Source code for darts.utils.likelihood_models

Likelihood Models

The likelihood models contain all the logic needed to train and use Darts' neural network models in
a probabilistic way. This essentially means computing an appropriate training loss and sample from the
distribution, given the parameters of the distribution.

By default, all versions will be trained using their negative log likelihood as a loss function
(hence performing maximum likelihood estimation when training the model).
However, most likelihoods also optionally support specifying time-independent "prior"
beliefs about the distribution parameters.
In such cases, the a KL-divergence term is added to the loss in order to regularise it in the
direction of the specified prior distribution. (Note that this is technically not purely
a Bayesian approach as the priors are actual parameters values, and not distributions).
The parameter `prior_strength` controls the strength of the "prior" regularisation on the loss.

Some distributions (such as ``GaussianLikelihood``, and ``PoissonLikelihood``) are univariate,
in which case they are applied to model each component of multivariate series independently.
Some other distributions (such as ``DirichletLikelihood``) are multivariate,
in which case they will model all components of multivariate time series jointly.

Univariate likelihoods accept either scalar or array-like values for the optional prior parameters.
If a scalar is provided, it is used as a prior for all components of the series. If an array-like is provided,
the i-th value will be used as a prior for the i-th component of the series. Multivariate likelihoods
require array-like objects when specifying priors.

The target series used for training must always lie within the distribution's support, otherwise
errors will be raised during training. You can refer to the individual likelihoods' documentation
to see what is the support. Similarly, the prior parameters also have to lie in some pre-defined domains.

import inspect
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.distributions import Bernoulli as _Bernoulli
from torch.distributions import Beta as _Beta
from torch.distributions import Cauchy as _Cauchy
from torch.distributions import ContinuousBernoulli as _ContinuousBernoulli
from torch.distributions import Dirichlet as _Dirichlet
from torch.distributions import Exponential as _Exponential
from torch.distributions import Gamma as _Gamma
from torch.distributions import Geometric as _Geometric
from torch.distributions import Gumbel as _Gumbel
from torch.distributions import HalfNormal as _HalfNormal
from torch.distributions import Laplace as _Laplace
from torch.distributions import LogNormal as _LogNormal
from torch.distributions import NegativeBinomial as _NegativeBinomial
from torch.distributions import Normal as _Normal
from torch.distributions import Poisson as _Poisson
from torch.distributions import Weibull as _Weibull
from torch.distributions.kl import kl_divergence

from darts import TimeSeries
from darts.logging import raise_if_not

# TODO: Table on README listing distribution, possible priors and wiki article
from darts.utils.utils import (


# Some utils for checking parameters' domains
def _check(param, predicate, param_name, condition_str):
    if param is None:
    if isinstance(param, (, np.ndarray)):
            all(predicate(p) for p in param),
            f"All provided parameters {param_name} must be {condition_str}.",
            f"The parameter {param_name} must be {condition_str}.",

def _check_strict_positive(param, param_name=""):
    _check(param, lambda p: p > 0, param_name, "strictly positive")

def _check_in_open_0_1_intvl(param, param_name=""):
    _check(param, lambda p: 0 < p < 1, param_name, "in the open interval (0, 1)")

[docs]class Likelihood(ABC): def __init__(self, prior_strength=1.0): """ Abstract class for a likelihood model. """ self.prior_strength = prior_strength # used for equality operator between likelihood objects self.ignore_attrs_equality = []
[docs] def compute_loss( self, model_output: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, sample_weight: torch.Tensor, ): """ Computes a loss from a `model_output`, which represents the parameters of a given probability distribution for every ground truth value in `target`, and the `target` itself. """ params_out = self._params_from_output(model_output) loss = self._nllloss(params_out, target, sample_weight) prior_params = self._prior_params use_prior = prior_params is not None and any( p is not None for p in prior_params ) if use_prior: out_distr = self._distr_from_params(params_out) device = params_out[0].device prior_params = tuple( # use model output as "prior" for parameters not specified as prior ( torch.tensor(prior_params[i]).to(device) if prior_params[i] is not None else params_out[i] ) for i in range(len(prior_params)) ) prior_distr = self._distr_from_params(prior_params) # Loss regularization using the prior distribution loss += self.prior_strength * torch.mean( kl_divergence(prior_distr, out_distr) ) return loss
def _nllloss(self, params_out, target, sample_weight): """ This is the basic way to compute the NLL loss. It can be overwritten by likelihoods for which PyTorch proposes a numerically better NLL loss. """ out_distr = self._distr_from_params(params_out) loss = -out_distr.log_prob(target) if sample_weight is not None: loss = loss * sample_weight return loss.mean() @property def _prior_params(self): """ Has to be overwritten by the Likelihood objects supporting specifying a prior distribution on the outputs. If it returns None, no prior will be used and the model will be trained with plain maximum likelihood. """ return None @abstractmethod def _distr_from_params(self, params: tuple) -> torch.distributions.Distribution: """ Returns a torch distribution built with the specified params """ pass @abstractmethod def _params_from_output( self, model_output: torch.Tensor ) -> Union[tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], torch.Tensor]: """ Returns the distribution parameters, obtained from the raw model outputs (e.g. applies softplus or sigmoids to get parameters in the expected domains). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Samples a prediction from the probability distributions defined by the specific likelihood model and the parameters given in `model_output`. """ pass
[docs] def predict_likelihood_parameters(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Returns the distribution parameters as a single Tensor, extracted from the raw model outputs. """ params = self._params_from_output(model_output) if isinstance(params, torch.Tensor): return params else: # interleave the predicted parameters to group them by input series component num_samples, n_times, n_components, n_params = model_output.shape return torch.stack(params, dim=3).reshape(( num_samples, n_times, n_components * n_params, ))
[docs] @abstractmethod def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: """ Generates names for the parameters of the Likelihood. """ pass
def _likelihood_generate_components_names( self, input_series: TimeSeries, parameter_names: list[str] ) -> list[str]: return [ f"{tgt_name}_{param_n}" for tgt_name in input_series.components for param_n in parameter_names ] @property @abstractmethod def num_parameters(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of parameters that define the probability distribution for one single target value. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def simplified_name(self) -> str: """Returns a simplified name, used to compare Likelihood and LikelihoodMixin_ instances""" pass
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """ Defines (in)equality between two likelihood objects, ignore the attributes listed in self.ignore_attrs_equality or inheriting from torch.nn.Module. """ if type(other) is type(self): other_state = { k: v for k, v in other.__dict__.items() if k not in self.ignore_attrs_equality and not isinstance(v, nn.Module) } self_state = { k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in self.ignore_attrs_equality and not isinstance(v, nn.Module) } return other_state == self_state else: return False def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return the class and parameters of the instance in a nice format""" cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ # only display the constructor parameters as user cannot change the other attributes init_signature = inspect.signature(self.__class__.__init__) params_string = ", ".join([ f"{str(v)}" for _, v in init_signature.parameters.items() if str(v) != "self" ]) return f"{cls_name}({params_string})"
[docs]class GaussianLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__( self, prior_mu=None, prior_sigma=None, prior_strength=1.0, beta_nll=0.0 ): """ Univariate Gaussian distribution. Instead of the pure negative log likelihood (NLL) loss, the loss function used is the :math:`\\beta`-NLL loss [1]_, parameterized by ``beta_nll`` in (0, 1). For ``beta_nll=0`` it is equivalent to NLL, however larger values of ``beta_nll`` can mitigate issues with NLL causing effective under-sampling of poorly fit regions during training. ``beta_nll=1`` provides the same gradient for the mean as the MSE loss. - Univariate continuous distribution. - Support: :math:`\\mathbb{R}`. - Parameters: mean :math:`\\mu \\in \\mathbb{R}`, standard deviation :math:`\\sigma > 0`. Parameters ---------- prior_mu mean of the prior Gaussian distribution (default: None). prior_sigma standard deviation (or scale) of the prior Gaussian distribution (default: None) prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior beta_nll The parameter :math:`0 \\leq \\beta \\leq 1` of the :math:`\\beta`-NLL loss [1]_. Default: 0. (equivalent to NLL) References ---------- .. [1] Seitzer et al., "On the Pitfalls of Heteroscedastic Uncertainty Estimation with Probabilistic Neural Networks" """ self.prior_mu = prior_mu self.prior_sigma = prior_sigma self.beta_nll = beta_nll _check_strict_positive(self.prior_sigma, "sigma") self.nllloss = nn.GaussianNLLLoss(full=True, reduction="none") self.softplus = nn.Softplus() super().__init__(prior_strength) def _nllloss(self, params_out, target, sample_weight): means_out, sigmas_out = params_out # Note: GaussianNLLLoss expects variance (and not stdev) cont_var = sigmas_out.contiguous() ** 2 loss = self.nllloss(means_out.contiguous(), target.contiguous(), cont_var) # apply Beta-NLL if self.beta_nll > 0.0: # Note: there is no mean reduction if beta_nll > 0, so we compute it here loss = loss * (cont_var.detach() ** self.beta_nll) if sample_weight is not None: loss = loss * sample_weight return loss.mean() @property def _prior_params(self): return self.prior_mu, self.prior_sigma def _distr_from_params(self, params): mu, sigma = params return _Normal(mu, sigma)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: mu, sigma = self._params_from_output(model_output) return torch.normal(mu, sigma)
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 2 def _params_from_output(self, model_output): mu = model_output[:, :, :, 0] sigma = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, :, 1]) return mu, sigma
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["mu", "sigma"])
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "gaussian"
[docs]class PoissonLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_lambda=None, prior_strength=1.0): """ Poisson distribution. Can typically be used to model event counts during time intervals, when the events happen independently of the time since the last event. - Univariate discrete distribution - Support: :math:`\\mathbb{N}_0` (natural numbers including 0). - Parameter: rate :math:`\\lambda > 0`. Parameters ---------- prior_lambda rate :math:`\\lambda` of the prior Poisson distribution (default: None) prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.prior_lambda = prior_lambda _check_strict_positive(self.prior_lambda, "lambda") self.nllloss = nn.PoissonNLLLoss(log_input=False, full=True, reduction="none") self.softplus = nn.Softplus() super().__init__(prior_strength) def _nllloss(self, params_out, target, sample_weight): lambda_out = params_out loss = self.nllloss(lambda_out, target) if sample_weight is not None: loss = loss * sample_weight return loss.mean() @property def _prior_params(self): return (self.prior_lambda,) def _distr_from_params(self, params): lmbda = params[0] return _Poisson(lmbda)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: model_lambda = self._params_from_output(model_output) return torch.poisson(model_lambda)
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 1 def _params_from_output(self, model_output): lmbda = self.softplus(model_output.squeeze(dim=-1)) return lmbda
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["lambda"])
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "poisson"
[docs]class NegativeBinomialLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self): """ Negative Binomial distribution. It does not support priors. - Univariate discrete distribution. - Support: :math:`\\mathbb{N}_0` (natural numbers including 0). - Parameters: number of failures :math:`r > 0`, success probability :math:`p \\in (0, 1)`. Behind the scenes the distribution is reparameterized so that the actual outputs of the network are in terms of the mean :math:`\\mu` and shape :math:`\\alpha`. """ self.softplus = nn.Softplus() super().__init__() @property def _prior_params(self): return None @staticmethod def _get_r_and_p_from_mu_and_alpha(mu, alpha): # See for the different parametrizations r = 1.0 / alpha p = r / (mu + r) return r, p def _distr_from_params(self, params): mu, alpha = params r, p = NegativeBinomialLikelihood._get_r_and_p_from_mu_and_alpha(mu, alpha) return _NegativeBinomial(r, p)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: mu, alpha = self._params_from_output(model_output) r, p = NegativeBinomialLikelihood._get_r_and_p_from_mu_and_alpha(mu, alpha) distr = _NegativeBinomial(r, p) return distr.sample()
[docs] def predict_likelihood_parameters(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Overwrite the parent since the parameters are extracted in two steps.""" mu, alpha = self._params_from_output(model_output) r, p = NegativeBinomialLikelihood._get_r_and_p_from_mu_and_alpha(mu, alpha) return[r, p], dim=-1)
def _params_from_output(self, model_output): mu = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, :, 0]) alpha = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, :, 1]) return mu, alpha
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["r", "p"])
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 2
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "negativebinomial"
[docs]class BernoulliLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_p=None, prior_strength=1.0): """ Bernoulli distribution. - Univariate discrete distribution. - Support: :math:`\\{0, 1\\}`. - Parameter: probability :math:`p \\in (0, 1)`. Parameters ---------- prior_p probability :math:`p` of the prior Bernoulli distribution (default: None) prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.prior_p = prior_p _check_in_open_0_1_intvl(self.prior_p, "p") self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return (self.prior_p,) def _distr_from_params(self, params): p = params[0] return _Bernoulli(p)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: model_p = self._params_from_output(model_output) return torch.bernoulli(model_p)
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 1 def _params_from_output(self, model_output: torch.Tensor): p = self.sigmoid(model_output.squeeze(dim=-1)) return p
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["p"])
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "bernoulli"
[docs]class BetaLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_alpha=None, prior_beta=None, prior_strength=1.0): """ Beta distribution. - Univariate continuous distribution. - Support: open interval :math:`(0,1)` - Parameters: shape parameters :math:`\\alpha > 0` and :math:`\\beta > 0`. Parameters ---------- prior_alpha shape parameter :math:`\\alpha` of the Beta distribution, strictly positive (default: None) prior_beta shape parameter :math:`\\beta` distribution, strictly positive (default: None) prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.prior_alpha = prior_alpha self.prior_beta = prior_beta _check_strict_positive(self.prior_alpha, "alpha") _check_strict_positive(self.prior_beta, "beta") self.softplus = nn.Softplus() super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return self.prior_alpha, self.prior_beta def _distr_from_params(self, params): alpha, beta = params return _Beta(alpha, beta)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: alpha, beta = self._params_from_output(model_output) distr = _Beta(alpha, beta) return distr.sample()
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 2 def _params_from_output(self, model_output): alpha = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, :, 0]) beta = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, :, 1]) return alpha, beta
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names( input_series, ["alpha", "beta"] )
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "beta"
[docs]class CauchyLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_xzero=None, prior_gamma=None, prior_strength=1.0): """ Cauchy Distribution. - Univariate continuous distribution. - Support: :math:`\\mathbb{R}`. - Parameters: location :math:`x_0 \\in \\mathbb{R}`, scale :math:`\\gamma > 0`. Due to its fat tails, this distribution is typically harder to estimate, and your mileage may vary. Also be aware that it typically requires a large value for `num_samples` for sampling predictions. Parameters ---------- prior_xzero location parameter :math:`x_0` of the Cauchy distribution (default: None) prior_gamma scale parameter :math:`\\gamma` of the Cauchy distribution, strictly positive (default: None) prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.prior_xzero = prior_xzero self.prior_gamma = prior_gamma _check_strict_positive(self.prior_gamma, "gamma") self.softplus = nn.Softplus() super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return self.prior_xzero, self.prior_gamma def _distr_from_params(self, params): xzero, gamma = params return _Cauchy(xzero, gamma)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: xzero, gamma = self._params_from_output(model_output) distr = _Cauchy(xzero, gamma) return distr.sample()
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 2 def _params_from_output(self, model_output): xzero = model_output[:, :, :, 0] gamma = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, :, 1]) # We need this hack as sometimes the output of the softplus is 0 in practice for Cauchy... gamma[gamma < MIN_CAUCHY_GAMMA_SAMPLING] = MIN_CAUCHY_GAMMA_SAMPLING return xzero, gamma
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names( input_series, ["xzero", "gamma"] )
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "cauchy"
[docs]class ContinuousBernoulliLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_lambda=None, prior_strength=1.0): """ Continuous Bernoulli distribution. - Univariate continuous distribution. - Support: open interval :math:`(0, 1)`. - Parameter: shape :math:`\\lambda \\in (0,1)` Parameters ---------- prior_lambda shape :math:`\\lambda` of the prior Continuous Bernoulli distribution (default: None) prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.prior_lambda = prior_lambda _check_in_open_0_1_intvl(self.prior_lambda, "lambda") self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return (self.prior_lambda,) def _distr_from_params(self, params): lmbda = params[0] return _ContinuousBernoulli(lmbda)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: model_lmbda = self._params_from_output(model_output) distr = _ContinuousBernoulli(model_lmbda) return distr.sample()
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 1 def _params_from_output(self, model_output: torch.Tensor): lmbda = self.sigmoid(model_output.squeeze(dim=-1)) return lmbda
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["lambda"])
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "continuousbernoulli"
[docs]class DirichletLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_alphas=None, prior_strength=1.0): """ Dirichlet distribution. - Multivariate continuous distribution, modeling all components of a time series jointly. - Support: The :math:`K`-dimensional simplex for series of dimension :math:`K`, i.e., :math:`x_1, ..., x_K \\text{ with } x_i \\in (0,1),\\; \\sum_i^K{x_i}=1`. - Parameter: concentrations :math:`\\alpha_1, ..., \\alpha_K` with :math:`\\alpha_i > 0`. Parameters ---------- prior_alphas concentrations parameters :math:`\\alpha` of the prior Dirichlet distribution. prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.prior_alphas = prior_alphas _check_strict_positive(self.prior_alphas) self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=2) super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return (self.prior_alphas,) def _distr_from_params(self, params: tuple): alphas = params[0] return _Dirichlet(alphas)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: alphas = self._params_from_output(model_output) distr = _Dirichlet(alphas) return distr.sample()
[docs] def predict_likelihood_parameters(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: alphas = self._params_from_output(model_output) return alphas
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 1 # 1 parameter per component def _params_from_output(self, model_output): alphas = self.softmax( model_output.squeeze(dim=-1) ) # take softmax over components return alphas
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: # one alpha per component return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["alpha"])
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "dirichlet"
[docs]class ExponentialLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_lambda=None, prior_strength=1.0): """ Exponential distribution. - Univariate continuous distribution. - Support: :math:`\\mathbb{R}_{>0}`. - Parameter: rate :math:`\\lambda > 0`. Parameters ---------- prior_lambda rate :math:`\\lambda` of the prior exponential distribution (default: None). prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.prior_lambda = prior_lambda _check_strict_positive(self.prior_lambda, "lambda") self.softplus = nn.Softplus() super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return (self.prior_lambda,) def _distr_from_params(self, params: tuple): lmbda = params[0] return _Exponential(lmbda)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: lmbda = self._params_from_output(model_output) distr = _Exponential(lmbda) return distr.sample()
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 1 def _params_from_output(self, model_output: torch.Tensor): lmbda = self.softplus(model_output.squeeze(dim=-1)) return lmbda
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["lambda"])
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "exponential"
[docs]class GammaLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_alpha=None, prior_beta=None, prior_strength=1.0): """ Gamma distribution. - Univariate continuous distribution - Support: :math:`\\mathbb{R}_{>0}`. - Parameters: shape :math:`\\alpha > 0` and rate :math:`\\beta > 0`. Parameters ---------- prior_alpha shape :math:`\\alpha` of the prior gamma distribution (default: None). prior_beta rate :math:`\\beta` of the prior gamma distribution (default: None). prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.prior_alpha = prior_alpha self.prior_beta = prior_beta _check_strict_positive(self.prior_alpha, "alpha") _check_strict_positive(self.prior_beta, "beta") self.softplus = nn.Softplus() super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return self.prior_alpha, self.prior_beta def _distr_from_params(self, params: tuple): alpha, beta = params return _Gamma(alpha, beta)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: alpha, beta = self._params_from_output(model_output) distr = _Gamma(alpha, beta) return distr.sample()
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 2 def _params_from_output(self, model_output: torch.Tensor): alpha = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, :, 0]) beta = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, :, 1]) return alpha, beta
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names( input_series, ["alpha", "beta"] )
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "gamma"
[docs]class GeometricLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_p=None, prior_strength=1.0): """ Geometric distribution. - Univariate discrete distribution - Support: :math:`\\mathbb{N}_0` (natural numbers including 0). - Parameter: success probability :math:`p \\in (0, 1)`. Parameters ---------- prior_p success probability :math:`p` of the prior geometric distribution (default: None) prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.prior_p = prior_p _check_in_open_0_1_intvl(self.prior_p, "p") self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return (self.prior_p,) def _distr_from_params(self, params: tuple): p = params[0] return _Geometric(p)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output) -> torch.Tensor: p = self._params_from_output(model_output) distr = _Geometric(p) return distr.sample()
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 1 def _params_from_output(self, model_output: torch.Tensor): p = self.sigmoid(model_output.squeeze(dim=-1)) return p
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["p"])
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "geometric"
[docs]class GumbelLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_mu=None, prior_beta=None, prior_strength=1.0): """ Gumbel distribution. - Univariate continuous distribution - Support: :math:`\\mathbb{R}`. - Parameters: location :math:`\\mu \\in \\mathbb{R}` and scale :math:`\\beta > 0`. Parameters ---------- prior_mu location :math:`\\mu` of the prior Gumbel distribution (default: None). prior_beta scale :math:`\\beta` of the prior Gumbel distribution (default: None). prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.prior_mu = prior_mu self.prior_beta = prior_beta _check_strict_positive(self.prior_beta) self.softplus = nn.Softplus() super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return self.prior_mu, self.prior_beta def _distr_from_params(self, params: tuple): mu, beta = params return _Gumbel(mu, beta)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output) -> torch.Tensor: mu, beta = self._params_from_output(model_output) distr = _Gumbel(mu, beta) return distr.sample()
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 2 def _params_from_output(self, model_output: torch.Tensor): mu = model_output[:, :, :, 0] beta = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, :, 1]) return mu, beta
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["mu", "beta"])
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "gumbel"
[docs]class HalfNormalLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_sigma=None, prior_strength=1.0): """ Half-normal distribution. - Univariate continuous distribution. - Support: :math:`\\mathbb{R}_{>0}`. - Parameter: rate :math:`\\sigma > 0`. Parameters ---------- prior_sigma standard deviation :math:`\\sigma` of the prior half-normal distribution (default: None). prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.prior_sigma = prior_sigma _check_strict_positive(self.prior_sigma, "sigma") self.softplus = nn.Softplus() super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return (self.prior_sigma,) def _distr_from_params(self, params: tuple): sigma = params[0] return _HalfNormal(sigma)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: sigma = self._params_from_output(model_output) distr = _HalfNormal(sigma) return distr.sample()
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 1 def _params_from_output(self, model_output: torch.Tensor): sigma = self.softplus(model_output.squeeze(dim=-1)) return sigma
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["sigma"])
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "halfnormal"
[docs]class LaplaceLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_mu=None, prior_b=None, prior_strength=1.0): """ Laplace distribution. - Univariate continuous distribution - Support: :math:`\\mathbb{R}`. - Parameters: location :math:`\\mu \\in \\mathbb{R}` and scale :math:`b > 0`. Parameters ---------- prior_mu location :math:`\\mu` of the prior Laplace distribution (default: None). prior_b scale :math:`b` of the prior Laplace distribution (default: None). prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.prior_mu = prior_mu self.prior_b = prior_b _check_strict_positive(self.prior_b) self.softplus = nn.Softplus() super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return self.prior_mu, self.prior_b def _distr_from_params(self, params: tuple): mu, b = params return _Laplace(mu, b)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output) -> torch.Tensor: mu, b = self._params_from_output(model_output) distr = _Laplace(mu, b) return distr.sample()
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 2 def _params_from_output(self, model_output: torch.Tensor): mu = model_output[:, :, :, 0] b = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, :, 1]) return mu, b
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["mu", "b"])
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "laplace"
[docs]class LogNormalLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_mu=None, prior_sigma=None, prior_strength=1.0): """ Log-normal distribution. - Univariate continuous distribution. - Support: :math:`\\mathbb{R}_{>0}`. - Parameters: :math:`\\mu \\in \\mathbb{R}` and :math:`\\sigma > 0`. Parameters ---------- prior_mu parameter :math:`\\mu` of the prior log-normal distribution (default: None). prior_sigma parameter :math:`\\sigma` of the prior log-normal distribution (default: None) prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.prior_mu = prior_mu self.prior_sigma = prior_sigma _check_strict_positive(self.prior_sigma, "sigma") self.softplus = nn.Softplus() super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return self.prior_mu, self.prior_sigma def _distr_from_params(self, params): mu, sigma = params return _LogNormal(mu, sigma)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: mu, sigma = self._params_from_output(model_output) distr = _LogNormal(mu, sigma) return distr.sample()
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 2 def _params_from_output(self, model_output): mu = model_output[:, :, :, 0] sigma = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, :, 1]) return mu, sigma
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["mu", "sigma"])
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "lognormal"
[docs]class WeibullLikelihood(Likelihood): def __init__(self, prior_strength=1.0): """ Weibull distribution. - Univariate continuous distribution - Support: :math:`\\mathbb{R}_{>0}`. - Parameters: scale :math:`\\lambda > 0` and concentration :math:`k > 0`. It does not support priors. Parameters ---------- prior_strength strength of the loss regularisation induced by the prior """ self.softplus = nn.Softplus() super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return None def _distr_from_params(self, params: tuple): lmba, k = params return _Weibull(lmba, k)
[docs] def sample(self, model_output) -> torch.Tensor: lmbda, k = self._params_from_output(model_output) distr = _Weibull(lmbda, k) return distr.sample()
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return 2 def _params_from_output(self, model_output: torch.Tensor): lmbda = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, :, 0]) k = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, :, 1]) return lmbda, k
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: return self._likelihood_generate_components_names(input_series, ["lambda", "k"])
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "weibull"
[docs]class QuantileRegression(Likelihood): def __init__(self, quantiles: Optional[list[float]] = None): """ The "likelihood" corresponding to quantile regression. It uses the Quantile Loss Metric for custom quantiles centered around q=0.5. This class can be used as any other Likelihood objects even though it is not representing the likelihood of a well defined distribution. Parameters ---------- quantiles list of quantiles """ super().__init__() if quantiles is None: self.quantiles = [ 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, ] else: self.quantiles = sorted(quantiles) _check_quantiles(self.quantiles) self._median_idx = self.quantiles.index(0.5) self.first = True self.quantiles_tensor = None # overwrite the attributes of Likelihood parent class self.ignore_attrs_equality = ["first", "quantiles_tensor"]
[docs] def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Sample uniformly between [0, 1] (for each batch example) and return the linear interpolation between the fitted quantiles closest to the sampled value. model_output is of shape (batch_size, n_timesteps, n_components, n_quantiles) """ device = model_output.device num_samples, n_timesteps, n_components, n_quantiles = model_output.shape # obtain samples probs = torch.rand( size=( num_samples, n_timesteps, n_components, 1, ) ).to(device) # add dummy dim probas = probs.unsqueeze(-2) # tile and transpose p = torch.tile(probas, (1, 1, 1, n_quantiles, 1)).transpose(4, 3) # prepare quantiles tquantiles = torch.tensor(self.quantiles).reshape((1, 1, 1, -1)).to(device) # calculate index of biggest quantile smaller than the sampled value left_idx = torch.sum(p > tquantiles, dim=-1) # obtain index of smallest quantile bigger than sampled value right_idx = left_idx + 1 # repeat the model output on the edges repeat_count = [1] * n_quantiles repeat_count[0] = 2 repeat_count[-1] = 2 repeat_count = torch.tensor(repeat_count).to(device) shifted_output = torch.repeat_interleave(model_output, repeat_count, dim=-1) # obtain model output values corresponding to the quantiles left and right of the sampled value left_value = torch.gather(shifted_output, index=left_idx, dim=-1) right_value = torch.gather(shifted_output, index=right_idx, dim=-1) # add 0 and 1 to quantiles ext_quantiles = [0.0] + self.quantiles + [1.0] expanded_q = torch.tile(torch.tensor(ext_quantiles), left_idx.shape).to(device) # calculate closest quantiles to the sampled value left_q = torch.gather(expanded_q, index=left_idx, dim=-1) right_q = torch.gather(expanded_q, index=right_idx, dim=-1) # linear interpolation weights = (probs - left_q) / (right_q - left_q) inter = left_value + weights * (right_value - left_value) return inter.squeeze(-1)
[docs] def predict_likelihood_parameters(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Overwrite parent method since QuantileRegression is not a Likelihood per-se and parameters must be extracted differently.""" num_samples, n_timesteps, n_components, n_quantiles = model_output.shape params = model_output.reshape( num_samples, n_timesteps, n_components * n_quantiles ) return params
@property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return len(self.quantiles)
[docs] def compute_loss( self, model_output: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, sample_weight: torch.Tensor, ): """ We are re-defining a custom loss (which is not a likelihood loss) compared to Likelihood Parameters ---------- model_output must be of shape (batch_size, n_timesteps, n_target_variables, n_quantiles) target must be of shape (n_samples, n_timesteps, n_target_variables) sample_weight must be of shape (n_samples, n_timesteps, n_target_variables) """ dim_q = 3 device = model_output.device # test if torch model forward produces correct output and store quantiles tensor if self.first: raise_if_not( len(model_output.shape) == 4 and len(target.shape) == 3 and model_output.shape[:2] == target.shape[:2], "mismatch between predicted and target shape", ) raise_if_not( model_output.shape[dim_q] == len(self.quantiles), "mismatch between number of predicted quantiles and target quantiles", ) self.quantiles_tensor = torch.tensor(self.quantiles).to(device) self.first = False errors = target.unsqueeze(-1) - model_output losses = torch.max( (self.quantiles_tensor - 1) * errors, self.quantiles_tensor * errors ).sum(dim=dim_q) if sample_weight is not None: losses = losses * sample_weight return losses.mean()
def _distr_from_params(self, params: tuple) -> None: # This should not be called in this class (we are abusing Likelihood) return None def _params_from_output(self, model_output: torch.Tensor) -> None: # This should not be called in this class (we are abusing Likelihood) return None
[docs] def likelihood_components_names(self, input_series: TimeSeries) -> list[str]: """Each component have their own quantiles""" return likelihood_component_names( components=input_series.components, parameter_names=quantile_names(self.quantiles), )
[docs] def simplified_name(self) -> str: return "quantile"
""" TODO To make it work, we'll have to change our models so they optionally accept an absolute number of parameters, instead of num_parameters per component. from torch.distributions import MultivariateNormal as _MultivariateNormal class MultivariateNormal(Likelihood): def __init__( self, dim: int, prior_mu=None, prior_covmat=None, prior_strength=1.0 ): self.dim = dim self.prior_mu = prior_mu self.prior_covmat = prior_covmat if self.prior_mu is not None: raise_if_not( len(self.prior_mu) == self.dim, "The provided prior_mu must have a size matching the " "provided dimension.", ) if self.prior_covmat is not None: raise_if_not( self.prior_covmat.shape == (self.dim, self.dim), "The provided prior on the covariaance " "matrix must have size (dim, dim).", ) _check_strict_positive(self.prior_covmat.flatten(), "covariance matrix") self.softplus = nn.Softplus() super().__init__(prior_strength) @property def _prior_params(self): return self.prior_mu, self.prior_covmat def _distr_from_params(self, params: Tuple): mu, covmat = params return _MultivariateNormal(mu, covmat) def sample(self, model_output: torch.Tensor): mu, covmat = self._params_from_output(model_output) distr = _MultivariateNormal(mu, covmat) return distr.sample() @property def num_parameters(self) -> int: return int(self.dim + (self.dim ** 2 - self.dim) / 2) def _params_from_output(self, model_output: torch.Tensor): device = model_output.device mu = model_output[:, :, : self.dim] covmat_coefs = self.softplus(model_output[:, :, self.dim :]) print("model output: {}".format(model_output.shape)) # build covariance matrix covmat = torch.zeros( (model_output.shape[0], model_output.shape[1], self.dim, self.dim) ).to(device) tril_indices = torch.tril_indices( row=self.dim, col=self.dim, offset=1, device=device ) covmat[tril_indices[0], tril_indices[1]] = covmat_coefs covmat[tril_indices[1], tril_indices[0]] = covmat_coefs covmat[range(self.dim), range(self.dim)] = 1.0 """