Source code for darts.models.forecasting.regression_model

Regression Model
A `RegressionModel` forecasts future values of a target series based on

* The target series (past lags only)

* An optional past_covariates series (past lags only)

* An optional future_covariates series (possibly past and future lags)

* Available static covariates

The regression models are learned in a supervised way, and they can wrap around any "scikit-learn like" regression model
acting on tabular data having ``fit()`` and ``predict()`` methods.

Darts also provides :class:`LinearRegressionModel` and :class:`RandomForest`, which are regression models
wrapping around scikit-learn linear regression and random forest regression, respectively.

Behind the scenes this model is tabularizing the time series data to make it work with regression models.

The lags can be specified either using an integer - in which case it represents the _number_ of (past or future) lags
to take into consideration, or as a list - in which case the lags have to be enumerated (strictly negative values
denoting past lags and positive values including 0 denoting future lags).
When static covariates are present, they are appended to the lagged features. When multiple time series are passed,
if their static covariates do not have the same size, the shorter ones are padded with 0 valued features.

from collections import OrderedDict
from import Sequence
from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.utils.validation import has_fit_parameter

from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_if, raise_if_not, raise_log
from darts.models.forecasting.forecasting_model import GlobalForecastingModel
from darts.timeseries import TimeSeries
from import (
from darts.utils.historical_forecasts import (
from darts.utils.multioutput import MultiOutputRegressor
from darts.utils.ts_utils import get_single_series, seq2series, series2seq
from darts.utils.utils import (

logger = get_logger(__name__)

LAGS_TYPE = Union[int, list[int], dict[str, Union[int, list[int]]]]
    tuple[int, int], list[int], dict[str, Union[tuple[int, int], list[int]]]

[docs]class RegressionModel(GlobalForecastingModel): def __init__( self, lags: Optional[LAGS_TYPE] = None, lags_past_covariates: Optional[LAGS_TYPE] = None, lags_future_covariates: Optional[FUTURE_LAGS_TYPE] = None, output_chunk_length: int = 1, output_chunk_shift: int = 0, add_encoders: Optional[dict] = None, model=None, multi_models: Optional[bool] = True, use_static_covariates: bool = True, ): """Regression Model Can be used to fit any scikit-learn-like regressor class to predict the target time series from lagged values. Parameters ---------- lags Lagged target `series` values used to predict the next time step/s. If an integer, must be > 0. Uses the last `n=lags` past lags; e.g. `(-1, -2, ..., -lags)`, where `0` corresponds the first predicted time step of each sample. If `output_chunk_shift > 0`, then lag `-1` translates to `-1 - output_chunk_shift` steps before the first prediction step. If a list of integers, each value must be < 0. Uses only the specified values as lags. If a dictionary, the keys correspond to the `series` component names (of the first series when using multiple series) and the values correspond to the component lags (integer or list of integers). The key 'default_lags' can be used to provide default lags for un-specified components. Raises and error if some components are missing and the 'default_lags' key is not provided. lags_past_covariates Lagged `past_covariates` values used to predict the next time step/s. If an integer, must be > 0. Uses the last `n=lags_past_covariates` past lags; e.g. `(-1, -2, ..., -lags)`, where `0` corresponds to the first predicted time step of each sample. If `output_chunk_shift > 0`, then lag `-1` translates to `-1 - output_chunk_shift` steps before the first prediction step. If a list of integers, each value must be < 0. Uses only the specified values as lags. If a dictionary, the keys correspond to the `past_covariates` component names (of the first series when using multiple series) and the values correspond to the component lags (integer or list of integers). The key 'default_lags' can be used to provide default lags for un-specified components. Raises and error if some components are missing and the 'default_lags' key is not provided. lags_future_covariates Lagged `future_covariates` values used to predict the next time step/s. The lags are always relative to the first step in the output chunk, even when `output_chunk_shift > 0`. If a tuple of `(past, future)`, both values must be > 0. Uses the last `n=past` past lags and `n=future` future lags; e.g. `(-past, -(past - 1), ..., -1, 0, 1, .... future - 1)`, where `0` corresponds the first predicted time step of each sample. If `output_chunk_shift > 0`, the position of negative lags differ from those of `lags` and `lags_past_covariates`. In this case a future lag `-5` would point at the same step as a target lag of `-5 + output_chunk_shift`. If a list of integers, uses only the specified values as lags. If a dictionary, the keys correspond to the `future_covariates` component names (of the first series when using multiple series) and the values correspond to the component lags (tuple or list of integers). The key 'default_lags' can be used to provide default lags for un-specified components. Raises and error if some components are missing and the 'default_lags' key is not provided. output_chunk_length Number of time steps predicted at once (per chunk) by the internal model. It is not the same as forecast horizon `n` used in `predict()`, which is the desired number of prediction points generated using a one-shot- or autoregressive forecast. Setting `n <= output_chunk_length` prevents auto-regression. This is useful when the covariates don't extend far enough into the future, or to prohibit the model from using future values of past and / or future covariates for prediction (depending on the model's covariate support). output_chunk_shift Optionally, the number of steps to shift the start of the output chunk into the future (relative to the input chunk end). This will create a gap between the input (history of target and past covariates) and output. If the model supports `future_covariates`, the `lags_future_covariates` are relative to the first step in the shifted output chunk. Predictions will start `output_chunk_shift` steps after the end of the target `series`. If `output_chunk_shift` is set, the model cannot generate autoregressive predictions (`n > output_chunk_length`). add_encoders A large number of past and future covariates can be automatically generated with `add_encoders`. This can be done by adding multiple pre-defined index encoders and/or custom user-made functions that will be used as index encoders. Additionally, a transformer such as Darts' :class:`Scaler` can be added to transform the generated covariates. This happens all under one hood and only needs to be specified at model creation. Read :meth:`SequentialEncoder <darts.dataprocessing.encoders.SequentialEncoder>` to find out more about ``add_encoders``. Default: ``None``. An example showing some of ``add_encoders`` features: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python def encode_year(idx): return (idx.year - 1950) / 50 add_encoders={ 'cyclic': {'future': ['month']}, 'datetime_attribute': {'future': ['hour', 'dayofweek']}, 'position': {'past': ['relative'], 'future': ['relative']}, 'custom': {'past': [encode_year]}, 'transformer': Scaler(), 'tz': 'CET' } .. model Scikit-learn-like model with ``fit()`` and ``predict()`` methods. Also possible to use model that doesn't support multi-output regression for multivariate timeseries, in which case one regressor will be used per component in the multivariate series. If None, defaults to: ``sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression(n_jobs=-1)``. multi_models If True, a separate model will be trained for each future lag to predict. If False, a single model is trained to predict all the steps in 'output_chunk_length' (features lags are shifted back by `output_chunk_length - n` for each step `n`). Default: True. use_static_covariates Whether the model should use static covariate information in case the input `series` passed to ``fit()`` contain static covariates. If ``True``, and static covariates are available at fitting time, will enforce that all target `series` have the same static covariate dimensionality in ``fit()`` and ``predict()``. Examples -------- >>> from darts.datasets import WeatherDataset >>> from darts.models import RegressionModel >>> from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge >>> series = WeatherDataset().load() >>> # predicting atmospheric pressure >>> target = series['p (mbar)'][:100] >>> # optionally, use past observed rainfall (pretending to be unknown beyond index 100) >>> past_cov = series['rain (mm)'][:100] >>> # optionally, use future temperatures (pretending this component is a forecast) >>> future_cov = series['T (degC)'][:106] >>> # wrap around the sklearn Ridge model >>> model = RegressionModel( >>> model=Ridge(), >>> lags=12, >>> lags_past_covariates=4, >>> lags_future_covariates=(0,6), >>> output_chunk_length=6 >>> ) >>>, past_covariates=past_cov, future_covariates=future_cov) >>> pred = model.predict(6) >>> pred.values() array([[1005.73340676], [1005.71159051], [1005.7322616 ], [1005.76314504], [1005.82204348], [1005.89100967]]) """ super().__init__(add_encoders=add_encoders) self.model = model self.lags: dict[str, list[int]] = {} self.component_lags: dict[str, dict[str, list[int]]] = {} self.input_dim = None self.multi_models = True if multi_models or output_chunk_length == 1 else False self._considers_static_covariates = use_static_covariates self._static_covariates_shape: Optional[tuple[int, int]] = None self._lagged_feature_names: Optional[list[str]] = None self._lagged_label_names: Optional[list[str]] = None # check and set output_chunk_length raise_if_not( isinstance(output_chunk_length, int) and output_chunk_length > 0, f"output_chunk_length must be an integer greater than 0. Given: {output_chunk_length}", logger=logger, ) self._output_chunk_length = output_chunk_length self._output_chunk_shift = output_chunk_shift # model checks if self.model is None: self.model = LinearRegression(n_jobs=-1) if not callable(getattr(self.model, "fit", None)): raise_log( Exception("Provided model object must have a fit() method", logger) ) if not callable(getattr(self.model, "predict", None)): raise_log( Exception("Provided model object must have a predict() method", logger) ) # check lags raise_if( (lags is None) and (lags_future_covariates is None) and (lags_past_covariates is None), "At least one of `lags`, `lags_future_covariates` or `lags_past_covariates` must be not None.", ) # convert lags arguments to list of int # lags attribute should always be accessed with self._get_lags(), not self.lags.get() self.lags, self.component_lags = self._generate_lags( lags=lags, lags_past_covariates=lags_past_covariates, lags_future_covariates=lags_future_covariates, output_chunk_shift=output_chunk_shift, ) self.pred_dim = self.output_chunk_length if self.multi_models else 1 @staticmethod def _generate_lags( lags: Optional[LAGS_TYPE], lags_past_covariates: Optional[LAGS_TYPE], lags_future_covariates: Optional[FUTURE_LAGS_TYPE], output_chunk_shift: int, ) -> tuple[dict[str, list[int]], dict[str, dict[str, list[int]]]]: """ Based on the type of the argument and the nature of the covariates, perform some sanity checks before converting the lags to a list of integer. If lags are provided as a dictionary, the lags values are contained in self.component_lags and the self.lags attributes contain only the extreme values If the lags are provided as integer, list, tuple or dictionary containing only the 'default_lags' keys, the lags values are contained in the self.lags attribute and the self.component_lags is an empty dictionary. If `output_chunk_shift > 0`, the `lags_future_covariates` are shifted into the future. """ processed_lags: dict[str, list[int]] = dict() processed_component_lags: dict[str, dict[str, list[int]]] = dict() for lags_values, lags_name, lags_abbrev in zip( [lags, lags_past_covariates, lags_future_covariates], ["lags", "lags_past_covariates", "lags_future_covariates"], ["target", "past", "future"], ): if lags_values is None: continue # converting to dictionary to run sanity checks if not isinstance(lags_values, dict): lags_values = {"default_lags": lags_values} elif len(lags_values) == 0: raise_log( ValueError( f"When passed as a dictionary, `{lags_name}` must contain at least one key." ), logger, ) invalid_type = False supported_types = "" min_lags = None max_lags = None tmp_components_lags: dict[str, list[int]] = dict() for comp_name, comp_lags in lags_values.items(): if lags_name == "lags_future_covariates": if isinstance(comp_lags, tuple): raise_if_not( len(comp_lags) == 2 and isinstance(comp_lags[0], int) and isinstance(comp_lags[1], int), f"`{lags_name}` - `{comp_name}`: tuple must be of length 2, and must contain two integers", logger, ) raise_if( isinstance(comp_lags[0], bool) or isinstance(comp_lags[1], bool), f"`{lags_name}` - `{comp_name}`: tuple must contain integers, not bool", logger, ) raise_if_not( comp_lags[0] >= 0 and comp_lags[1] >= 0, f"`{lags_name}` - `{comp_name}`: tuple must contain positive integers. Given: {comp_lags}.", logger, ) raise_if( comp_lags[0] == 0 and comp_lags[1] == 0, f"`{lags_name}` - `{comp_name}`: tuple cannot be (0, 0) as it corresponds to an empty " f"list of lags.", logger, ) tmp_components_lags[comp_name] = list( range(-comp_lags[0], comp_lags[1]) ) elif isinstance(comp_lags, list): for lag in comp_lags: raise_if( not isinstance(lag, int) or isinstance(lag, bool), f"`{lags_name}` - `{comp_name}`: list must contain only integers. Given: {comp_lags}.", logger, ) tmp_components_lags[comp_name] = sorted(comp_lags) else: invalid_type = True supported_types = "tuple or a list" else: if isinstance(comp_lags, int): raise_if_not( comp_lags > 0, f"`{lags_name}` - `{comp_name}`: integer must be strictly positive . Given: {comp_lags}.", logger, ) tmp_components_lags[comp_name] = list(range(-comp_lags, 0)) elif isinstance(comp_lags, list): for lag in comp_lags: raise_if( not isinstance(lag, int) or (lag >= 0), f"`{lags_name}` - `{comp_name}`: list must contain only strictly negative integers. " f"Given: {comp_lags}.", logger, ) tmp_components_lags[comp_name] = sorted(comp_lags) else: invalid_type = True supported_types = "strictly positive integer or a list" if invalid_type: raise_log( ValueError( f"`{lags_name}` - `{comp_name}`: must be either a {supported_types}. " f"Given : {type(comp_lags)}." ), logger, ) # extracting min and max lags va if min_lags is None: min_lags = tmp_components_lags[comp_name][0] else: min_lags = min(min_lags, tmp_components_lags[comp_name][0]) if max_lags is None: max_lags = tmp_components_lags[comp_name][-1] else: max_lags = max(max_lags, tmp_components_lags[comp_name][-1]) # revert to shared lags logic when applicable if list(tmp_components_lags.keys()) == ["default_lags"]: processed_lags[lags_abbrev] = tmp_components_lags["default_lags"] else: processed_lags[lags_abbrev] = [min_lags, max_lags] processed_component_lags[lags_abbrev] = tmp_components_lags # if output chunk is shifted, shift future covariates lags with it if output_chunk_shift and lags_abbrev == "future": processed_lags[lags_abbrev] = [ lag_ + output_chunk_shift for lag_ in processed_lags[lags_abbrev] ] if processed_component_lags: processed_component_lags[lags_abbrev] = { comp_: [lag_ + output_chunk_shift for lag_ in lags_] for comp_, lags_ in processed_component_lags[ lags_abbrev ].items() } return processed_lags, processed_component_lags def _get_lags(self, lags_type: str): """ If lags were specified in a component-wise manner, they are contained in self.component_lags and the values in self.lags should be ignored as they correspond just the extreme values. """ if lags_type in self.component_lags: return self.component_lags[lags_type] else: return self.lags.get(lags_type, None) @property def _model_encoder_settings( self, ) -> tuple[int, int, bool, bool, Optional[list[int]], Optional[list[int]]]: target_lags = self.lags.get("target", [0]) lags_past_covariates = self.lags.get("past", None) if lags_past_covariates is not None: lags_past_covariates = [ min(lags_past_covariates) - int(not self.multi_models) * (self.output_chunk_length - 1), max(lags_past_covariates), ] lags_future_covariates = self.lags.get("future", None) if lags_future_covariates is not None: lags_future_covariates = [ min(lags_future_covariates) - int(not self.multi_models) * (self.output_chunk_length - 1), max(lags_future_covariates), ] return ( abs(min(target_lags)), self.output_chunk_length + self.output_chunk_shift, lags_past_covariates is not None, lags_future_covariates is not None, lags_past_covariates, lags_future_covariates, ) @property def extreme_lags( self, ) -> tuple[ Optional[int], Optional[int], Optional[int], Optional[int], Optional[int], Optional[int], int, Optional[int], ]: min_target_lag = self.lags["target"][0] if "target" in self.lags else None max_target_lag = self.output_chunk_length - 1 + self.output_chunk_shift min_past_cov_lag = self.lags["past"][0] if "past" in self.lags else None max_past_cov_lag = self.lags["past"][-1] if "past" in self.lags else None min_future_cov_lag = self.lags["future"][0] if "future" in self.lags else None max_future_cov_lag = self.lags["future"][-1] if "future" in self.lags else None return ( min_target_lag, max_target_lag, min_past_cov_lag, max_past_cov_lag, min_future_cov_lag, max_future_cov_lag, self.output_chunk_shift, None, ) @property def supports_multivariate(self) -> bool: """ If available, uses `model`'s native multivariate support. If not available, obtains multivariate support by wrapping the univariate model in a `sklearn.multioutput.MultiOutputRegressor`. """ return True @property def min_train_series_length(self) -> int: return max( 3, ( -self.lags["target"][0] + self.output_chunk_length if "target" in self.lags else self.output_chunk_length ) + self.output_chunk_shift, ) @property def min_train_samples(self) -> int: return 2 @property def output_chunk_length(self) -> int: return self._output_chunk_length @property def output_chunk_shift(self) -> int: return self._output_chunk_shift
[docs] def get_multioutput_estimator(self, horizon: int, target_dim: int): """Returns the estimator that forecasts the `horizon`th step of the `target_dim`th target component. Internally, estimators are grouped by `output_chunk_length` position, then by component. Parameters ---------- horizon The index of the forecasting point within `output_chunk_length`. target_dim The index of the target component. """ raise_if_not( isinstance(self.model, MultiOutputRegressor), "The sklearn model is not a MultiOutputRegressor object.", logger, ) raise_if_not( 0 <= horizon < self.output_chunk_length, f"`horizon` must be `>= 0` and `< output_chunk_length={self.output_chunk_length}`.", logger, ) raise_if_not( 0 <= target_dim < self.input_dim["target"], f"`target_dim` must be `>= 0`, and `< n_target_components={self.input_dim['target']}`.", logger, ) # when multi_models=True, one model per horizon and target component idx_estimator = ( self.multi_models * self.input_dim["target"] * horizon + target_dim ) return self.model.estimators_[idx_estimator]
[docs] def get_estimator(self, horizon: int, target_dim: int): """Returns the estimator that forecasts the `horizon`th step of the `target_dim`th target component. The model is returned directly if it supports multi-output natively. Parameters ---------- horizon The index of the forecasting point within `output_chunk_length`. target_dim The index of the target component. """ if isinstance(self.model, MultiOutputRegressor): return self.get_multioutput_estimator( horizon=horizon, target_dim=target_dim ) else: "Model supports multi-output; a single estimator forecasts all the horizons and components." ) return self.model
def _add_val_set_to_kwargs( self, kwargs: dict, val_series: Sequence[TimeSeries], val_past_covariates: Optional[Sequence[TimeSeries]], val_future_covariates: Optional[Sequence[TimeSeries]], val_sample_weight: Optional[Union[Sequence[TimeSeries], str]], max_samples_per_ts: int, ) -> dict: """Creates a validation set and returns a new set of kwargs passed to `` including the validation set. This method can be overridden if the model requires a different logic to add the eval set.""" val_samples, val_labels, val_weight = self._create_lagged_data( series=val_series, past_covariates=val_past_covariates, future_covariates=val_future_covariates, max_samples_per_ts=max_samples_per_ts, sample_weight=val_sample_weight, last_static_covariates_shape=self._static_covariates_shape, ) # create validation sets for MultiOutputRegressor if val_labels.ndim == 2 and isinstance(self.model, MultiOutputRegressor): val_sets, val_weights = [], [] for i in range(val_labels.shape[1]): val_sets.append((val_samples, val_labels[:, i])) if val_weight is not None: val_weights.append(val_weight[:, i]) val_weights = val_weights or None else: val_sets = [(val_samples, val_labels)] val_weights = val_weight val_set_name, val_weight_name = self.val_set_params return dict(kwargs, **{val_set_name: val_sets, val_weight_name: val_weights}) def _create_lagged_data( self, series: Sequence[TimeSeries], past_covariates: Sequence[TimeSeries], future_covariates: Sequence[TimeSeries], max_samples_per_ts: int, sample_weight: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, str]] = None, last_static_covariates_shape: Optional[tuple[int, int]] = None, ): ( features, labels, _, self._static_covariates_shape, sample_weights, ) = create_lagged_training_data( target_series=series, output_chunk_length=self.output_chunk_length, output_chunk_shift=self.output_chunk_shift, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, lags=self._get_lags("target"), lags_past_covariates=self._get_lags("past"), lags_future_covariates=self._get_lags("future"), uses_static_covariates=self.uses_static_covariates, last_static_covariates_shape=last_static_covariates_shape, max_samples_per_ts=max_samples_per_ts, multi_models=self.multi_models, check_inputs=False, concatenate=False, sample_weight=sample_weight, ) expected_nb_feat = ( features[0].shape[1] if isinstance(features, Sequence) else features.shape[1] ) for i, (X_i, y_i) in enumerate(zip(features, labels)): # TODO: account for scenario where two wrong shapes can silently hide the problem if expected_nb_feat != X_i.shape[1]: shape_error_msg = [] for ts, cov_name, arg_name in zip( [series, past_covariates, future_covariates], ["target", "past", "future"], ["series", "past_covariates", "future_covariates"], ): if ts is not None and ts[i].width != self.input_dim[cov_name]: shape_error_msg.append( f"Expected {self.input_dim[cov_name]} components but received " f"{ts[i].width} components at index {i} of `{arg_name}`." ) raise_log(ValueError("\n".join(shape_error_msg)), logger) features[i] = X_i[:, :, 0] labels[i] = y_i[:, :, 0] if sample_weights is not None: sample_weights[i] = sample_weights[i][:, :, 0] features = np.concatenate(features, axis=0) labels = np.concatenate(labels, axis=0) if sample_weights is not None: sample_weights = np.concatenate(sample_weights, axis=0) # if labels are of shape (n_samples, 1) flatten it to shape (n_samples,) if labels.ndim == 2 and labels.shape[1] == 1: labels = labels.ravel() if ( sample_weights is not None and sample_weights.ndim == 2 and sample_weights.shape[1] == 1 ): sample_weights = sample_weights.ravel() return features, labels, sample_weights def _fit_model( self, series: Sequence[TimeSeries], past_covariates: Sequence[TimeSeries], future_covariates: Sequence[TimeSeries], max_samples_per_ts: int, sample_weight: Optional[Union[Sequence[TimeSeries], str]], val_series: Optional[Sequence[TimeSeries]] = None, val_past_covariates: Optional[Sequence[TimeSeries]] = None, val_future_covariates: Optional[Sequence[TimeSeries]] = None, val_sample_weight: Optional[Union[Sequence[TimeSeries], str]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Function that fit the model. Deriving classes can override this method for adding additional parameters (e.g., adding validation data), keeping the sanity checks on series performed by fit(). """ training_samples, training_labels, sample_weights = self._create_lagged_data( series=series, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, max_samples_per_ts=max_samples_per_ts, sample_weight=sample_weight, last_static_covariates_shape=None, ) if self.supports_val_set and val_series is not None: kwargs = self._add_val_set_to_kwargs( kwargs=kwargs, val_series=val_series, val_past_covariates=val_past_covariates, val_future_covariates=val_future_covariates, val_sample_weight=val_sample_weight, max_samples_per_ts=max_samples_per_ts, ) # only use `sample_weight` if model supports it sample_weight_kwargs = dict() if sample_weights is not None: if self.supports_sample_weight: sample_weight_kwargs = {"sample_weight": sample_weights} else: logger.warning( "`sample_weight` was ignored since underlying regression model's " "`fit()` method does not support it." ) training_samples, training_labels, **sample_weight_kwargs, **kwargs ) # generate and store the lagged components names (for feature importance analysis) self._lagged_feature_names, self._lagged_label_names = ( create_lagged_component_names( target_series=series, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, lags=self._get_lags("target"), lags_past_covariates=self._get_lags("past"), lags_future_covariates=self._get_lags("future"), output_chunk_length=self.output_chunk_length, concatenate=False, use_static_covariates=self.uses_static_covariates, ) )
[docs] def fit( self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], past_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None, future_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None, max_samples_per_ts: Optional[int] = None, n_jobs_multioutput_wrapper: Optional[int] = None, sample_weight: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries], str]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Fit/train the model on one or multiple series. Parameters ---------- series TimeSeries or Sequence[TimeSeries] object containing the target values. past_covariates Optionally, a series or sequence of series specifying past-observed covariates future_covariates Optionally, a series or sequence of series specifying future-known covariates max_samples_per_ts This is an integer upper bound on the number of tuples that can be produced per time series. It can be used in order to have an upper bound on the total size of the dataset and ensure proper sampling. If `None`, it will read all of the individual time series in advance (at dataset creation) to know their sizes, which might be expensive on big datasets. If some series turn out to have a length that would allow more than `max_samples_per_ts`, only the most recent `max_samples_per_ts` samples will be considered. n_jobs_multioutput_wrapper Number of jobs of the MultiOutputRegressor wrapper to run in parallel. Only used if the model doesn't support multi-output regression natively. sample_weight Optionally, some sample weights to apply to the target `series` labels. They are applied per observation, per label (each step in `output_chunk_length`), and per component. If a series or sequence of series, then those weights are used. If the weight series only have a single component / column, then the weights are applied globally to all components in `series`. Otherwise, for component-specific weights, the number of components must match those of `series`. If a string, then the weights are generated using built-in weighting functions. The available options are `"linear"` or `"exponential"` decay - the further in the past, the lower the weight. The weights are computed globally based on the length of the longest series in `series`. Then for each series, the weights are extracted from the end of the global weights. This gives a common time weighting across all series. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to the `fit` method of the model. """ # guarantee that all inputs are either list of TimeSeries or None series = series2seq(series) past_covariates = series2seq(past_covariates) future_covariates = series2seq(future_covariates) val_series = series2seq(kwargs.pop("val_series", None)) val_past_covariates = series2seq(kwargs.pop("val_past_covariates", None)) val_future_covariates = series2seq(kwargs.pop("val_future_covariates", None)) if not isinstance(sample_weight, str): sample_weight = series2seq(sample_weight) val_sample_weight = kwargs.pop("val_sample_weight", None) if not isinstance(val_sample_weight, str): val_sample_weight = series2seq(val_sample_weight) self.encoders = self.initialize_encoders() if self.encoders.encoding_available: past_covariates, future_covariates = self.generate_fit_encodings( series=series, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, ) if past_covariates is not None: self._uses_past_covariates = True if future_covariates is not None: self._uses_future_covariates = True if ( get_single_series(series).static_covariates is not None and self.supports_static_covariates and self.considers_static_covariates ): self._verify_static_covariates(get_single_series(series).static_covariates) self._uses_static_covariates = True for covs, name in zip([past_covariates, future_covariates], ["past", "future"]): raise_if( covs is not None and name not in self.lags, f"`{name}_covariates` not None in `fit()` method call, but `lags_{name}_covariates` is None in " f"constructor.", ) raise_if( covs is None and name in self.lags, f"`{name}_covariates` is None in `fit()` method call, but `lags_{name}_covariates` is not None in " "constructor.", ) if self.supports_val_set: val_series, val_past_covariates, val_future_covariates = ( self._process_validation_set( series=series, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, val_series=val_series, val_past_covariates=val_past_covariates, val_future_covariates=val_future_covariates, ) ) # saving the dims of all input series to check at prediction time self.input_dim = { "target": series[0].width, "past": past_covariates[0].width if past_covariates else None, "future": future_covariates[0].width if future_covariates else None, } # if multi-output regression use_mor = False if not series[0].is_univariate or ( self.output_chunk_length > 1 and self.multi_models and not isinstance(self.model, MultiOutputRegressor) ): if sample_weight is not None: # we have 2D sample (and time) weights, only supported in Darts use_mor = True elif not ( callable(getattr(self.model, "_get_tags", None)) and isinstance(self.model._get_tags(), dict) and self.model._get_tags().get("multioutput") ): # model does not support multi-output regression natively use_mor = True elif ( self.model.__class__.__name__ == "CatBoostRegressor" and self.model.get_params()["loss_function"] == "RMSEWithUncertainty" ): use_mor = True elif ( self.model.__class__.__name__ == "XGBRegressor" and self.likelihood is not None ): # since xgboost==2.1.0, likelihoods do not support native multi output regression use_mor = True if use_mor: val_set_name, val_weight_name = self.val_set_params mor_kwargs = { "eval_set_name": val_set_name, "eval_weight_name": val_weight_name, "n_jobs": n_jobs_multioutput_wrapper, } self.model = MultiOutputRegressor(self.model, **mor_kwargs) # warn if n_jobs_multioutput_wrapper was provided but not used if ( not isinstance(self.model, MultiOutputRegressor) and n_jobs_multioutput_wrapper is not None ): logger.warning("Provided `n_jobs_multioutput_wrapper` wasn't used.") super().fit( series=seq2series(series), past_covariates=seq2series(past_covariates), future_covariates=seq2series(future_covariates), ) variate2arg = { "target": "lags", "past": "lags_past_covariates", "future": "lags_future_covariates", } # if provided, component-wise lags must be defined for all the components of the first series component_lags_error_msg = [] for variate_type, variate in zip( ["target", "past", "future"], [series, past_covariates, future_covariates] ): if variate_type not in self.component_lags: continue # ignore the fallback lags entry provided_components = set(self.component_lags[variate_type].keys()) required_components = set(variate[0].components) wrong_components = list( provided_components - {"default_lags"} - required_components ) missing_keys = list(required_components - provided_components) # lags were specified for unrecognized components if len(wrong_components) > 0: component_lags_error_msg.append( f"The `{variate2arg[variate_type]}` dictionary specifies lags for components that are not " f"present in the series : {wrong_components}. They must be removed to avoid any ambiguity." ) elif len(missing_keys) > 0 and "default_lags" not in provided_components: component_lags_error_msg.append( f"The {variate2arg[variate_type]} dictionary is missing the lags for the following components " f"present in the series: {missing_keys}. The key 'default_lags' can be used to provide lags for " f"all the non-explicitely defined components." ) else: # reorder the components based on the input series, insert the default when necessary self.component_lags[variate_type] = { comp_name: ( self.component_lags[variate_type][comp_name] if comp_name in self.component_lags[variate_type] else self.component_lags[variate_type]["default_lags"] ) for comp_name in variate[0].components } # single error message for all the lags arguments if len(component_lags_error_msg) > 0: raise_log(ValueError("\n".join(component_lags_error_msg)), logger) self._fit_model( series=series, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, val_series=val_series, val_past_covariates=val_past_covariates, val_future_covariates=val_future_covariates, sample_weight=sample_weight, val_sample_weight=val_sample_weight, max_samples_per_ts=max_samples_per_ts, **kwargs, ) return self
[docs] def predict( self, n: int, series: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None, past_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None, future_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None, num_samples: int = 1, verbose: bool = False, predict_likelihood_parameters: bool = False, show_warnings: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]: """Forecasts values for `n` time steps after the end of the series. Parameters ---------- n : int Forecast horizon - the number of time steps after the end of the series for which to produce predictions. series : TimeSeries or list of TimeSeries, optional Optionally, one or several input `TimeSeries`, representing the history of the target series whose future is to be predicted. If specified, the method returns the forecasts of these series. Otherwise, the method returns the forecast of the (single) training series. past_covariates : TimeSeries or list of TimeSeries, optional Optionally, the past-observed covariates series needed as inputs for the model. They must match the covariates used for training in terms of dimension and type. future_covariates : TimeSeries or list of TimeSeries, optional Optionally, the future-known covariates series needed as inputs for the model. They must match the covariates used for training in terms of dimension and type. num_samples : int, default: 1 Number of times a prediction is sampled from a probabilistic model. Should be set to 1 for deterministic models. verbose Whether to print the progress. predict_likelihood_parameters If set to `True`, the model predicts the parameters of its `likelihood` instead of the target. Only supported for probabilistic models with a likelihood, `num_samples = 1` and `n<=output_chunk_length`. Default: ``False`` **kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments passed to the `predict` method of the model. Only works with univariate target series. show_warnings Optionally, control whether warnings are shown. Not effective for all models. """ if series is None: # then there must be a single TS, and that was saved in super().fit as self.training_series if self.training_series is None: raise_log( ValueError( "Input `series` must be provided. This is the result either from fitting on multiple series, " "or from not having fit the model yet." ), logger, ) series = self.training_series called_with_single_series = isinstance(series, TimeSeries) # guarantee that all inputs are either list of TimeSeries or None series = series2seq(series) if past_covariates is None and self.past_covariate_series is not None: past_covariates = [self.past_covariate_series] * len(series) if future_covariates is None and self.future_covariate_series is not None: future_covariates = [self.future_covariate_series] * len(series) past_covariates = series2seq(past_covariates) future_covariates = series2seq(future_covariates) if self.uses_static_covariates: self._verify_static_covariates(series[0].static_covariates) # encoders are set when calling fit(), but not when calling fit_from_dataset() # when covariates are loaded from model, they already contain the encodings: this is not a problem as the # encoders regenerate the encodings if self.encoders.encoding_available: past_covariates, future_covariates = self.generate_predict_encodings( n=n, series=series, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, ) super().predict( n, series, past_covariates, future_covariates, num_samples, verbose, predict_likelihood_parameters, show_warnings, ) # check that the input sizes of the target series and covariates match pred_input_dim = { "target": series[0].width, "past": past_covariates[0].width if past_covariates else None, "future": future_covariates[0].width if future_covariates else None, } raise_if_not( pred_input_dim == self.input_dim, f"The number of components of the target series and the covariates provided for prediction doesn't " f"match the number of components of the target series and the covariates this model has been " f"trained on.\n" f"Provided number of components for prediction: {pred_input_dim}\n" f"Provided number of components for training: {self.input_dim}", ) # prediction preprocessing covariates = { "past": (past_covariates, self.lags.get("past")), "future": (future_covariates, self.lags.get("future")), } # prepare one_shot shift and step if self.multi_models: shift = 0 step = self.output_chunk_length else: shift = self.output_chunk_length - 1 step = 1 # dictionary containing covariate data over time span required for prediction covariate_matrices = {} # dictionary containing covariate lags relative to minimum covariate lag relative_cov_lags = {} for cov_type, (covs, lags) in covariates.items(): if covs is None: continue relative_cov_lags[cov_type] = np.array(lags) - lags[0] covariate_matrices[cov_type] = [] for idx, (ts, cov) in enumerate(zip(series, covs)): # how many steps to go back from end of target series for start of covariates steps_back = -(min(lags) + 1) + shift lags_diff = max(lags) - min(lags) + 1 # over how many steps the covariates range n_steps = lags_diff + max(0, n - self.output_chunk_length) + shift # calculate first and last required covariate time steps start_ts = ts.end_time() - ts.freq * steps_back end_ts = start_ts + ts.freq * (n_steps - 1) # check for sufficient covariate data if not (cov.start_time() <= start_ts and cov.end_time() >= end_ts): index_text = ( " " if called_with_single_series else f" at list/sequence index {idx} " ) raise_log( ValueError( f"The `{cov_type}_covariates`{index_text}are not long enough. " f"Given horizon `n={n}`, `min(lags_{cov_type}_covariates)={lags[0]}`, " f"`max(lags_{cov_type}_covariates)={lags[-1]}` and " f"`output_chunk_length={self.output_chunk_length}`, the `{cov_type}_covariates` have to " f"range from {start_ts} until {end_ts} (inclusive), but they only range from " f"{cov.start_time()} until {cov.end_time()}." ), logger=logger, ) # use slice() instead of [] as for integer-indexed series [] does not act on time index # for range indexes, we make the end timestamp inclusive here end_ts = end_ts + ts.freq if ts.has_range_index else end_ts covariate_matrices[cov_type].append( cov.slice(start_ts, end_ts).values(copy=False) ) covariate_matrices[cov_type] = np.stack(covariate_matrices[cov_type]) series_matrix = None if "target" in self.lags: series_matrix = np.stack([ ts.values(copy=False)[self.lags["target"][0] - shift :, :] for ts in series ]) # repeat series_matrix to shape (num_samples * num_series, n_lags, n_components) # [series 0 sample 0, series 0 sample 1, ..., series n sample k] series_matrix = np.repeat(series_matrix, num_samples, axis=0) # same for covariate matrices for cov_type, data in covariate_matrices.items(): covariate_matrices[cov_type] = np.repeat(data, num_samples, axis=0) # for concatenating target with predictions (or quantile parameters) if predict_likelihood_parameters and self.likelihood is not None: # with `multi_models=False`, the predictions are concatenated with the past target, even if `n<=ocl` # to make things work, we just append the first predicted parameter (it will never be accessed) sample_slice = slice(0, None, self.num_parameters) else: sample_slice = slice(None) # prediction predictions = [] last_step_shift = 0 # t_pred indicates the number of time steps after the first prediction for t_pred in range(0, n, step): # in case of autoregressive forecast `(t_pred > 0)` and if `n` is not a round multiple of `step`, # we have to step back `step` from `n` in the last iteration if 0 < n - t_pred < step and t_pred > 0: last_step_shift = t_pred - (n - step) t_pred = n - step # concatenate previous iteration forecasts if "target" in self.lags and predictions: series_matrix = np.concatenate( [series_matrix, predictions[-1][:, :, sample_slice]], axis=1 ) # extract and concatenate lags from target and covariates series X = _create_lagged_data_autoregression( target_series=series, t_pred=t_pred, shift=shift, last_step_shift=last_step_shift, series_matrix=series_matrix, covariate_matrices=covariate_matrices, lags=self.lags, component_lags=self.component_lags, relative_cov_lags=relative_cov_lags, num_samples=num_samples, uses_static_covariates=self.uses_static_covariates, last_static_covariates_shape=self._static_covariates_shape, ) # X has shape (n_series * n_samples, n_regression_features) prediction = self._predict_and_sample( X, num_samples, predict_likelihood_parameters, **kwargs ) # prediction shape (n_series * n_samples, output_chunk_length, n_components) # append prediction to final predictions predictions.append(prediction[:, last_step_shift:]) # concatenate and use first n points as prediction predictions = np.concatenate(predictions, axis=1)[:, :n] # bring into correct shape: (n_series, output_chunk_length, n_components, n_samples) predictions = np.moveaxis( predictions.reshape(len(series), num_samples, n, -1), 1, -1 ) # build time series from the predicted values starting after end of series predictions = [ self._build_forecast_series( points_preds=row, input_series=input_tgt, custom_components=( self._likelihood_components_names(input_tgt) if predict_likelihood_parameters else None ), with_static_covs=False if predict_likelihood_parameters else True, with_hierarchy=False if predict_likelihood_parameters else True, pred_start=input_tgt.end_time() + (1 + self.output_chunk_shift) * input_tgt.freq, ) for idx_ts, (row, input_tgt) in enumerate(zip(predictions, series)) ] return predictions[0] if called_with_single_series else predictions
def _predict_and_sample( self, x: np.ndarray, num_samples: int, predict_likelihood_parameters: bool, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """By default, the regression model returns a single sample.""" prediction = self.model.predict(x, **kwargs) k = x.shape[0] return prediction.reshape(k, self.pred_dim, -1) @property def lagged_feature_names(self) -> Optional[list[str]]: """The lagged feature names the model has been trained on. The naming convention for target, past and future covariates is: ``"{name}_{type}_lag{i}"``, where: - ``{name}`` the component name of the (first) series - ``{type}`` is the feature type, one of "target", "pastcov", and "futcov" - ``{i}`` is the lag value The naming convention for static covariates is: ``"{name}_statcov_target_{comp}"``, where: - ``{name}`` the static covariate name of the (first) series - ``{comp}`` the target component name of the (first) that the static covariate act on. If the static covariate acts globally on a multivariate target series, will show "global". """ return self._lagged_feature_names @property def lagged_label_names(self) -> Optional[list[str]]: """The lagged label name for the model's estimators. The naming convention is: ``"{name}_target_hrz{i}"``, where: - ``{name}`` the component name of the (first) series - ``{i}`` is the position in output_chunk_length (label lag) """ return self._lagged_label_names def __str__(self): return self.model.__str__() @property def likelihood(self) -> Optional[str]: return getattr(self, "_likelihood", None) @property def supports_past_covariates(self) -> bool: return len(self.lags.get("past", [])) > 0 @property def supports_future_covariates(self) -> bool: return len(self.lags.get("future", [])) > 0 @property def supports_static_covariates(self) -> bool: return True @property def supports_val_set(self) -> bool: """Whether the model supports a validation set during training.""" return False @property def supports_sample_weight(self) -> bool: """Whether the model supports a validation set during training.""" return ( self.model.supports_sample_weight if isinstance(self.model, MultiOutputRegressor) else has_fit_parameter(self.model, "sample_weight") ) @property def val_set_params(self) -> tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: """Returns the parameter names for the validation set, and validation sample weights if it supports a validation set.""" return None, None def _check_optimizable_historical_forecasts( self, forecast_horizon: int, retrain: Union[bool, int, Callable[..., bool]], show_warnings: bool, ) -> bool: """ Historical forecast can be optimized only if `retrain=False` and `forecast_horizon <= model.output_chunk_length` (no auto-regression required). """ return _check_optimizable_historical_forecasts_global_models( model=self, forecast_horizon=forecast_horizon, retrain=retrain, show_warnings=show_warnings, allow_autoregression=False, ) def _optimized_historical_forecasts( self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], past_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None, future_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None, num_samples: int = 1, start: Optional[Union[pd.Timestamp, float, int]] = None, start_format: Literal["position", "value"] = "value", forecast_horizon: int = 1, stride: int = 1, overlap_end: bool = False, last_points_only: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, show_warnings: bool = True, predict_likelihood_parameters: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries], Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]]: """ For RegressionModels we create the lagged prediction data once per series using a moving window. With this, we can avoid having to recreate the tabular input data and call `model.predict()` for each forecastable index and series. Additionally, there is a dedicated subroutines for `last_points_only=True` and `last_points_only=False`. TODO: support forecast_horizon > output_chunk_length (auto-regression) """ series, past_covariates, future_covariates, series_seq_type = ( _process_historical_forecast_input( model=self, series=series, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, forecast_horizon=forecast_horizon, allow_autoregression=False, ) ) # TODO: move the loop here instead of duplicated code in each sub-routine? if last_points_only: hfc = _optimized_historical_forecasts_last_points_only( model=self, series=series, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, num_samples=num_samples, start=start, start_format=start_format, forecast_horizon=forecast_horizon, stride=stride, overlap_end=overlap_end, show_warnings=show_warnings, verbose=verbose, predict_likelihood_parameters=predict_likelihood_parameters, **kwargs, ) else: hfc = _optimized_historical_forecasts_all_points( model=self, series=series, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, num_samples=num_samples, start=start, start_format=start_format, forecast_horizon=forecast_horizon, stride=stride, overlap_end=overlap_end, show_warnings=show_warnings, verbose=verbose, predict_likelihood_parameters=predict_likelihood_parameters, **kwargs, ) return series2seq(hfc, seq_type_out=series_seq_type)
class _LikelihoodMixin: """ A class containing functions supporting quantile, poisson and gaussian regression, to be used as a mixin for some `RegressionModel` subclasses. """ @staticmethod def _check_likelihood(likelihood, available_likelihoods): raise_if_not( likelihood in available_likelihoods, f"If likelihood is specified it must be one of {available_likelihoods}", ) @staticmethod def _get_model_container(): return _QuantileModelContainer() @staticmethod def _prepare_quantiles(quantiles): if quantiles is None: quantiles = [ 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, ] else: quantiles = sorted(quantiles) _check_quantiles(quantiles) median_idx = quantiles.index(0.5) return quantiles, median_idx def _likelihood_components_names( self, input_series: TimeSeries ) -> Optional[list[str]]: if self.likelihood == "quantile": return self._quantiles_generate_components_names(input_series) elif self.likelihood == "poisson": return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["lambda"]) else: return None def _predict_quantile( self, x: np.ndarray, num_samples: int, predict_likelihood_parameters: bool, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """ X is of shape (n_series * n_samples, n_regression_features) """ k = x.shape[0] # if predict_likelihood_parameters is True, all the quantiles must be predicted if num_samples == 1 and not predict_likelihood_parameters: # return median fitted = self._model_container[0.5] return fitted.predict(x, **kwargs).reshape(k, self.pred_dim, -1) model_outputs = [] for quantile, fitted in self._model_container.items(): self.model = fitted # model output has shape (n_series * n_samples, output_chunk_length, n_components) model_output = fitted.predict(x, **kwargs).reshape(k, self.pred_dim, -1) model_outputs.append(model_output) model_outputs = np.stack(model_outputs, axis=-1) # shape (n_series * n_samples, output_chunk_length, n_components, n_quantiles) return model_outputs def _predict_poisson( self, x: np.ndarray, num_samples: int, predict_likelihood_parameters: bool, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """ X is of shape (n_series * n_samples, n_regression_features) """ k = x.shape[0] # shape (n_series * n_samples, output_chunk_length, n_components) return self.model.predict(x, **kwargs).reshape(k, self.pred_dim, -1) def _predict_normal( self, x: np.ndarray, num_samples: int, predict_likelihood_parameters: bool, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: """Method intended for CatBoost's RMSEWithUncertainty loss. Returns samples computed from double-valued inputs [mean, variance]. X is of shape (n_series * n_samples, n_regression_features) """ k = x.shape[0] # model_output shape: # if univariate & output_chunk_length = 1: (num_samples, 2) # else: (2, num_samples, n_components * output_chunk_length) # where the axis with 2 dims is mu, sigma model_output = self.model.predict(x, **kwargs) output_dim = len(model_output.shape) # deterministic case: we return the mean only if num_samples == 1 and not predict_likelihood_parameters: # univariate & single-chunk output if output_dim <= 2: output_slice = model_output[:, 0] else: output_slice = model_output[0, :, :] return output_slice.reshape(k, self.pred_dim, -1) # probabilistic case # univariate & single-chunk output if output_dim <= 2: # embedding well shaped 2D output into 3D model_output = np.expand_dims(model_output, axis=0) else: # we transpose to get mu, sigma couples on last axis # shape becomes: (n_components * output_chunk_length, num_samples, 2) model_output = model_output.transpose() # shape (n_components * output_chunk_length, num_samples, 2) return model_output def _sampling_quantile(self, model_output: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Sample uniformly between [0, 1] (for each batch example) and return the linear interpolation between the fitted quantiles closest to the sampled value. model_output is of shape (n_series * n_samples, output_chunk_length, n_components, n_quantiles) """ k, n_timesteps, n_components, n_quantiles = model_output.shape # obtain samples probs = self._rng.uniform( size=( k, n_timesteps, n_components, 1, ) ) # add dummy dim probas = np.expand_dims(probs, axis=-2) # tile and transpose p = np.tile(probas, (1, 1, 1, n_quantiles, 1)).transpose((0, 1, 2, 4, 3)) # prepare quantiles tquantiles = np.array(self.quantiles).reshape((1, 1, 1, -1)) # calculate index of the largest quantile smaller than the sampled value left_idx = np.sum(p > tquantiles, axis=-1) # obtain index of the smallest quantile larger than the sampled value right_idx = left_idx + 1 # repeat the model output on the edges repeat_count = [1] * n_quantiles repeat_count[0] = 2 repeat_count[-1] = 2 repeat_count = np.array(repeat_count) shifted_output = np.repeat(model_output, repeat_count, axis=-1) # obtain model output values corresponding to the quantiles left and right of the sampled value left_value = np.take_along_axis(shifted_output, left_idx, axis=-1) right_value = np.take_along_axis(shifted_output, right_idx, axis=-1) # add 0 and 1 to quantiles ext_quantiles = [0.0] + self.quantiles + [1.0] expanded_q = np.tile(np.array(ext_quantiles), left_idx.shape) # calculate closest quantiles to the sampled value left_q = np.take_along_axis(expanded_q, left_idx, axis=-1) right_q = np.take_along_axis(expanded_q, right_idx, axis=-1) # linear interpolation weights = (probs - left_q) / (right_q - left_q) inter = left_value + weights * (right_value - left_value) # shape (n_series * n_samples, output_chunk_length, n_components * n_quantiles) return inter.squeeze(-1) def _sampling_poisson(self, model_output: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ model_output is of shape (n_series * n_samples, output_chunk_length, n_components) """ return self._rng.poisson(lam=model_output).astype(float) def _sampling_normal(self, model_output: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Sampling method for CatBoost's [mean, variance] output. model_output is of shape (n_components * output_chunk_length, n_samples, 2) where the last dimension contain mu and sigma. """ n_entries, n_samples, n_params = model_output.shape # treating each component separately mu_sigma_list = [model_output[i, :, :] for i in range(n_entries)] list_of_samples = [ self._rng.normal( mu_sigma[:, 0], # mean vector mu_sigma[:, 1], # diagonal covariance matrix ) for mu_sigma in mu_sigma_list ] samples_transposed = np.array(list_of_samples).transpose() samples_reshaped = samples_transposed.reshape(n_samples, self.pred_dim, -1) return samples_reshaped def _params_quantile(self, model_output: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Quantiles on the last dimension, grouped by component""" k, n_timesteps, n_components, n_quantiles = model_output.shape # last dim : [comp_1_q_1, ..., comp_1_q_n, ..., comp_n_q_1, ..., comp_n_q_n] return model_output.reshape(k, n_timesteps, n_components * n_quantiles) def _params_poisson(self, model_output: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Lambdas on the last dimension, grouped by component""" return model_output def _params_normal(self, model_output: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """[mu, sigma] on the last dimension, grouped by component""" shape = model_output.shape n_samples = shape[1] # extract mu and sigma for each component mu_sigma_list = [model_output[i, :, :] for i in range(shape[0])] # reshape to (n_samples, output_chunk_length, 2) params_transposed = np.array(mu_sigma_list).transpose() params_reshaped = params_transposed.reshape(n_samples, self.pred_dim, -1) return params_reshaped def _predict_and_sample_likelihood( self, x: np.ndarray, num_samples: int, likelihood: str, predict_likelihood_parameters: bool, **kwargs, ) -> np.ndarray: model_output = getattr(self, f"_predict_{likelihood}")( x, num_samples, predict_likelihood_parameters, **kwargs ) if predict_likelihood_parameters: return getattr(self, f"_params_{likelihood}")(model_output) else: if num_samples == 1: return model_output else: return getattr(self, f"_sampling_{likelihood}")(model_output) def _num_parameters_quantile(self) -> int: return len(self.quantiles) def _num_parameters_poisson(self) -> int: return 1 def _num_parameters_normal(self) -> int: return 2 @property def num_parameters(self) -> int: """Mimic function of Likelihood class""" likelihood = self.likelihood if likelihood is None: return 0 elif likelihood in ["gaussian", "RMSEWithUncertainty"]: return self._num_parameters_normal() else: return getattr(self, f"_num_parameters_{likelihood}")() def _quantiles_generate_components_names( self, input_series: TimeSeries ) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names( input_series, quantile_names(q=self._model_container.keys()), ) def _likelihood_generate_components_names( self, input_series: TimeSeries, parameter_names: list[str] ) -> list[str]: return likelihood_component_names( components=input_series.components, parameter_names=parameter_names ) class _QuantileModelContainer(OrderedDict): def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs]class RegressionModelWithCategoricalCovariates(RegressionModel): def __init__( self, lags: Union[int, list] = None, lags_past_covariates: Union[int, list[int]] = None, lags_future_covariates: Union[tuple[int, int], list[int]] = None, output_chunk_length: int = 1, output_chunk_shift: int = 0, add_encoders: Optional[dict] = None, model=None, multi_models: Optional[bool] = True, use_static_covariates: bool = True, categorical_past_covariates: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, categorical_future_covariates: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, categorical_static_covariates: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, ): """ Extension of `RegressionModel` for regression models that support categorical covariates. Parameters ---------- lags Lagged target `series` values used to predict the next time step/s. If an integer, must be > 0. Uses the last `n=lags` past lags; e.g. `(-1, -2, ..., -lags)`, where `0` corresponds the first predicted time step of each sample. If `output_chunk_shift > 0`, then lag `-1` translates to `-1 - output_chunk_shift` steps before the first prediction step. If a list of integers, each value must be < 0. Uses only the specified values as lags. If a dictionary, the keys correspond to the `series` component names (of the first series when using multiple series) and the values correspond to the component lags (integer or list of integers). The key 'default_lags' can be used to provide default lags for un-specified components. Raises and error if some components are missing and the 'default_lags' key is not provided. lags_past_covariates Lagged `past_covariates` values used to predict the next time step/s. If an integer, must be > 0. Uses the last `n=lags_past_covariates` past lags; e.g. `(-1, -2, ..., -lags)`, where `0` corresponds to the first predicted time step of each sample. If `output_chunk_shift > 0`, then lag `-1` translates to `-1 - output_chunk_shift` steps before the first prediction step. If a list of integers, each value must be < 0. Uses only the specified values as lags. If a dictionary, the keys correspond to the `past_covariates` component names (of the first series when using multiple series) and the values correspond to the component lags (integer or list of integers). The key 'default_lags' can be used to provide default lags for un-specified components. Raises and error if some components are missing and the 'default_lags' key is not provided. lags_future_covariates Lagged `future_covariates` values used to predict the next time step/s. The lags are always relative to the first step in the output chunk, even when `output_chunk_shift > 0`. If a tuple of `(past, future)`, both values must be > 0. Uses the last `n=past` past lags and `n=future` future lags; e.g. `(-past, -(past - 1), ..., -1, 0, 1, .... future - 1)`, where `0` corresponds the first predicted time step of each sample. If `output_chunk_shift > 0`, the position of negative lags differ from those of `lags` and `lags_past_covariates`. In this case a future lag `-5` would point at the same step as a target lag of `-5 + output_chunk_shift`. If a list of integers, uses only the specified values as lags. If a dictionary, the keys correspond to the `future_covariates` component names (of the first series when using multiple series) and the values correspond to the component lags (tuple or list of integers). The key 'default_lags' can be used to provide default lags for un-specified components. Raises and error if some components are missing and the 'default_lags' key is not provided. output_chunk_length Number of time steps predicted at once (per chunk) by the internal model. It is not the same as forecast horizon `n` used in `predict()`, which is the desired number of prediction points generated using a one-shot- or autoregressive forecast. Setting `n <= output_chunk_length` prevents auto-regression. This is useful when the covariates don't extend far enough into the future, or to prohibit the model from using future values of past and / or future covariates for prediction (depending on the model's covariate support). output_chunk_shift Optionally, the number of steps to shift the start of the output chunk into the future (relative to the input chunk end). This will create a gap between the input (history of target and past covariates) and output. If the model supports `future_covariates`, the `lags_future_covariates` are relative to the first step in the shifted output chunk. Predictions will start `output_chunk_shift` steps after the end of the target `series`. If `output_chunk_shift` is set, the model cannot generate autoregressive predictions (`n > output_chunk_length`). add_encoders A large number of past and future covariates can be automatically generated with `add_encoders`. This can be done by adding multiple pre-defined index encoders and/or custom user-made functions that will be used as index encoders. Additionally, a transformer such as Darts' :class:`Scaler` can be added to transform the generated covariates. This happens all under one hood and only needs to be specified at model creation. Read :meth:`SequentialEncoder <darts.dataprocessing.encoders.SequentialEncoder>` to find out more about ``add_encoders``. Default: ``None``. An example showing some of ``add_encoders`` features: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python def encode_year(idx): return (idx.year - 1950) / 50 add_encoders={ 'cyclic': {'future': ['month']}, 'datetime_attribute': {'future': ['hour', 'dayofweek']}, 'position': {'past': ['relative'], 'future': ['relative']}, 'custom': {'past': [encode_year]}, 'transformer': Scaler(), 'tz': 'CET' } .. model Scikit-learn-like model with ``fit()`` and ``predict()`` methods. Also possible to use model that doesn't support multi-output regression for multivariate timeseries, in which case one regressor will be used per component in the multivariate series. If None, defaults to: ``sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression(n_jobs=-1)``. multi_models If True, a separate model will be trained for each future lag to predict. If False, a single model is trained to predict at step 'output_chunk_length' in the future. Default: True. use_static_covariates Whether the model should use static covariate information in case the input `series` passed to ``fit()`` contain static covariates. If ``True``, and static covariates are available at fitting time, will enforce that all target `series` have the same static covariate dimensionality in ``fit()`` and ``predict()``. categorical_past_covariates Optionally, component name or list of component names specifying the past covariates that should be treated as categorical. categorical_future_covariates Optionally, component name or list of component names specifying the future covariates that should be treated as categorical. categorical_static_covariates Optionally, string or list of strings specifying the static covariates that should be treated as categorical. """ super().__init__( lags=lags, lags_past_covariates=lags_past_covariates, lags_future_covariates=lags_future_covariates, output_chunk_length=output_chunk_length, output_chunk_shift=output_chunk_shift, add_encoders=add_encoders, model=model, multi_models=multi_models, use_static_covariates=use_static_covariates, ) self.categorical_past_covariates = ( [categorical_past_covariates] if isinstance(categorical_past_covariates, str) else categorical_past_covariates ) self.categorical_future_covariates = ( [categorical_future_covariates] if isinstance(categorical_future_covariates, str) else categorical_future_covariates ) self.categorical_static_covariates = ( [categorical_static_covariates] if isinstance(categorical_static_covariates, str) else categorical_static_covariates )
[docs] def fit( self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], past_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None, future_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None, max_samples_per_ts: Optional[int] = None, n_jobs_multioutput_wrapper: Optional[int] = None, sample_weight: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries], str]] = None, **kwargs, ): self._validate_categorical_covariates( series=series, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, ) super().fit( series=series, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, max_samples_per_ts=max_samples_per_ts, n_jobs_multioutput_wrapper=n_jobs_multioutput_wrapper, sample_weight=sample_weight, **kwargs, )
@property def _categorical_fit_param(self) -> tuple[str, Any]: """ Returns the name, and default value of the categorical features parameter from model's `fit` method . Can be overridden in subclasses. """ return "categorical_feature", "auto" def _validate_categorical_covariates( self, series: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]], past_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None, future_covariates: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]] = None, ) -> None: """ Checks that the categorical covariates are valid. Specifically, checks that the categorical covariates of the model are a subset of all covariates. Parameters ---------- series TimeSeries or Sequence[TimeSeries] object containing the target values. past_covariates Optionally, a series or sequence of series specifying past-observed covariates future_covariates Optionally, a series or sequence of series specifying future-known covariates """ for categorical_covariates, covariates, cov_type in zip( [self.categorical_past_covariates, self.categorical_future_covariates], [past_covariates, future_covariates], ["past_covariates", "future_covariates"], ): if categorical_covariates: if not covariates: raise_log( ValueError( f"`categorical_{cov_type}` were declared at model creation but no " f"`{cov_type}` are passed to the `fit()` call." ), ) s = get_single_series(covariates) if not set(categorical_covariates).issubset(set(s.components)): raise_log( ValueError( f"Some `categorical_{cov_type}` components " f"({set(categorical_covariates) - set(s.components)}) " f"declared at model creation are not present in the `{cov_type}` " f"passed to the `fit()` call." ) ) if self.categorical_static_covariates: s = get_single_series(series) covariates = s.static_covariates if not s.has_static_covariates: raise_log( ValueError( "`categorical_static_covariates` were declared at model creation but `series`" "passed to the `fit()` call does not contain `static_covariates`." ), ) if not set(self.categorical_static_covariates).issubset( set(covariates.columns) ): raise_log( ValueError( f"Some `categorical_static_covariates` components " f"({set(self.categorical_static_covariates) - set(covariates.columns)}) " f"declared at model creation are not present in the series' `static_covariates` " f"passed to the `fit()` call." ) ) def _get_categorical_features( self, series: Union[Sequence[TimeSeries], TimeSeries], past_covariates: Optional[Union[Sequence[TimeSeries], TimeSeries]] = None, future_covariates: Optional[Union[Sequence[TimeSeries], TimeSeries]] = None, ) -> tuple[list[int], list[str]]: """ Returns the indices and column names of the categorical features in the regression model. Steps: 1. Get the list of features used in the model. We keep the creation order of the different lags/features in create_lagged_data. 2. Get the indices of the categorical features in the list of features. """ categorical_covariates = ( ( self.categorical_past_covariates if self.categorical_past_covariates else [] ) + ( self.categorical_future_covariates if self.categorical_future_covariates else [] ) + ( self.categorical_static_covariates if self.categorical_static_covariates else [] ) ) if not categorical_covariates: return [], [] else: target_ts = get_single_series(series) past_covs_ts = get_single_series(past_covariates) fut_covs_ts = get_single_series(future_covariates) # We keep the creation order of the different lags/features in create_lagged_data feature_list = ( [ f"target_{component}_lag{lag}" for lag in self.lags.get("target", []) for component in target_ts.components ] + [ f"past_cov_{component}_lag{lag}" for lag in self.lags.get("past", []) for component in past_covs_ts.components ] + [ f"fut_cov_{component}_lag{lag}" for lag in self.lags.get("future", []) for component in fut_covs_ts.components ] + ( list(target_ts.static_covariates.columns) if target_ts.has_static_covariates # if isinstance(target_ts.static_covariates, pd.DataFrame) else [] ) ) indices = [ i for i, col in enumerate(feature_list) for cat in categorical_covariates if cat and cat in col ] col_names = [feature_list[i] for i in indices] return indices, col_names def _fit_model( self, series, past_covariates, future_covariates, max_samples_per_ts, sample_weight, **kwargs, ): """ Custom fit function for `RegressionModelWithCategoricalCovariates` models, adding logic to let the model handle categorical features directly. """ cat_col_indices, _ = self._get_categorical_features( series=series, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, ) cat_param_name, cat_param_default = self._categorical_fit_param kwargs[cat_param_name] = ( cat_col_indices if cat_col_indices else cat_param_default ) super()._fit_model( series=series, past_covariates=past_covariates, future_covariates=future_covariates, max_samples_per_ts=max_samples_per_ts, sample_weight=sample_weight, **kwargs, )