Source code for darts.explainability.tft_explainer

TFT Explainer for Temporal Fusion Transformer (TFTModel)

The `TFTExplainer` uses a trained :class:`TFTModel <darts.models.forecasting.tft_model.TFTModel>` and extracts the
explainability information from the model.

- :func:`plot_variable_selection() <TFTExplainer.plot_variable_selection>` plots the variable selection weights for
  each of the input features.
  - encoder importance: historic part of target, past covariates and historic part of future covariates
  - decoder importance: future part of future covariates
  - static covariates importance: the numeric and catageorical static covariates importance

- :func:`plot_attention() <TFTExplainer.plot_attention>` plots the transformer attention that the `TFTModel` applies
  on the given past and future input. The attention is aggregated over all attention heads.

The attention and feature importance values can be extracted using the :class:`TFTExplainabilityResult
<darts.explainability.explainability_result.TFTExplainabilityResult>` returned by
:func:`explain() <TFTExplainer.explain>`. An example of this is shown in the method description.

We also show how to use the `TFTExplainer` in the example notebook of the `TFTModel` `here

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

import matplotlib.axes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from torch import Tensor

from darts import TimeSeries
from darts.explainability import TFTExplainabilityResult
from darts.explainability.explainability import _ForecastingModelExplainer
from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_log
from darts.models import TFTModel
from darts.utils.utils import generate_index

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class TFTExplainer(_ForecastingModelExplainer): model: TFTModel def __init__( self, model: TFTModel, background_series: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None, background_past_covariates: Optional[ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]] ] = None, background_future_covariates: Optional[ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]] ] = None, ): """ Explainer class for the `TFTModel`. **Definitions** - A background series is a `TimeSeries` that is used as a default for generating the explainability result (if no `foreground` is passed to :func:`explain() <TFTExplainer.explain>`). - A foreground series is a `TimeSeries` that can be passed to :func:`explain() <TFTExplainer.explain>` to use instead of the background for generating the explainability result. Parameters ---------- model The fitted `TFTModel` to be explained. background_series Optionally, a series or list of series to use as a default target series for the explanations. Optional if `model` was trained on a single target series. By default, it is the `series` used at fitting time. Mandatory if `model` was trained on multiple (sequence of) target series. background_past_covariates Optionally, a past covariates series or list of series to use as a default past covariates series for the explanations. The same requirements apply as for `background_series` . background_future_covariates Optionally, a future covariates series or list of series to use as a default future covariates series for the explanations. The same requirements apply as for `background_series`. Examples -------- >>> from darts.datasets import AirPassengersDataset >>> from darts.explainability.tft_explainer import TFTExplainer >>> from darts.models import TFTModel >>> series = AirPassengersDataset().load() >>> model = TFTModel( >>> input_chunk_length=12, >>> output_chunk_length=6, >>> add_encoders={"cyclic": {"future": ["hour"]}} >>> ) >>> >>> # create the explainer and generate explanations >>> explainer = TFTExplainer(model) >>> results = explainer.explain() >>> # plot the results >>> explainer.plot_attention(results, plot_type="all") >>> explainer.plot_variable_selection(results) """ super().__init__( model, background_series=background_series, background_past_covariates=background_past_covariates, background_future_covariates=background_future_covariates, requires_background=True, requires_covariates_encoding=False, check_component_names=False, test_stationarity=False, ) # add the relative index that generated inside the model (not in the input data) if model.add_relative_index: if self.future_covariates_components is not None: self.future_covariates_components.append("add_relative_index") else: self.future_covariates_components = ["add_relative_index"]
[docs] def explain( self, foreground_series: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None, foreground_past_covariates: Optional[ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]] ] = None, foreground_future_covariates: Optional[ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]] ] = None, horizons: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, target_components: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> TFTExplainabilityResult: """Returns the :class:`TFTExplainabilityResult <darts.explainability.explainability_result.TFTExplainabilityResult>` result for all series in `foreground_series`. If `foreground_series` is `None`, will use the `background` input from `TFTExplainer` creation (either the `background` passed to creation, or the series stored in the `TFTModel` in case it was only trained on a single series). For each series, the results contain the attention heads, encoder variable importances, decoder variable importances, and static covariates importances. Parameters ---------- foreground_series Optionally, one or a sequence of target `TimeSeries` to be explained. Can be multivariate. If not provided, the background `TimeSeries` will be explained instead. foreground_past_covariates Optionally, one or a sequence of past covariates `TimeSeries` if required by the forecasting model. foreground_future_covariates Optionally, one or a sequence of future covariates `TimeSeries` if required by the forecasting model. horizons This parameter is not used by the `TFTExplainer`. target_components This parameter is not used by the `TFTExplainer`. Returns ------- TFTExplainabilityResult The explainability result containing the attention heads, encoder variable importances, decoder variable importances, and static covariates importances. Examples -------- >>> explainer = TFTExplainer(model) # requires `background` if model was trained on multiple series Optionally, give a foreground input to generate the explanation on a new input. Otherwise, leave it empty to compute the explanation on the background from `TFTExplainer` creation >>> explain_results = explainer.explain( >>> foreground_series=foreground_series, >>> foreground_past_covariates=foreground_past_covariates, >>> foreground_future_covariates=foreground_future_covariates, >>> ) >>> attn = explain_results.get_attention() >>> importances = explain_results.get_feature_importances() """ if target_components is not None or horizons is not None: logger.warning( "`horizons`, and `target_components` are not supported by `TFTExplainer` and will be ignored." ) super().explain( foreground_series, foreground_past_covariates, foreground_future_covariates ) ( foreground_series, foreground_past_covariates, foreground_future_covariates, _, _, _, _, ) = self._process_foreground( foreground_series, foreground_past_covariates, foreground_future_covariates, ) horizons, _ = self._process_horizons_and_targets(None, None) preds = self.model.predict( n=self.n, series=foreground_series, past_covariates=foreground_past_covariates, future_covariates=foreground_future_covariates, ) # get the weights and the attention head from the trained model for the prediction # aggregate over attention heads attention_heads = ( self.model.model._attn_out_weights.detach().cpu().numpy().sum(axis=-2) ) # get the variable importances (pd.DataFrame with rows corresponding to the number of input series) encoder_importance = self._encoder_importance decoder_importance = self._decoder_importance static_covariates_importance = self._static_covariates_importance horizon_idx = [h - 1 for h in horizons] results = [] icl = self.model.input_chunk_length for idx, (series, pred_series) in enumerate(zip(foreground_series, preds)): times = series.time_index[-icl:].union(pred_series.time_index) attention = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values( values=np.take(attention_heads[idx], horizon_idx, axis=0).T, times=times, columns=[f"horizon {str(i)}" for i in horizons], ) results.append({ "attention": attention, "encoder_importance": encoder_importance.iloc[idx : idx + 1], "decoder_importance": decoder_importance.iloc[idx : idx + 1], "static_covariates_importance": static_covariates_importance.iloc[ idx : idx + 1 ], }) return TFTExplainabilityResult( explanations=results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results )
[docs] def plot_variable_selection( self, expl_result: TFTExplainabilityResult, fig_size=None, max_nr_series: int = 5, ): """Plots the variable selection / feature importances of the `TFTModel` based on the input. The figure includes three subplots: - encoder importances: contains the past target, past covariates, and historic future covariates importance on the encoder (input chunk) - decoder importances: contains the future covariates importance on the decoder (output chunk) - static covariates importances: contains the numeric and / or categorical static covariates importance Parameters ---------- expl_result A `TFTExplainabilityResult` object. Corresponds to the output of :func:`explain() <TFTExplainer.explain>`. fig_size The size of the figure to be plotted. max_nr_series The maximum number of plots to show in case `expl_result` was computed on multiple series. """ encoder_importance = expl_result.get_encoder_importance() decoder_importance = expl_result.get_decoder_importance() static_covariates_importance = expl_result.get_static_covariates_importance() if not isinstance(encoder_importance, list): encoder_importance = [encoder_importance] decoder_importance = [decoder_importance] static_covariates_importance = [static_covariates_importance] uses_static_covariates = not static_covariates_importance[0].empty for idx, (enc_imp, dec_imp, stc_imp) in enumerate( zip(encoder_importance, decoder_importance, static_covariates_importance) ): # plot the encoder and decoder weights fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=3 if uses_static_covariates else 2, sharex=True, figsize=fig_size ) self._plot_cov_selection( enc_imp, title="Encoder variable importance", ax=axes[0] ) axes[0].set_xlabel("") self._plot_cov_selection( dec_imp, title="Decoder variable importance", ax=axes[1] ) if uses_static_covariates: axes[1].set_xlabel("") self._plot_cov_selection( stc_imp, title="Static variable importance", ax=axes[2], ) fig.tight_layout() if idx + 1 == max_nr_series: break
[docs] def plot_attention( self, expl_result: TFTExplainabilityResult, plot_type: Optional[Literal["all", "time", "heatmap"]] = "all", show_index_as: Literal["relative", "time"] = "relative", ax: Optional[matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, max_nr_series: int = 5, show_plot: bool = True, ) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes: """Plots the attention heads of the `TFTModel`. Parameters ---------- expl_result A `TFTExplainabilityResult` object. Corresponds to the output of :func:`explain() <TFTExplainer.explain>`. plot_type The type of attention head plot. One of ("all", "time", "heatmap"). If "all", will plot the attention per horizon (given the horizons in the `TFTExplainabilityResult`). The maximum horizon corresponds to the `output_chunk_length` of the trained `TFTModel`. If "time", will plot the mean attention over all horizons. If "heatmap", will plot the attention per horizon on a heat map. The horizons are shown on the y-axis, and times / relative indices on the x-axis. show_index_as The type of index to be shown. One of ("relative", "time"). If "relative", will plot the x-axis from `(-input_chunk_length, output_chunk_length - 1)`. `0` corresponds to the first prediction point. If "time", will plot the x-axis with the actual time index (or range index) of the corresponding `TFTExplainabilityResult`. ax Optionally, an axis to plot on. Only effective on a single `expl_result`. max_nr_series The maximum number of plots to show in case `expl_result` was computed on multiple series. show_plot Whether to show the plot. """ single_series = False attentions = expl_result.get_explanation(component="attention") if isinstance(attentions, TimeSeries): attentions = [attentions] single_series = True for idx, attention in enumerate(attentions): if ax is None or not single_series: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if show_index_as == "relative": x_ticks = generate_index( start=-self.model.input_chunk_length, end=self.n - 1 ) attention = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values( times=generate_index( start=-self.model.input_chunk_length, end=self.n - 1 ), values=attention.values(copy=False), columns=attention.components, ) x_label = "Index relative to first prediction point" elif show_index_as == "time": x_ticks = attention.time_index x_label = "Time index" else: x_label, x_ticks = None, None raise_log( ValueError("`show_index_as` must either be 'relative', or 'time'.") ) prediction_start_color = "red" if plot_type == "all": ax_title = "Attention per Horizon" y_label = "Attention" attention.plot(max_nr_components=-1, ax=ax) elif plot_type == "time": ax_title = "Mean Attention" y_label = "Attention" attention.mean(1).plot(label="Mean Attention Head", ax=ax) elif plot_type == "heatmap": ax_title = "Attention Heat Map" y_label = "Horizon" # generate a heat map x, y = np.meshgrid(x_ticks, np.arange(1, self.n + 1)) c = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, attention.values().transpose(), cmap="hot") ax.axis([x.min(), x.max(), y.max(), y.min()]) prediction_start_color = "lightblue" fig.colorbar(c, ax=ax, orientation="horizontal") else: raise raise_log( ValueError("`plot_type` must be either 'all', 'time' or 'heatmap'"), logger=logger, ) # draw the prediction start point y_min, y_max = ax.get_ylim() ax.vlines( x=x_ticks[-self.n], ymin=y_min, ymax=y_max, label="prediction start", ls="dashed", lw=2, colors=prediction_start_color, ) ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) title_suffix = "" if single_series else f": series index {idx}" ax.set_title(ax_title + title_suffix) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left") if show_plot: if idx + 1 == max_nr_series: break return ax
@property def _encoder_importance(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Returns the encoder variable importance of the TFT model. The encoder_weights are calculated for the past inputs of the model. The encoder_importance contains the weights of the encoder variable selection network. The encoder variable selection network is used to select the most important static and time dependent covariates. It provides insights which variable are most significant for the prediction problem. See section 4.2 of the paper for more details. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The encoder variable importance. """ return self._get_importance( weight=self.model.model._encoder_sparse_weights, names=self.model.model.encoder_variables, ) @property def _decoder_importance(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Returns the decoder variable importance of the TFT model. The decoder_weights are calculated for the known future inputs of the model. The decoder_importance contains the weights of the decoder variable selection network. The decoder variable selection network is used to select the most important static and time dependent covariates. It provides insights which variable are most significant for the prediction problem. See section 4.2 of the paper for more details. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The importance of the decoder variables. """ return self._get_importance( weight=self.model.model._decoder_sparse_weights, names=self.model.model.decoder_variables, ) @property def _static_covariates_importance(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Returns the static covariates importance of the TFT model. The static covariate importances are calculated for the static inputs of the model (numeric and / or categorical). The static variable selection network is used to select the most important static covariates. It provides insights which variable are most significant for the prediction problem. See section 4.2, and 4.3 of the paper for more details. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The static covariates importance. """ return self._get_importance( weight=self.model.model._static_covariate_var, names=self.model.model.static_variables, ) def _get_importance( self, weight: Tensor, names: List[str], n_decimals=3, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Returns the encoder or decoder variable of the TFT model. Parameters ---------- weights The weights of the encoder or decoder of the trained TFT model. names The encoder or decoder names saved in the TFT model class. n_decimals The number of decimals to round the importance to. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The importance of the variables. """ if weight is None: return pd.DataFrame() # static covariates aggregation needs expansion in first dimension if weight.ndim == 3: weight = weight.unsqueeze(1) # transform the encoder/decoder weights to percentages, rounded to n_decimals weights_percentage = ( weight.detach().cpu().numpy().mean(axis=1).squeeze(axis=1).round(n_decimals) * 100 ) # create a dataframe with the variable names and the weights name_mapping = self._name_mapping importance = pd.DataFrame( weights_percentage, columns=[name_mapping[name] for name in names], ) # return the importance sorted descending return importance.transpose().sort_values(0, ascending=True).transpose() @property def _name_mapping(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Returns the feature name mapping of the TFT model. Returns ------- Dict[str, str] The feature name mapping. For example { 'target_0': 'ice cream', 'past_covariate_0': 'heater', 'past_covariate_1': 'year', 'past_covariate_2': 'month', 'future_covariate_0': 'darts_enc_fc_cyc_month_sin', 'future_covariate_1': 'darts_enc_fc_cyc_month_cos', } """ def map_cols(comps, name, suffix): comps = comps if comps is not None else [] return { f"{name}_{i}": colname + f"_{suffix}" for i, colname in enumerate(comps) } return { **map_cols(self.target_components, "target", "target"), **map_cols( self.static_covariates_components, "static_covariate", "statcov" ), **map_cols(self.past_covariates_components, "past_covariate", "pastcov"), **map_cols(self.future_covariates_components, "future_covariate", "futcov"), } @staticmethod def _plot_cov_selection( importance: pd.DataFrame, title: str = "Variable importance", ax: Optional[matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, ): """Plots the variable importance of the TFT model. Parameters ---------- importance The encoder / decoder importance. title The title of the plot. ax Optionally, an axis to plot on. Otherwise, will create and plot on a new axis. """ if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() ax.barh(importance.columns.tolist(), importance.values[0].tolist()) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_ylabel("Variable", fontsize=12) ax.set_xlabel("Variable importance in %") return ax