Global Baseline Models (Naive)
A collection of simple benchmark models working with univariate, multivariate, single, and multiple series.
- :class:`GlobalNaiveAggregate`
- :class:`GlobalNaiveDrift`
- :class:`GlobalNaiveSeasonal`
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections.abc import Sequence
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union
import torch
from darts import TimeSeries
from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_log
from darts.models.forecasting.pl_forecasting_module import (
from darts.models.forecasting.torch_forecasting_model import (
from darts.utils.data.sequential_dataset import MixedCovariatesSequentialDataset
from darts.utils.data.training_dataset import MixedCovariatesTrainingDataset
MixedCovariatesTrainTensorType = tuple[
torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor
logger = get_logger(__name__)
def _extract_targets(batch: tuple[torch.Tensor], n_targets: int):
"""Extracts and returns the target components from an input batch
The input batch tuple for the forward method. Has elements `(x_past, x_future, x_static)`.
The number of target components to extract.
return batch[0][:, :, :n_targets]
def _repeat_along_output_chunk(x: torch.Tensor, ocl: int) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Expands a tensor `x` of shape (batch size, n components) to a tensor of shape
(batch size, `ocl`, n target components, 1 (n samples)), by repeating the values
along the `output_chunk_length` axis.
An input tensor of shape (batch size, n target components)
The output_chunk_length.
return x.view(-1, 1, x[0].shape[-1], 1).expand(-1, ocl, -1, -1)
class _GlobalNaiveModule(PLMixedCovariatesModule, ABC):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Pytorch module for implementing naive models.
Implement your own naive module by subclassing from `_GlobalNaiveModule`, and implement the
logic for prediction in the private `_forward` method.
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def forward(
self, x_in: tuple[torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor], Optional[torch.Tensor]]
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Naive model forward pass.
comes as tuple `(x_past, x_future, x_static)` where `x_past` is the input/past chunk and `x_future`
is the output/future chunk. Input dimensions are `(batch_size, time_steps, components)`
The output Tensor of shape `(batch_size, output_chunk_length, output_dim, nr_params)`
return self._forward(x_in)
def _forward(self, x_in) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Private method to implement the forward method in the subclasses."""
class _GlobalNaiveModel(MixedCovariatesTorchModel, ABC):
def __init__(
input_chunk_length: int,
output_chunk_length: int,
output_chunk_shift: int = 0,
use_static_covariates: bool = True,
"""Base class for global naive models. The naive models inherit from `MixedCovariatesTorchModel` giving access
to past, future, and static covariates in the model `forward()` method. This allows to create custom models
naive models which can make use of the covariates. The built-in naive models will not use this information.
The naive models do not have to be trained before generating predictions.
To add a new naive model:
- subclass from `_GlobalNaiveModel` with implementation of private method `_create_model` that creates an
object of:
- subclass from `_GlobalNaiveModule` with implementation of private method `_forward`
.. note::
- Model checkpointing with `save_checkpoints=True`, and checkpoint loading with `load_from_checkpoint()`
and `load_weights_from_checkpoint()` are not supported for global naive models.
The length of the input sequence fed to the model.
The length of the emitted forecast and output sequence fed to the model.
Optionally, the number of steps to shift the start of the output chunk into the future (relative to the
input chunk end). This will create a gap between the input and output. If the model supports
`future_covariates`, the future values are extracted from the shifted output chunk. Predictions will start
`output_chunk_shift` steps after the end of the target `series`. If `output_chunk_shift` is set, the model
cannot generate autoregressive predictions (`n > output_chunk_length`).
Whether the model should use static covariate information in case the input `series` passed to ``fit()``
contain static covariates. If ``True``, and static covariates are available at fitting time, will enforce
that all target `series` have the same static covariate dimensionality in ``fit()`` and ``predict()``.
Optional arguments to initialize the pytorch_lightning.Module, pytorch_lightning.Trainer, and
Darts' :class:`TorchForecastingModel`.
Since naive models are not trained, the following parameters will have no effect:
`loss_fn`, `likelihood`, `optimizer_cls`, `optimizer_kwargs`, `lr_scheduler_cls`, `lr_scheduler_kwargs`,
`n_epochs`, `save_checkpoints`, and some of `pl_trainer_kwargs`.
# extract pytorch lightning module kwargs
self.pl_module_params = self._extract_pl_module_params(**self.model_params)
self._considers_static_covariates = use_static_covariates
def fit(
series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]],
past_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None,
future_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None,
) -> TorchForecastingModel:
"""Fit/train the model on a (or potentially multiple) series.
This method is only implemented for naive baseline models to provide a unified fit/predict API with other
forecasting models.
The model is not really trained on the input, but `fit()` is used to setup the model based on the input series.
Also, it stores the training `series` in case only a single `TimeSeries` was passed. This allows to call
`predict()` without having to pass the single `series`.
A series or sequence of series serving as target (i.e. what the model will be trained to forecast)
Optionally, a series or sequence of series specifying past-observed covariates
Optionally, a series or sequence of series specifying future-known covariates
Optionally, some keyword arguments.
Fitted model.
return super().fit(series, past_covariates, future_covariates, *args, **kwargs)
def load_from_checkpoint(
model_name: str,
work_dir: str = None,
file_name: str = None,
best: bool = True,
) -> "TorchForecastingModel":
"GlobalNaiveModels do not support loading from checkpoint since they are never trained."
def load_weights_from_checkpoint(
model_name: str = None,
work_dir: str = None,
file_name: str = None,
best: bool = True,
strict: bool = True,
load_encoders: bool = True,
skip_checks: bool = False,
"GlobalNaiveModels do not support weights loading since they do not have any weights/parameters."
def _create_model(
self, train_sample: MixedCovariatesTrainTensorType
) -> _GlobalNaiveModule:
def _verify_predict_sample(self, predict_sample: tuple):
# naive models do not have to be trained, predict sample does not
# have to match the training sample
def supports_likelihood_parameter_prediction(self) -> bool:
return False
def supports_probabilistic_prediction(self) -> bool:
return False
def supports_static_covariates(self) -> bool:
return True
def supports_multivariate(self) -> bool:
return True
def _requires_training(self) -> bool:
# naive models do not have to be trained.
return False
def _build_train_dataset(
target: Sequence[TimeSeries],
past_covariates: Optional[Sequence[TimeSeries]],
future_covariates: Optional[Sequence[TimeSeries]],
sample_weight: Optional[Sequence[TimeSeries]],
max_samples_per_ts: Optional[int],
) -> MixedCovariatesTrainingDataset:
return MixedCovariatesSequentialDataset(
class _NoCovariatesMixin:
def supports_static_covariates(self) -> bool:
return False
def supports_future_covariates(self) -> bool:
return False
def supports_past_covariates(self) -> bool:
return False
class _GlobalNaiveAggregateModule(_GlobalNaiveModule):
def __init__(
self, agg_fn: Callable[[torch.Tensor, int], torch.Tensor], *args, **kwargs
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.agg_fn = agg_fn
def _forward(self, x_in) -> torch.Tensor:
y_target = _extract_targets(x_in, self.n_targets)
aggregate = self.agg_fn(y_target, dim=1)
return _repeat_along_output_chunk(aggregate, self.output_chunk_length)
[docs]class GlobalNaiveAggregate(_NoCovariatesMixin, _GlobalNaiveModel):
def __init__(
input_chunk_length: int,
output_chunk_length: int,
output_chunk_shift: int = 0,
agg_fn: Union[str, Callable[[torch.Tensor, int], torch.Tensor]] = "mean",
"""Global Naive Aggregate Model.
The model generates forecasts for each `series` as described below:
- take an aggregate (computed with `agg_fn`, default: mean) from each target component over the last
`input_chunk_length` points
- the forecast is the component aggregate repeated `output_chunk_length` times
Depending on the horizon `n` used when calling `model.predict()`, the forecasts are either:
- a constant aggregate value (default: mean) if `n <= output_chunk_length`, or
- a moving aggregate if `n > output_chunk_length`, as a result of the autoregressive prediction.
This model is equivalent to:
- :class:`~darts.models.forecasting.baselines.NaiveMean`, when `input_chunk_length` is equal to the length of
the input target `series`, and `agg_fn='mean'`.
- :class:`~darts.models.forecasting.baselines.NaiveMovingAverage`, with identical `input_chunk_length`
and `output_chunk_length=1`, and `agg_fn='mean'`.
.. note::
- Model checkpointing with `save_checkpoints=True`, and checkpoint loading with `load_from_checkpoint()`
and `load_weights_from_checkpoint()` are not supported for global naive models.
The length of the input sequence fed to the model.
The length of the emitted forecast and output sequence fed to the model.
Optionally, the number of steps to shift the start of the output chunk into the future (relative to the
input chunk end). This will create a gap between the input and output. If the model supports
`future_covariates`, the future values are extracted from the shifted output chunk. Predictions will start
`output_chunk_shift` steps after the end of the target `series`. If `output_chunk_shift` is set, the model
cannot generate autoregressive predictions (`n > output_chunk_length`).
The aggregation function to use. If a string, must be the name of `torch` function that can be imported
directly from `torch` (e.g. `"mean"` for `torch.mean`, `"sum"` for `torch.sum`).
The function must have the signature below. If a `Callable`, it must also have the signature below.
.. highlight:: python
.. code-block:: python
def agg_fn(x: torch.Tensor, dim: int, *args, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor:
# x has shape `(batch size, input_chunk_length, n targets)`, `dim` is always `1`.
# function must return a tensor of shape `(batch size, n targets)`
return torch.mean(x, dim=dim)
Optional arguments to initialize the pytorch_lightning.Module, pytorch_lightning.Trainer, and
Darts' :class:`TorchForecastingModel`.
Since naive models are not trained, the following parameters will have no effect:
`loss_fn`, `likelihood`, `optimizer_cls`, `optimizer_kwargs`, `lr_scheduler_cls`, `lr_scheduler_kwargs`,
`n_epochs`, `save_checkpoints`, and some of `pl_trainer_kwargs`.
>>> from darts.datasets import IceCreamHeaterDataset
>>> from darts.models import GlobalNaiveAggregate
>>> # create list of multivariate series
>>> series_1 = IceCreamHeaterDataset().load()
>>> series_2 = series_1 + 100.
>>> series = [series_1, series_2]
>>> # predict 3 months, take mean over last 60 months
>>> horizon, icl = 3, 60
>>> # naive mean over last 60 months (with `output_chunk_length = horizon`)
>>> model = GlobalNaiveAggregate(input_chunk_length=icl, output_chunk_length=horizon)
>>> # predict after end of each multivariate series
>>> pred = model.fit(series).predict(n=horizon, series=series)
>>> [p.values() for p in pred]
[array([[29.666668, 50.983337],
[29.666668, 50.983337],
[29.666668, 50.983337]]), array([[129.66667, 150.98334],
[129.66667, 150.98334],
[129.66667, 150.98334]])]
>>> # naive moving mean (with `output_chunk_length < horizon`)
>>> model = GlobalNaiveAggregate(input_chunk_length=icl, output_chunk_length=1, agg_fn="mean")
>>> pred = model.fit(series).predict(n=horizon, series=series)
>>> [p.values() for p in pred]
[array([[29.666668, 50.983337],
[29.894447, 50.88306 ],
[30.109352, 50.98111 ]]), array([[129.66667, 150.98334],
[129.89445, 150.88307],
[130.10936, 150.98111]])]
>>> # naive moving sum (with `output_chunk_length < horizon`)
>>> model = GlobalNaiveAggregate(input_chunk_length=icl, output_chunk_length=1, agg_fn="sum")
>>> pred = model.fit(series).predict(n=horizon, series=series)
>>> [p.values() for p in pred]
[array([[ 1780., 3059.],
[ 3544., 6061.],
[ 7071., 12077.]]), array([[ 7780., 9059.],
[15444., 17961.],
[30771., 35777.]])]
if isinstance(agg_fn, str):
agg_fn = getattr(torch, agg_fn, None)
if agg_fn is None:
"When `agg_fn` is a string, must be the name of a PyTorch function that "
"can be imported directly from `torch`. E.g., `'mean'` for `torch.mean`"
if not isinstance(agg_fn, Callable):
ValueError("`agg_fn` must be a string or callable."),
# check that `agg_fn` returns the expected output
batch_size, n_targets = 5, 3
x = torch.ones((batch_size, 4, n_targets))
agg = agg_fn(x, dim=1)
assert isinstance(agg, torch.Tensor), (
"`agg_fn` output must be a torch Tensor."
assert agg.shape == (
), "Unexpected `agg_fn` output shape."
except Exception as err:
f"`agg_fn` sanity check raised the following error: ({err}) Read the parameter "
f"description to properly define the aggregation function."
self.agg_fn = agg_fn
def _create_model(
self, train_sample: MixedCovariatesTrainTensorType
) -> _GlobalNaiveModule:
return _GlobalNaiveAggregateModule(agg_fn=self.agg_fn, **self.pl_module_params)
class _GlobalNaiveSeasonalModule(_GlobalNaiveModule):
def _forward(self, x_in) -> torch.Tensor:
y_target = _extract_targets(x_in, self.n_targets)
season = y_target[:, 0, :]
return _repeat_along_output_chunk(season, self.output_chunk_length)
[docs]class GlobalNaiveSeasonal(_NoCovariatesMixin, _GlobalNaiveModel):
def __init__(
input_chunk_length: int,
output_chunk_length: int,
output_chunk_shift: int = 0,
"""Global Naive Seasonal Model.
The model generates forecasts for each `series` as described below:
- take the value from each target component at the `input_chunk_length`th point before the end of the
target `series`.
- the forecast is the component value repeated `output_chunk_length` times.
Depending on the horizon `n` used when calling `model.predict()`, the forecasts are either:
- a constant value if `n <= output_chunk_length`, or
- a moving (seasonal) value if `n > output_chunk_length`, as a result of the autoregressive prediction.
This model is equivalent to:
- :class:`~darts.models.forecasting.baselines.NaiveSeasonal`, when `input_chunk_length` is equal to the length
of the input target `series` and `output_chunk_length=1`.
.. note::
- Model checkpointing with `save_checkpoints=True`, and checkpoint loading with `load_from_checkpoint()`
and `load_weights_from_checkpoint()` are not supported for global naive models.
The length of the input sequence fed to the model.
The length of the emitted forecast and output sequence fed to the model.
Optionally, the number of steps to shift the start of the output chunk into the future (relative to the
input chunk end). This will create a gap between the input and output. If the model supports
`future_covariates`, the future values are extracted from the shifted output chunk. Predictions will start
`output_chunk_shift` steps after the end of the target `series`. If `output_chunk_shift` is set, the model
cannot generate autoregressive predictions (`n > output_chunk_length`).
Optional arguments to initialize the pytorch_lightning.Module, pytorch_lightning.Trainer, and
Darts' :class:`TorchForecastingModel`.
Since naive models are not trained, the following parameters will have no effect:
`loss_fn`, `likelihood`, `optimizer_cls`, `optimizer_kwargs`, `lr_scheduler_cls`, `lr_scheduler_kwargs`,
`n_epochs`, `save_checkpoints`, and some of `pl_trainer_kwargs`.
>>> from darts.datasets import IceCreamHeaterDataset
>>> from darts.models import GlobalNaiveSeasonal
>>> # create list of multivariate series
>>> series_1 = IceCreamHeaterDataset().load()
>>> series_2 = series_1 + 100.
>>> series = [series_1, series_2]
>>> # predict 3 months, use value from 12 months ago
>>> horizon, icl = 3, 12
>>> # repeated seasonal value (with `output_chunk_length = horizon`)
>>> model = GlobalNaiveSeasonal(input_chunk_length=icl, output_chunk_length=horizon)
>>> # predict after end of each multivariate series
>>> pred = model.fit(series).predict(n=horizon, series=series)
>>> [p.values() for p in pred]
[array([[ 21., 100.],
[ 21., 100.],
[ 21., 100.]]), array([[121., 200.],
[121., 200.],
[121., 200.]])]
>>> # moving seasonal value (with `output_chunk_length < horizon`)
>>> model = GlobalNaiveSeasonal(input_chunk_length=icl, output_chunk_length=1)
>>> pred = model.fit(series).predict(n=horizon, series=series)
>>> [p.values() for p in pred]
[array([[ 21., 100.],
[ 21., 68.],
[ 24., 51.]]), array([[121., 200.],
[121., 168.],
[124., 151.]])]
def _create_model(
self, train_sample: MixedCovariatesTrainTensorType
) -> _GlobalNaiveModule:
return _GlobalNaiveSeasonalModule(**self.pl_module_params)
class _GlobalNaiveDrift(_GlobalNaiveModule):
def _forward(self, x_in) -> torch.Tensor:
y_target = _extract_targets(x_in, self.n_targets)
slope = _repeat_along_output_chunk(
(y_target[:, -1, :] - y_target[:, 0, :]) / (self.input_chunk_length - 1),
x = torch.arange(
start=self.output_chunk_shift + 1,
end=self.output_chunk_length + self.output_chunk_shift + 1,
).view(1, self.output_chunk_length, 1, 1)
y_0 = y_target[:, -1, :].view(-1, 1, y_target.shape[-1], 1)
return slope * x + y_0
[docs]class GlobalNaiveDrift(_NoCovariatesMixin, _GlobalNaiveModel):
def __init__(
input_chunk_length: int,
output_chunk_length: int,
output_chunk_shift: int = 0,
"""Global Naive Drift Model.
The model generates forecasts for each `series` as described below:
- take the slope `m` from each target component between the `input_chunk_length`th and last point before the
end of the `series`.
- the forecast is `m * x + c` per component where `x` are the values
`range(1 + output_chunk_shift, 1 + output_chunk_length + output_chunk_shift)`, and `c` are the last values
from each target component.
Depending on the horizon `n` used when calling `model.predict()`, the forecasts are either:
- a linear drift if `n <= output_chunk_length`, or
- a moving drift if `n > output_chunk_length`, as a result of the autoregressive prediction.
This model is equivalent to:
- :class:`~darts.models.forecasting.baselines.NaiveDrift`, when `input_chunk_length` is equal to the length
of the input target `series` and `output_chunk_length=n`.
.. note::
- Model checkpointing with `save_checkpoints=True`, and checkpoint loading with `load_from_checkpoint()`
and `load_weights_from_checkpoint()` are not supported for global naive models.
The length of the input sequence fed to the model.
The length of the emitted forecast and output sequence fed to the model.
Optionally, the number of steps to shift the start of the output chunk into the future (relative to the
input chunk end). This will create a gap between the input and output. If the model supports
`future_covariates`, the future values are extracted from the shifted output chunk. Predictions will start
`output_chunk_shift` steps after the end of the target `series`. If `output_chunk_shift` is set, the model
cannot generate autoregressive predictions (`n > output_chunk_length`).
Optional arguments to initialize the pytorch_lightning.Module, pytorch_lightning.Trainer, and
Darts' :class:`TorchForecastingModel`.
Since naive models are not trained, the following parameters will have no effect:
`loss_fn`, `likelihood`, `optimizer_cls`, `optimizer_kwargs`, `lr_scheduler_cls`, `lr_scheduler_kwargs`,
`n_epochs`, `save_checkpoints`, and some of `pl_trainer_kwargs`.
>>> from darts.datasets import IceCreamHeaterDataset
>>> from darts.models import GlobalNaiveDrift
>>> # create list of multivariate series
>>> series_1 = IceCreamHeaterDataset().load()
>>> series_2 = series_1 + 100.
>>> series = [series_1, series_2]
>>> # predict 3 months, use drift over the last 60 months
>>> horizon, icl = 3, 60
>>> # linear drift (with `output_chunk_length = horizon`)
>>> model = GlobalNaiveDrift(input_chunk_length=icl, output_chunk_length=horizon)
>>> # predict after end of each multivariate series
>>> pred = model.fit(series).predict(n=horizon, series=series)
>>> [p.values() for p in pred]
[array([[24.135593, 74.28814 ],
[24.271187, 74.57627 ],
[24.40678 , 74.86441 ]]), array([[124.13559, 174.28813],
[124.27119, 174.57628],
[124.40678, 174.86441]])]
>>> # moving drift (with `output_chunk_length < horizon`)
>>> model = GlobalNaiveDrift(input_chunk_length=icl, output_chunk_length=1)
>>> pred = model.fit(series).predict(n=horizon, series=series)
>>> [p.values() for p in pred]
[array([[24.135593, 74.28814 ],
[24.256536, 74.784546],
[24.34563 , 75.45886 ]]), array([[124.13559, 174.28813],
[124.25653, 174.78455],
[124.34563, 175.45886]])]
def _create_model(
self, train_sample: MixedCovariatesTrainTensorType
) -> _GlobalNaiveModule:
return _GlobalNaiveDrift(**self.pl_module_params)