer is a univariate scorer. window Integer value indicating the size of the window W used by the scorer to transform the series into an anomaly score. A scorer will slice the given series into subsequences of size W and returns a value indicating how anomalous these subset of W values are. A post-processing step will convert this anomaly score into a point-wise anomaly score (see definition of `window_transform`). The window size should be commensurate to the expected durations of the anomalies one is looking for. window_agg Whether to transform/aggregate window-wise anomaly scores into a point-wise anomaly scores. diff_fn The differencing function to use to transform the predicted and actual series into one series. The scorer is then applied to this series. Must be one of Darts per-time-step metrics (e.g., :func:`` for the absolute difference, :func:`~darts.metrics.metrics.err` for the difference, :func:`` for the squared difference, ...). By default, uses the absolute difference (:func:``). n_jobs The number of jobs to run in parallel. Parallel jobs are created only when a `Sequence[TimeSeries]` is passed as input, parallelising operations regarding different `TimeSeries`. Defaults to `1` (sequential). Setting the parameter to `-1` means using all the available processors. """ super().__init__(is_univariate=is_univariate, window=window) if diff_fn not in metrics.TIME_DEPENDENT_METRICS: valid_metrics = [m.__name__ for m in metrics.TIME_DEPENDENT_METRICS] raise_log( ValueError( f"`diff_fn` must be one of Darts 'per time step' metrics " f"{valid_metrics}. Found `{diff_fn}`" ), logger=logger, ) self.diff_fn = diff_fn self.window_agg = window_agg self._n_jobs = n_jobs # indicates if the scorer has been trained yet self._fit_called = False self.width_trained_on: Optional[int] = None
[docs] def fit( self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], ) -> Self: """Fits the scorer on the given time series. If a sequence of series, the scorer is fitted on the concatenation of the sequence. The assumption is that `series` is generally anomaly-free. Parameters ---------- series The (sequence of) series with no anomalies. Returns ------- self Fitted Scorer. """ width = series2seq(series)[0].width series = _check_input( series, name="series", width_expected=width, extra_checks=self._check_window_size, ) self.width_trained_on = width self._fit_core(series) self._fit_called = True return self
[docs] def fit_from_prediction( self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], pred_series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], ): """Fits the scorer on the two (sequences of) series. The function `diff_fn` passed as a parameter to the scorer, will transform `pred_series` and `series` into one series. By default, `diff_fn` will compute the absolute difference (Default: :func:``). If `pred_series` and `series` are sequences, `diff_fn` will be applied to all pairwise elements of the sequences. The scorer will then be fitted on this (sequence of) series. If a sequence of series is given, the scorer will be fitted on the concatenation of the sequence. The scorer assumes that the (sequence of) series is anomaly-free. If any of the series is stochastic (with `n_samples>1`), `diff_fn` is computed on quantile `0.5`. Parameters ---------- series The (sequence of) actual series. pred_series The (sequence of) predicted series. Returns ------- self Fitted Scorer. """ series = _check_input(series, "series") pred_series = _check_input(pred_series, "pred_series") diff_series = self._diff_series(series, pred_series) self._fit_called = True
[docs] def score( self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]: """Computes the anomaly score on the given series. If a sequence of series is given, the scorer will score each series independently and return an anomaly score for each series in the sequence. Parameters ---------- series The (sequence of) series to detect anomalies from. Returns ------- Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]] (Sequence of) anomaly score time series """ self._check_fit_called() called_with_single_series = isinstance(series, TimeSeries) series = _check_input( series, name="series", extra_checks=self._check_window_size ) series = [self._extract_deterministic_series(s, "series") for s in series] pred_scores = self._score_core(series) return pred_scores[0] if called_with_single_series else pred_scores
[docs] def score_from_prediction( self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], pred_series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]: """Computes the anomaly score on the two (sequence of) series. The function `diff_fn` passed as a parameter to the scorer, will transform `pred_series` and `series` into one "difference" series. By default, `diff_fn` will compute the absolute difference (Default: :func:``). If series and pred_series are sequences, `diff_fn` will be applied to all pairwise elements of the sequences. The scorer will then transform this series into an anomaly score. If a sequence of series is given, the scorer will score each series independently and return an anomaly score for each series in the sequence. Parameters ---------- series The (sequence of) actual series. pred_series The (sequence of) predicted series. Returns ------- Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]] (Sequence of) anomaly score time series """ self._check_fit_called() called_with_single_series = isinstance(series, TimeSeries) series = _check_input(series, "series") pred_series = _check_input(pred_series, "pred_series") diff = self._diff_series(series, pred_series) pred_scores = self.score(diff) return pred_scores[0] if called_with_single_series else pred_scores
[docs] def eval_metric( self, anomalies: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], metric: Literal["AUC_ROC", "AUC_PR"] = "AUC_ROC", ) -> Union[float, Sequence[float], Sequence[Sequence[float]]]: """Computes the anomaly score of the given time series, and returns the score of an agnostic threshold metric. Parameters ---------- anomalies The (sequence of) ground truth binary anomaly series (`1` if it is an anomaly and `0` if not). series The (sequence of) series to detect anomalies from. metric The name of the metric function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" (Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve) and "AUC_PR" (Average Precision from scores). Default: "AUC_ROC". Returns ------- float A single score/metric for univariate `series` series (with only one component/column). Sequence[float] A sequence (list) of scores for: - multivariate `series` series (multiple components). Gives a score for each component. - a sequence (list) of univariate `series` series. Gives a score for each series. Sequence[Sequence[float]] A sequence of sequences of scores for a sequence of multivariate `series` series. Gives a score for each series (outer sequence) and component (inner sequence). """ anomalies = series2seq(anomalies) self._check_univariate_scorer(anomalies) pred_scores = self.score(series) window = 1 if self.window_agg else self.window return eval_metric_from_scores( anomalies=anomalies, pred_scores=pred_scores, window=window, metric=metric, )
[docs] def show_anomalies( self, series: TimeSeries, anomalies: TimeSeries = None, scorer_name: str = None, title: str = None, metric: Optional[Literal["AUC_ROC", "AUC_PR"]] = None, component_wise: bool = False, ): """Plot the results of the scorer. Computes the score on the given series input. And plots the results. The plot will be composed of the following: - the series itself. - the anomaly score of the score. - the actual anomalies, if given. It is possible to: - add a title to the figure with the parameter `title` - give personalized name to the scorer with `scorer_name` - show the results of a metric for the anomaly score (AUC_ROC or AUC_PR), if the actual anomalies is provided. Parameters ---------- series The series to visualize anomalies from. anomalies The (sequence of) ground truth binary anomaly series (`1` if it is an anomaly and `0` if not). scorer_name Name of the scorer. title Title of the figure metric Optionally, the name of the metric function to use. Must be one of "AUC_ROC" (Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve) and "AUC_PR" (Average Precision from scores). Default: "AUC_ROC". component_wise If True, will separately plot each component in case of multivariate anomaly detection. """ series = _check_input(series, name="series", num_series_expected=1)[0] pred_scores = self.score(series) if title is None: title = f"Anomaly results by scorer {str(self)}" if scorer_name is None: scorer_name = f"anomaly score by {str(self)}" if self.window_agg: window = 1 else: window = self.window return show_anomalies_from_scores( series=series, anomalies=anomalies, pred_scores=pred_scores, window=window, names_of_scorers=scorer_name, title=title, metric=metric, component_wise=component_wise, )
@property def is_trainable(self) -> bool: """Whether the Scorer is trainable.""" return True @abstractmethod def _fit_core(self, series: Sequence[TimeSeries], *args, **kwargs): pass @abstractmethod def _score_core( self, series: Sequence[TimeSeries], *args, **kwargs ) -> Sequence[TimeSeries]: pass def _score_core_from_prediction( self, vals: np.ndarray, pred_vals: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: pass def _diff_series( self, series: Sequence[TimeSeries], pred_series: Sequence[TimeSeries], ) -> Sequence[TimeSeries]: """Applies the `diff_fn` to two sequences of time series. Converts two time series into 1. Each series-pair in series and pred_series must: - have a non-empty time intersection - be of the same width W Parameters ---------- series A sequence of time series pred_series A sequence of predicted time series to compute `diff_fn` on. Returns ------- Sequence[TimeSeries] A sequence of series of width W from the difference between `series` and `pred_series`. """ residuals = self.diff_fn(series, pred_series, component_reduction=None) out = [] for s1, s2, res in zip(series, pred_series, residuals): time_index = s2.slice_intersect_times(s1, copy=False) out.append(s2.with_times_and_values(times=time_index, values=res)) return out def _fun_window_agg( self, scores: Sequence[TimeSeries], window: int ) -> Sequence[TimeSeries]: """ Transforms a window-wise anomaly score into a point-wise anomaly score. When using a window of size `W`, a scorer will return an anomaly score with values that represent how anomalous each past `W` is. If the parameter `window_agg` is set to `True` (default value), the scores for each point can be assigned by aggregating the anomaly scores for each window the point is included in. This post-processing step is equivalent to a rolling average of length window over the anomaly score series. The return anomaly score represents the abnormality of each timestamp. """ # TODO: can we use window_transform here? scores_point_wise = [] for score in scores: score_vals = score.all_values(copy=False) mean_score = np.empty(score_vals.shape) for idx_point in range(len(score)): # "look ahead window" to account for the "look behind window" of the scorer mean_score[idx_point] = score_vals[idx_point : idx_point + window].mean( axis=0 ) score_point_wise = score.with_times_and_values(score.time_index, mean_score) scores_point_wise.append(score_point_wise) return scores_point_wise def _check_fit_called(self): """Checks if the scorer has been fitted before calling its `score()` function.""" if not self._fit_called: raise_log( ValueError( f"The Scorer {str(self)} has not been fitted yet. Call `fit()` first." ), logger=logger, )
[docs]class WindowedAnomalyScorer(FittableAnomalyScorer): """Base class for anomaly scorers that rely on windows to detect anomalies""" def __init__( self, is_univariate: bool, window: int, window_agg: bool, diff_fn: METRIC_TYPE, ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- is_univariate Whether the scorer is a univariate scorer. If `True` and when using multivariate series, the scores are computed on the concatenated components/columns in the considered window to compute one score. window Integer value indicating the size of the window W used by the scorer to transform the series into an anomaly score. A scorer slices the given series into subsequences of size W and returns a value indicating how anomalous these subsets of W values are. A post-processing step will convert the anomaly scores into point-wise anomaly scores (see definition of `window_transform`). The window size should be commensurate to the expected durations of the anomalies one is looking for. window_agg Whether to transform/aggregate window-wise anomaly scores into point-wise anomaly scores. diff_fn The differencing function to use to transform the predicted and actual series into one series. The scorer is then applied to this series. Must be one of Darts per-time-step metrics (e.g., :func:`` for the absolute difference, :func:`~darts.metrics.metrics.err` for the difference, :func:`` for the squared difference, ...). By default, uses the absolute difference (:func:``). """ super().__init__( is_univariate=is_univariate, window=window, window_agg=window_agg, diff_fn=diff_fn, ) @abstractmethod def _model_score_method(self, model, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Wrapper around model inference method""" pass def _fit_core(self, series: Sequence[TimeSeries], *args, **kwargs): """Train one sub-model for each component when self.is_univariate=False and series is multivariate""" if self.is_univariate or series[0].width == 1:, component_wise=False)) return tabular_data = self._tabularize_series(series, component_wise=True) # parallelize fitting of the component-wise models fit_iterator = zip(tabular_data, [None] * len(tabular_data)) input_iterator = _build_tqdm_iterator( fit_iterator, verbose=False, desc=None, total=tabular_data.shape[1] ) self.model = _parallel_apply( input_iterator, copy.deepcopy(self.model).fit, n_jobs=self._n_jobs, fn_args=args, fn_kwargs=kwargs, ) def _score_core( self, series: Sequence[TimeSeries], *args, **kwargs ) -> Sequence[TimeSeries]: """Apply the scorer (sub) model scoring method on the series components""" _ = _check_input(series, "series", width_expected=self.width_trained_on) if self.is_univariate or series[0].width == 1: # n series * (time, components, samples) -> (n series * (time - (window - 1)),) score_vals = self._model_score_method( model=self.model, data=self._tabularize_series(series, component_wise=False), ) # (n series * (time - (window - 1)),) -> (components=1, n series * (time - (window - 1))) score_vals = np.expand_dims(score_vals, 0) else: # parallelize scoring of components by the corresponding sub-model score_iterator = zip( self.model, self._tabularize_series(series, component_wise=True), ) input_iterator = _build_tqdm_iterator( score_iterator, verbose=False, desc=None, total=len(self.model) ) # n series * (time, components, samples) -> (components, n series * (time - (window - 1))) score_vals = np.array( _parallel_apply( input_iterator, self._model_score_method, n_jobs=self._n_jobs, fn_args=args, fn_kwargs=kwargs, ) ) # (components, n series * (time - (window - 1))) -> n series * (time - (window - 1), components) score_series = self._convert_tabular_to_series(series, score_vals) if self.window > 1 and self.window_agg: return self._fun_window_agg(score_series, self.window) else: return score_series def _tabularize_series( self, series: Sequence[TimeSeries], component_wise: bool ) -> np.ndarray: """Internal function called by WindowedAnomalyScorer `fit()` and `score()` functions. Transforms a sequence of series into tabular data of size window `W`. The parameter `component_wise` indicates how the rolling window must treat the different components if the series is multivariate. If set to `False`, the rolling window will be done on each component independently. If set to `True`, the `N` components will be concatenated to create windows of size `W` * `N`. The resulting tabular data of each series are concatenated. Returns ------- np.ndarray For `component_wise=True`, an array of shape (components, time - (window - 1), window). The component dimension is in first place for easy parallelization over all component-wise models. For `component_wise=False`, an array of shape (time - (window - 1), window * components). """ # n series * (time, components, sample) -> (time - (window - 1), window * components) data = create_lagged_data( target_series=series, lags=[i for i in range(-self.window, 0)], uses_static_covariates=False, is_training=False, concatenate=True, )[0].squeeze(-1) # bring into required model input shape if component_wise: # (time - (window - 1), window * components) -> (time - (window - 1), window, components) data = data.reshape((-1, self.window, series[0].width)) # (time - (window - 1), window, components) -> (components, time - (window - 1), window) d_time, d_wind, d_comp = (0, 1, 2) data = np.moveaxis(data, [d_time, d_comp], [d_wind, d_time]) return data def _convert_tabular_to_series( self, series: Sequence[TimeSeries], score_vals: np.ndarray ) -> Sequence[TimeSeries]: """Converts generated anomaly score from `np.ndarray` into a sequence of series. For efficiency reasons, the anomaly scores were computed in one go (for each component if `component_wise=True`). If a list of series is given, each series will be concatenated by its components. The function aims to split the anomaly score at the proper indexes to create an anomaly score for each series. """ if not self.is_univariate or self.is_univariate and series[0].width == 1: # number of input components matches output components, we can generate a new series # with the same attrs, and component names create_fn = "with_times_and_values" else: # otherwise, create a clean new series create_fn = "from_times_and_values" # (components, n series * (time - (window - 1))) -> (n series * (time - (window - 1)), components) score_vals = score_vals.T result = [] idx = 0 # (n series * (time - (window - 1)), components) -> n series * (time - (window - 1), components) for s in series: result.append( getattr(s, create_fn)( times=s._time_index[self.window - 1 :], values=score_vals[idx : idx + len(s) - self.window + 1, :], ) ) idx += len(s) - self.window + 1 return result
[docs]class NLLScorer(AnomalyScorer): """Parent class for all LikelihoodScorer""" def __init__(self, window) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- window Integer value indicating the size of the window W used by the scorer to transform the series into an anomaly score. A scorer will slice the given series into subsequences of size W and returns a value indicating how anomalous these subset of W values are. A post-processing step will convert this anomaly score into a point-wise anomaly score (see definition of `window_transform`). The window size should be commensurate to the expected durations of the anomalies one is looking for. """ super().__init__(is_univariate=False, window=window) @property def is_probabilistic(self) -> bool: return True def _score_core_from_prediction( self, vals: np.ndarray, pred_vals: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """For each timestamp of the inputs: - the parameters of the considered distribution are fitted on the samples of the probabilistic time series - the negative log-likelihood of the deterministic time series values are computed If the series is multivariate, the score will be computed on each component independently. Parameters ---------- vals The values of a deterministic time series (number of samples per timestamp must be equal to 1) pred_vals The values of a probabilistic time series (number of samples per timestamp must be higher than 1) time_index The time index intersection between `series` and `pred_series`. Returns ------- TimeSeries """ vals = self._extract_deterministic_values(vals, "series") self._assert_stochastic(pred_vals, "pred_series") np_anomaly_scores = [] for component_idx in range(pred_vals.shape[1]): np_anomaly_scores.append( self._score_core_nllikelihood( vals[:, component_idx].squeeze(-1), pred_vals[:, component_idx], ) ) return np.array(np_anomaly_scores).T @abstractmethod def _score_core_nllikelihood( self, vals: np.ndarray, pred_vals: np.ndarray ) -> np.ndarray: """For each timestamp, the corresponding distribution is fitted on the probabilistic time-series input_2, and returns the negative log-likelihood of the deterministic time-series input_1 given the distribution. """ pass