Source code for darts.models.forecasting.theta

Theta Method

import math
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np
import statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters as hw

from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_if_not, raise_log
from darts.models.forecasting.forecasting_model import LocalForecastingModel
from darts.timeseries import TimeSeries
from darts.utils.statistics import (
from darts.utils.utils import ModelMode, SeasonalityMode, TrendMode

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class Theta(LocalForecastingModel): # .. todo: Implement OTM: Optimized Theta Method ( # .. todo: Try with something different than SES? They do that in the paper. def __init__( self, theta: int = 2, seasonality_period: Optional[int] = None, season_mode: SeasonalityMode = SeasonalityMode.MULTIPLICATIVE, ): """ An implementation of the Theta method with configurable `theta` parameter. See [1]_. The training time series is de-seasonalized according to `seasonality_period`, or an inferred seasonality period. `season_mode` must be a ``SeasonalityMode`` Enum member. You can access the Enum with ``from darts.utils.utils import SeasonalityMode``. Parameters ---------- theta Value of the theta parameter. Defaults to 2. Cannot be set to 0. If `theta = 1`, then the theta method restricts to a simple exponential smoothing (SES) seasonality_period User-defined seasonality period. If not set, will be tentatively inferred from the training series upon calling :func:`fit()`. season_mode Type of seasonality. Either ``SeasonalityMode.MULTIPLICATIVE``, ``SeasonalityMode.ADDITIVE`` or ``SeasonalityMode.NONE``. Defaults to ``SeasonalityMode.MULTIPLICATIVE``. References ---------- .. [1] `Unmasking the Theta method <` Examples -------- >>> from darts.datasets import AirPassengersDataset >>> from darts.models import Theta >>> series = AirPassengersDataset().load() >>> # using the canonical Theta method >>> model = Theta(theta=2) >>> >>> pred = model.predict(6) >>> pred.values() array([[442.7256909 ], [433.74381763], [494.54534585], [480.36937856], [481.06675142], [545.80068173]]) """ super().__init__() self.model = None self.coef = 1 self.alpha = 1 self.length = 0 self.theta = theta self.is_seasonal = False self.seasonality = None self.seasonality_period = seasonality_period self.season_period = None self.season_mode = season_mode raise_if_not( season_mode in SeasonalityMode, f"Unknown value for season_mode: {season_mode}.", logger, ) if self.theta == 0: raise_log(ValueError("The parameter theta cannot be equal to 0."), logger)
[docs] def fit(self, series: TimeSeries): super().fit(series) self._assert_univariate(series) ts = self.training_series self.length = len(ts) # Check for statistical significance of user-defined season period # or infers season_period from the TimeSeries itself. if self.season_mode is SeasonalityMode.NONE: self.season_period = 1 else: self.season_period = self.seasonality_period if self.season_period is None: max_lag = len(ts) // 2 self.is_seasonal, self.season_period = check_seasonality( ts, self.season_period, max_lag=max_lag ) else: # force the user-defined seasonality to be considered as a true seasonal period. self.is_seasonal = self.season_period > 1 new_ts = ts # Store and remove seasonality effect if there is any. if self.is_seasonal: _, self.seasonality = extract_trend_and_seasonality( ts, self.season_period, model=self.season_mode ) new_ts = remove_from_series(ts, self.seasonality, model=self.season_mode) # SES part of the decomposition. self.model = hw.SimpleExpSmoothing(new_ts.values(copy=False)).fit() # Linear Regression part of the decomposition. We select the degree one coefficient. b_theta = np.polyfit( np.array([i for i in range(0, self.length)]), (1.0 - self.theta) * new_ts.values(copy=False), 1, )[0] # Normalization of the coefficient b_theta. self.coef = b_theta / (-self.theta) self.alpha = self.model.params["smoothing_level"] if self.alpha == 0.0: self.model = hw.SimpleExpSmoothing(new_ts.values(copy=False)).fit( initial_level=ALPHA_START ) self.alpha = self.model.params["smoothing_level"] return self
[docs] def predict( self, n: int, num_samples: int = 1, verbose: bool = False, show_warnings: bool = True, ) -> "TimeSeries": super().predict(n, num_samples) # Forecast of the SES part. forecast = self.model.forecast(n) # Forecast of the Linear Regression part. drift = self.coef * np.array([ i + (1 - (1 - self.alpha) ** self.length) / self.alpha for i in range(0, n) ]) # Combining the two forecasts forecast += drift # Re-apply the seasonal trend of the TimeSeries if self.is_seasonal: replicated_seasonality = np.tile( self.seasonality.pd_series()[-self.season_period :], math.ceil(n / self.season_period), )[:n] if self.season_mode is SeasonalityMode.MULTIPLICATIVE: forecast *= replicated_seasonality elif self.season_mode is SeasonalityMode.ADDITIVE: forecast += replicated_seasonality return self._build_forecast_series(forecast)
@property def supports_multivariate(self) -> bool: return False @property def min_train_series_length(self) -> int: if ( self.season_mode != SeasonalityMode.NONE and self.seasonality_period and self.seasonality_period > 1 ): return 2 * self.seasonality_period else: return 3
[docs]class FourTheta(LocalForecastingModel): def __init__( self, theta: int = 2, seasonality_period: Optional[int] = None, season_mode: SeasonalityMode = SeasonalityMode.MULTIPLICATIVE, model_mode: ModelMode = ModelMode.ADDITIVE, trend_mode: TrendMode = TrendMode.LINEAR, normalization: bool = True, ): """ An implementation of the 4Theta method with configurable `theta` parameter. See M4 competition `solution <>`_. The training time series is de-seasonalized according to `seasonality_period`, or an inferred seasonality period. `season_mode` must be a ``SeasonalityMode`` Enum member. `model_mode` must be a ``ModelMode`` Enum member. `trend_mode` must be a ``TrendMode`` Enum member. You can access the different Enums with ``from darts import SeasonalityMode, TrendMode, ModelMode``. When called with `theta = X`, `model_mode = Model.ADDITIVE` and `trend_mode = Trend.LINEAR`, this model is equivalent to calling `Theta(theta=X)`. Parameters ---------- theta Value of the theta parameter. Defaults to 2. If theta = 1, then the fourtheta method restricts to a simple exponential smoothing (SES). If theta = 0, then the fourtheta method restricts to a simple `trend_mode` regression. seasonality_period User-defined seasonality period. If not set, will be tentatively inferred from the training series upon calling `fit()`. model_mode Type of model combining the Theta lines. Either ModelMode.ADDITIVE or ModelMode.MULTIPLICATIVE. Defaults to `ModelMode.ADDITIVE`. season_mode Type of seasonality. Either SeasonalityMode.MULTIPLICATIVE, SeasonalityMode.ADDITIVE or SeasonalityMode.NONE. Defaults to `SeasonalityMode.MULTIPLICATIVE`. trend_mode Type of trend to fit. Either TrendMode.LINEAR or TrendMode.EXPONENTIAL. Defaults to `TrendMode.LINEAR`. normalization If `True`, the data is normalized so that the mean is 1. Defaults to `True`. Notes ----- Even though this model is an improvement of :class:`Theta`, it is a naive implementation of the algorithm, which can potentially be slower. Examples -------- >>> from darts.datasets import AirPassengersDataset >>> from darts.models import FourTheta >>> series = AirPassengersDataset().load() >>> model = FourTheta(theta=2) >>> >>> pred = model.predict(6) >>> pred.values() array([[443.3949283 ], [434.39769555], [495.28886231], [481.08962991], [481.78610361], [546.61463773]]) """ super().__init__() self.model = None self.drift = None self.mean = 1 self.length = 0 self.theta = theta self.is_seasonal = False self.seasonality = None self.seasonality_period = seasonality_period self.season_period = None self.model_mode = model_mode self.season_mode = season_mode self.trend_mode = trend_mode self.wses = 0 if self.theta == 0 else (1 / theta) self.wdrift = 1 - self.wses self.fitted_values = None self.normalization = normalization raise_if_not( isinstance(model_mode, ModelMode), f"Unknown value for model_mode: {model_mode}.", logger, ) raise_if_not( isinstance(trend_mode, TrendMode), f"Unknown value for trend_mode: {trend_mode}.", logger, ) raise_if_not( isinstance(season_mode, SeasonalityMode), f"Unknown value for season_mode: {season_mode}.", logger, )
[docs] def fit(self, series): super().fit(series) self.length = len(series) # normalization of data if self.normalization: self.mean = series.pd_dataframe(copy=False).mean().mean() raise_if_not( not np.isclose(self.mean, 0), "The mean value of the provided series is too close to zero to perform normalization", logger, ) new_ts = series / self.mean else: new_ts = series # Check for statistical significance of user-defined season period # or infers season_period from the TimeSeries itself. if self.season_mode is SeasonalityMode.NONE: self.season_period = 1 else: self.season_period = self.seasonality_period if self.season_period is None: max_lag = len(series) // 2 self.is_seasonal, self.season_period = check_seasonality( series, self.season_period, max_lag=max_lag ) else: # force the user-defined seasonality to be considered as a true seasonal period. self.is_seasonal = self.season_period > 1 # Store and remove seasonality effect if there is any. if self.is_seasonal: _, self.seasonality = extract_trend_and_seasonality( new_ts, self.season_period, model=self.season_mode ) new_ts = remove_from_series( new_ts, self.seasonality, model=self.season_mode ) ts_values = new_ts.univariate_values() if (ts_values <= 0).any(): self.model_mode = ModelMode.ADDITIVE self.trend_mode = TrendMode.LINEAR logger.warning( "Time series has negative values. Fallback to additive and linear model" ) # Drift part of the decomposition if self.trend_mode is TrendMode.LINEAR: linreg = ts_values else: linreg = np.log(ts_values) self.drift = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(np.arange(self.length), linreg, 1)) theta0_in = self.drift(np.arange(self.length)) if self.trend_mode is TrendMode.EXPONENTIAL: theta0_in = np.exp(theta0_in) if (theta0_in > 0).all() and self.model_mode is ModelMode.MULTIPLICATIVE: theta_t = (ts_values**self.theta) * (theta0_in ** (1 - self.theta)) else: if self.model_mode is ModelMode.MULTIPLICATIVE: logger.warning("Negative Theta line. Fallback to additive model") self.model_mode = ModelMode.ADDITIVE theta_t = self.theta * ts_values + (1 - self.theta) * theta0_in # SES part of the decomposition. self.model = hw.SimpleExpSmoothing(theta_t).fit() theta2_in = self.model.fittedvalues if (theta2_in > 0).all() and self.model_mode is ModelMode.MULTIPLICATIVE: self.fitted_values = theta2_in**self.wses * theta0_in**self.wdrift else: if self.model_mode is ModelMode.MULTIPLICATIVE: self.model_mode = ModelMode.ADDITIVE logger.warning("Negative Theta line. Fallback to additive model") theta_t = self.theta * ts_values + (1 - self.theta) * theta0_in self.model = hw.SimpleExpSmoothing(theta_t).fit() theta2_in = self.model.fittedvalues self.fitted_values = self.wses * theta2_in + self.wdrift * theta0_in if self.is_seasonal: if self.season_mode is SeasonalityMode.ADDITIVE: self.fitted_values += self.seasonality.univariate_values(copy=False) elif self.season_mode is SeasonalityMode.MULTIPLICATIVE: self.fitted_values *= self.seasonality.univariate_values(copy=False) # Fitted values are the results of the fit of the model on the train series. A good fit of the model # will lead to fitted_values similar to ts. But one cannot see if it overfits. if self.normalization: self.fitted_values *= self.mean return self
[docs] def predict( self, n: int, num_samples: int = 1, verbose: bool = False, show_warnings: bool = True, ) -> "TimeSeries": super().predict(n, num_samples) # Forecast of the SES part. forecast = self.model.forecast(n) # Forecast of the Linear Regression part. drift = self.drift(np.arange(self.length, self.length + n)) if self.trend_mode is TrendMode.EXPONENTIAL: drift = np.exp(drift) if self.model_mode is ModelMode.ADDITIVE: forecast = self.wses * forecast + self.wdrift * drift else: forecast = forecast**self.wses * drift**self.wdrift # Re-apply the seasonal trend of the TimeSeries if self.is_seasonal: replicated_seasonality = np.tile( self.seasonality.pd_series()[-self.season_period :], math.ceil(n / self.season_period), )[:n] if self.season_mode is SeasonalityMode.MULTIPLICATIVE: forecast *= replicated_seasonality else: forecast += replicated_seasonality if self.normalization: forecast *= self.mean return self._build_forecast_series(forecast)
[docs] @staticmethod def select_best_model( ts: TimeSeries, thetas: Optional[List[int]] = None, m: Optional[int] = None, normalization: bool = True, n_jobs: int = 1, ) -> "FourTheta": """ Performs a grid search over all hyper parameters to select the best model, using the fitted values on the training series `ts`. Uses 'LocalForecastingModel.gridsearch' with 'use_fitted_values=True' and 'metric=metrics.mae`. Parameters ---------- ts The TimeSeries on which the model will be tested. thetas A list of thetas to loop over. Defaults to [1, 2, 3]. m Optionally, the season used to decompose the time series. normalization If `True`, the data is normalized so that the mean is 1. Defaults to `True`. n_jobs The number of jobs to run in parallel. Parallel jobs are created only when there are two or more theta values to be evaluated. Each job will instantiate, train, and evaluate a different instance of the model. Defaults to `1` (sequential). Setting the parameter to `-1` means using all the available cores. Returns ------- FourTheta The best performing model on the time series. """ # Only import if needed from darts.metrics import mae if thetas is None: thetas = [1, 2, 3] if (ts.values(copy=False) <= 0).any(): drift_mode = [TrendMode.LINEAR] model_mode = [ModelMode.ADDITIVE] season_mode = [SeasonalityMode.ADDITIVE] logger.warning( "The given TimeSeries has negative values. The method will only test " "linear trend and additive modes." ) else: season_mode = [season for season in SeasonalityMode] model_mode = [model for model in ModelMode] drift_mode = [trend for trend in TrendMode] theta = FourTheta.gridsearch( { "theta": thetas, "model_mode": model_mode, "season_mode": season_mode, "trend_mode": drift_mode, "seasonality_period": [m], "normalization": [normalization], }, ts, use_fitted_values=True, metric=mae, n_jobs=n_jobs, ) return theta
@property def supports_multivariate(self) -> bool: return False @property def min_train_series_length(self) -> int: if ( self.season_mode != SeasonalityMode.NONE and self.seasonality_period and self.seasonality_period > 1 ): return 2 * self.seasonality_period else: return 3