Source code for darts.dataprocessing.transformers.diff

Differencing Transformer

from typing import Any, Mapping, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np

from darts.dataprocessing.transformers.fittable_data_transformer import (
from darts.dataprocessing.transformers.invertible_data_transformer import (
from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_if, raise_if_not
from darts.timeseries import TimeSeries

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Diff(FittableDataTransformer, InvertibleDataTransformer): def __init__( self, lags: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, dropna: bool = True, name: str = "Diff", n_jobs: int = 1, verbose: bool = False, ): r"""Differencing data transformer. Differencing is typically applied to a time series to make it stationary; see [1]_ for further details. The transformation is applied independently over each dimension (component) and sample of the time series. Notes ----- `Diff` sequentially applies a series of :math:`m`-lagged differencing operations (i.e. :math:`y\prime_t = y_t - y_{t-m}`) to a time series; please refer to [2]_ for further details about lagged differencing. The :math:`m` value to use for each differencing operation is specified by the `lags` parameter; for example, setting `lags = [1, 12]` first applies 1-lagged differencing to the time series, and then 12-lagged differencing to the 1-lagged differenced series. Each element in `lags` represents a single first-order differencing operation, so the 'total order' of the differencing equals `len(lags)`. To specify second-order differencing then (i.e. the equivalent of `series.diff(n=2)`), one should specify `lags = [1,1]` (i.e. two sequential 1-lagged, first-order differences); see [3]_ for further details on second-order differencing. Upon computing each :math:`m`-lagged difference, the first :math:`m` values of the time series are 'lost', since differences cannot be computed for these values. The length of a `series` transformed by `Diff(lags=lags)` will therefore be `series.n_timesteps - sum(lags)`. Parameters ---------- name A specific name for the transformer lags Specifies the lag values to be used for each first-order differencing operation (i.e. the :math:`m` value in :math:`y'_t = y_t - y_{t-m}`). If a single int is provided, only one differencing operation is performed with this specified lag value. If a sequence of ints is provided, multiple differencing operations are sequentially performed using each value in `lags`, one after the other. For example, specifying `lags = [2, 3]` will effectively compute `series.diff(n=1, periods=2).diff(n=1, periods=3)`. dropna Optionally, specifies if values which can't be differenced (i.e. at the start of the series) should be dropped. Note that if `dropna = True`, then a `component_mask` cannot be specified, since the undifferenced components will be of a different length to the differenced ones. n_jobs The number of jobs to run in parallel. Parallel jobs are created only when a ``Sequence[TimeSeries]`` is passed as input, parallelising operations regarding different ``TimeSeries``. Defaults to `1` (sequential). Setting the parameter to `-1` means using all the available processors. Note: for a small amount of data, the parallelisation overhead could end up increasing the total required amount of time. verbose Whether to print operations progress Examples -------- >>> from darts.datasets import AirPassengersDataset >>> from darts.dataprocessing.transformers import Diff >>> series = AirPassengersDataset().load() >>> first_order_diff = Diff(lags=1, dropna=True).fit_transform(series) >>> print(first_order_diff.head()) <TimeSeries (DataArray) (Month: 5, component: 1, sample: 1)> array([[[ 6.]], [[14.]], [[-3.]], [[-8.]], [[14.]]]) Coordinates: * Month (Month) datetime64[ns] 1949-02-01 1949-03-01 ... 1949-06-01 * component (component) object '#Passengers' >>> second_order_diff = Diff(lags=[1, 2], dropna=False).fit_transform(series) >>> print(second_order_diff.head()) <TimeSeries (DataArray) (Month: 5, component: 1, sample: 1)> array([[[ nan]], [[ nan]], [[ nan]], [[ -9.]], [[-22.]]]) Coordinates: * Month (Month) datetime64[ns] 1949-01-01 1949-02-01 ... 1949-05-01 * component (component) object '#Passengers' References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] .. [3] """ if not isinstance(lags, Sequence): lags = (lags,) # Define fixed params (i.e. attributes defined before calling `super().__init__`): self._lags = lags self._dropna = dropna # Don't automatically apply `component_mask` - need to throw error when `dropna = True` # and `component_mask` is specified: super().__init__( name=name, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, mask_components=False )
[docs] @staticmethod def ts_fit(series: TimeSeries, params: Mapping[str, Any], **kwargs) -> Any: lags, dropna = params["fixed"]["_lags"], params["fixed"]["_dropna"] lags_sum = sum(lags) raise_if( series.n_timesteps <= lags_sum, ( f"Series requires at least {lags_sum + 1} timesteps " f"to difference with lags {lags}; series only has " f"{series.n_timesteps} timesteps." ), logger, ) component_mask = Diff._get_component_mask(kwargs, dropna) vals = Diff.apply_component_mask(series, component_mask, return_ts=False) # First `lags_sum` values of time series will be 'lost' due to differencing; # need to remember these values to 'undifference': start_vals = vals[:lags_sum, :, :] diffed = start_vals cutoff = 0 for lag in lags: # Store first `lag` values of current differencing step: start_vals[cutoff:, :, :] = diffed diffed = diffed[lag:, :, :] - diffed[:-lag, :, :] cutoff += lag return start_vals, component_mask, series.start_time(), series.freq
[docs] @staticmethod def ts_transform( series: TimeSeries, params: Mapping[str, Any], **kwargs ) -> TimeSeries: lags, dropna = params["fixed"]["_lags"], params["fixed"]["_dropna"] component_mask = Diff._get_component_mask(kwargs, dropna) diffed = Diff.apply_component_mask(series, component_mask, return_ts=True) for lag in lags: diffed = diffed.diff(n=1, periods=lag, dropna=dropna) # `series` needs same `n_timesteps` as `diffed` for `unapply_component_mask` if dropna: series = series.drop_before(sum(lags) - 1) return Diff.unapply_component_mask(series, diffed, component_mask)
[docs] @staticmethod def ts_inverse_transform( series: TimeSeries, params: Mapping[str, Any], **kwargs, ) -> TimeSeries: lags, dropna = params["fixed"]["_lags"], params["fixed"]["_dropna"] start_vals, fit_component_mask, start_time, freq = params["fitted"] raise_if_not( series.freq == freq, ( f"Series is of frequency {series.freq}, but " f"transform was fitted to data of frequency {freq}." ), logger, ) # Start dates 'missing' from differenced series if dropna = True, so need to shift forward: expected_start = start_time + sum(lags) * series.freq if dropna else start_time raise_if_not( series.start_time() == expected_start, ( f"Expected series to begin at time {expected_start}; " f"instead, it begins at time {series.start_time()}." ), logger, ) component_mask = Diff._get_component_mask(kwargs, dropna) raise_if_not( np.all(fit_component_mask == component_mask), ( "Provided `component_mask` does not match " "`component_mask` specified when `fit` was called." ), logger, ) if dropna: nan_shape = (sum(lags), series.n_components, series.n_samples) nan_vals = np.full(nan_shape, fill_value=np.nan) series = series.prepend_values(nan_vals) vals = Diff.apply_component_mask(series, component_mask, return_ts=False) raise_if_not( vals.shape[1] == start_vals.shape[1], ( f"Expected series to have {start_vals.shape[1]} components; " f"instead, it has {vals.shape[1]}." ), logger, ) raise_if_not( vals.shape[2] == start_vals.shape[2], ( f"Expected series to have {start_vals.shape[2]} samples; " f"instead, it has {vals.shape[2]}." ), logger, ) cutoff = sum(lags) for lag in reversed(lags): cutoff -= lag to_undiff = vals[cutoff:, :, :] to_undiff[:lag, :, :] = start_vals[cutoff : cutoff + lag, :, :] for i in range(lag): to_undiff[i::lag, :, :] = np.cumsum(to_undiff[i::lag, :, :], axis=0) vals[cutoff:, :, :] = to_undiff vals = Diff.unapply_component_mask(series, vals, component_mask) return series.with_values(vals)
@staticmethod def _get_component_mask(kwargs, dropna): component_mask = kwargs.get("component_mask", None) raise_if( dropna and (component_mask is not None), ( "Cannot specify `component_mask` with `dropna = True`, " "since differenced and undifferenced components will be " "of different lengths." ), logger, ) return component_mask