Source code for darts.utils.statistics

Time Series Statistics

import math
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import argrelmax
from scipy.stats import norm
from statsmodels.compat.python import lzip
from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import MSTL, STL, seasonal_decompose
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import (

from darts import TimeSeries
from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_if, raise_if_not, raise_log
from darts.utils.missing_values import fill_missing_values
from darts.utils.utils import ModelMode, SeasonalityMode

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def check_seasonality( ts: TimeSeries, m: Optional[int] = None, max_lag: int = 24, alpha: float = 0.05 ): """ Checks whether the TimeSeries `ts` is seasonal with period `m` or not. If `m` is None, we work under the assumption that there is a unique seasonality period, which is inferred from the Auto-correlation Function (ACF). Parameters ---------- ts The time series to check for seasonality. m The seasonality period to check. max_lag The maximal lag allowed in the ACF. alpha The desired confidence level (default 5%). Returns ------- Tuple[bool, int] A tuple `(season, m)`, where season is a boolean indicating whether the series has seasonality or not and `m` is the seasonality period. """ ts._assert_univariate() if m is not None and (m < 2 or not isinstance(m, int)): raise_log(ValueError("m must be an integer greater than 1."), logger) if m is not None and m > max_lag: raise_log(ValueError("max_lag must be greater than or equal to m."), logger) n_unique = np.unique(ts.values()).shape[0] if n_unique == 1: # Check for non-constant TimeSeries return False, 0 r = acf( ts.values(), nlags=max_lag, fft=False ) # In case user wants to check for seasonality higher than 24 steps. # Finds local maxima of Auto-Correlation Function candidates = argrelmax(r)[0] if len(candidates) == 0: return False, 0 if m is not None: # Check for local maximum when m is user defined. test = m not in candidates if test: return False, m candidates = [m] # Remove r[0], the auto-correlation at lag order 0, that introduces bias. r = r[1:] # The non-adjusted upper limit of the significance interval. band_upper = r.mean() + norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2) * r.var() # Significance test, stops at first admissible value. The two '-1' below # compensate for the index change due to the restriction of the original r to r[1:]. for candidate in candidates: stat = _bartlett_formula(r, candidate - 1, len(ts)) if r[candidate - 1] > stat * band_upper: return True, candidate return False, 0
def _bartlett_formula(r: np.ndarray, m: int, length: int) -> float: """ Computes the standard error of `r` at order `m` with respect to `length` according to Bartlett's formula. Parameters ---------- r The array whose standard error is to be computed. m The order of the standard error. length The size of the underlying sample to be used. Returns ------- float The standard error of `r` with order `m`. """ if m == 1: return math.sqrt(1 / length) else: return math.sqrt((1 + 2 * sum(map(lambda x: x**2, r[: m - 1]))) / length)
[docs]def extract_trend_and_seasonality( ts: TimeSeries, freq: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = None, model: Union[SeasonalityMode, ModelMode] = ModelMode.MULTIPLICATIVE, method: str = "naive", **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[TimeSeries, TimeSeries]: """ Extracts trend and seasonality from a TimeSeries instance using `statsmodels.tsa`. Parameters ---------- ts The series to decompose freq The seasonality period to use. model The type of decomposition to use. Must be ``from darts.utils.utils import ModelMode, SeasonalityMode`` Enum member. Either ``MULTIPLICATIVE`` or ``ADDITIVE``. Defaults ``ModelMode.MULTIPLICATIVE``. method The method to be used to decompose the series. - "naive" : Seasonal decomposition using moving averages [1]_. - "STL" : Season-Trend decomposition using LOESS [2]_. Only compatible with ``ADDITIVE`` model type. - "MSTL" : Season-Trend decomposition using LOESS with multiple seasonalities [3]_. Only compatible with ``ADDITIVE`` model type. kwargs Other keyword arguments are passed down to the decomposition method. Returns ------- Tuple[TimeSeries, TimeSeries] A tuple of (trend, seasonal) time series. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] .. [3] """ ts._assert_univariate() raise_if_not( model in ModelMode or model in SeasonalityMode, f"Unknown value for model_mode: {model}.", logger, ) raise_if_not( model is not SeasonalityMode.NONE, "The model must be either MULTIPLICATIVE or ADDITIVE.", ) raise_if( isinstance(freq, Sequence) and method != "MSTL", f"{method} decomposition cannot be performed with more than one seasonality, received {freq}.", ) if method == "naive": decomp = seasonal_decompose( ts.pd_series(), period=freq, model=model.value, extrapolate_trend="freq" ) elif method == "STL": raise_if_not( model in [SeasonalityMode.ADDITIVE, ModelMode.ADDITIVE], f"Only ADDITIVE model is compatible with the STL method. Current model is {model}.", logger, ) decomp = STL( endog=ts.pd_series(), period=freq, **kwargs, ).fit() elif method == "MSTL": raise_if_not( model in [SeasonalityMode.ADDITIVE, ModelMode.ADDITIVE], f"Only ADDITIVE model is compatible with the MSTL method. Current model is {model}.", logger, ) decomp = MSTL( endog=ts.pd_series(), periods=freq, **kwargs, ).fit() else: raise_log(ValueError(f"Unknown value for method: {method}"), logger) season = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values( ts.time_index, decomp.seasonal, static_covariates=ts.static_covariates, hierarchy=ts.hierarchy, ) trend = TimeSeries.from_times_and_values( ts.time_index, decomp.trend, static_covariates=ts.static_covariates, hierarchy=ts.hierarchy, ) return trend, season
[docs]def remove_from_series( ts: TimeSeries, other: TimeSeries, model: Union[SeasonalityMode, ModelMode] ) -> TimeSeries: """ Removes the TimeSeries `other` from the TimeSeries `ts` as specified by `model`. Use e.g. to remove an additive or multiplicative trend from a series. Parameters ---------- ts The TimeSeries to be modified. other The TimeSeries to remove. model The type of model considered. Must be ``from darts.utils.utils import ModelMode, SeasonalityMode`` Enums member. Either ``MULTIPLICATIVE`` or ``ADDITIVE``. Defaults ``ModelMode.MULTIPLICATIVE``. Returns ------- TimeSeries A TimeSeries defined by removing `other` from `ts`. """ ts._assert_univariate() raise_if_not( model in ModelMode or model in SeasonalityMode, f"Unknown value for model_mode: {model}.", logger, ) if model.value == "multiplicative": new_ts = ts / other elif model.value == "additive": new_ts = ts - other else: raise_log( ValueError( f"Invalid parameter; must be either ADDITIVE or MULTIPLICATIVE. Was: {model}" ) ) return new_ts
[docs]def remove_seasonality( ts: TimeSeries, freq: int = None, model: SeasonalityMode = SeasonalityMode.MULTIPLICATIVE, method: str = "naive", **kwargs, ) -> TimeSeries: """ Adjusts the TimeSeries `ts` for a seasonality of order `frequency` using the `model` decomposition. Parameters ---------- ts The TimeSeries to adjust. freq The seasonality period to use. model The type of decomposition to use. Must be a `from darts import SeasonalityMode` Enum member. Either SeasonalityMode.MULTIPLICATIVE or SeasonalityMode.ADDITIVE. Defaults SeasonalityMode.MULTIPLICATIVE. method The method to be used to decompose the series. - "naive" : Seasonal decomposition using moving averages [1]_. - "STL" : Season-Trend decomposition using LOESS [2]_. Only compatible with ``ADDITIVE`` model type. Defaults to "naive" kwargs Other keyword arguments are passed down to the decomposition method. Returns ------- TimeSeries A new TimeSeries instance that corresponds to the seasonality-adjusted 'ts'. References ------- .. [1] .. [2] """ ts._assert_univariate() raise_if_not( model is not SeasonalityMode.NONE, "The model must be either MULTIPLICATIVE or ADDITIVE.", ) raise_if( model not in [SeasonalityMode.ADDITIVE, ModelMode.ADDITIVE] and method == "STL", f"Only ADDITIVE seasonality is compatible with the STL method. Current model is {model}.", logger, ) _, seasonality = extract_trend_and_seasonality(ts, freq, model, method, **kwargs) new_ts = remove_from_series(ts, seasonality, model) return new_ts
[docs]def remove_trend( ts: TimeSeries, model: ModelMode = ModelMode.MULTIPLICATIVE, method: str = "naive", **kwargs, ) -> TimeSeries: """ Adjusts the TimeSeries `ts` for a trend using the `model` decomposition. Parameters ---------- ts The TimeSeries to adjust. model The type of decomposition to use. Must be a ``from darts.utils.utils import ModelMode`` Enum member. Either ``MULTIPLICATIVE`` or ``ADDITIVE``. Defaults ``ModelMode.MULTIPLICATIVE``. method The method to be used to decompose the series. - "naive" : Seasonal decomposition using moving averages [1]_. - "STL" : Season-Trend decomposition using LOESS [2]_. Only compatible with ``ADDITIVE`` model type. Defaults to "naive" kwargs Other keyword arguments are passed down to the decomposition method. Returns ------- TimeSeries A new TimeSeries instance that corresponds to the trend-adjusted 'ts'. """ ts._assert_univariate() raise_if( model not in [SeasonalityMode.ADDITIVE, ModelMode.ADDITIVE] and method == "STL", f"Only ADDITIVE seasonality is compatible with the STL method. Current model is {model}.", logger, ) trend, _ = extract_trend_and_seasonality(ts, model=model, method=method, **kwargs) new_ts = remove_from_series(ts, trend, model) return new_ts
[docs]def stationarity_tests( ts: TimeSeries, p_value_threshold_adfuller: float = 0.05, p_value_threshold_kpss: float = 0.05, ) -> bool: """ Double test on stationarity using both Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin and Augmented Dickey-Fuller statistical tests. WARNING Because Augmented Dickey-Fuller is testing null hypothesis that ts IS NOT stationary and Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin that ts IS stationary, we can't really decide on the same p_value threshold for both tests in general. It seems reasonable to keep them both at 0.05. If other threshold has to be tested, they have to go in opposite direction (for example, p_value_threshold_adfuller = 0.01 and p_value_threshold_kpss = 0.1). Parameters ---------- ts The TimeSeries to test. p_value_threshold_adfuller p_value threshold to reject stationarity for Augmented Dickey-Fuller test. p_value_threshold_kpss p_value threshold to reject non-stationarity for Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin test. Returns ------- bool If ts is stationary or not. """ adf_res = stationarity_test_adf(ts) kpss_res = stationarity_test_kpss(ts) return (adf_res[1] < p_value_threshold_adfuller) and ( kpss_res[1] > p_value_threshold_kpss )
[docs]def stationarity_test_kpss( ts: TimeSeries, regression: str = "c", nlags: Union[str, int] = "auto" ) -> set: """ Provides Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin test for stationarity for a time series, using :func:`statsmodels.tsa.stattools.kpss`. See [1]_. Parameters ---------- ts The time series to test. regression The null hypothesis for the KPSS test. 'c' : The data is stationary around a constant (default). 'ct' : The data is stationary around a trend. nlags Indicates the number of lags to be used. If 'auto' (default), lags is calculated using the data-dependent method of Hobijn et al. (1998). See also Andrews (1991), Newey & West (1994), and Schwert (1989). If set to 'legacy', uses int(12 * (n / 100)**(1 / 4)) , as outlined in Schwert (1989). Returns ------- set | kpss_stat: The test statistic. | pvalue: The p-value of the test. The p-value is interpolated from Table 1 in [2]_, | and a boundary point is returned if the test statistic is outside the table of critical values, | that is, if the p-value is outside the interval (0.01, 0.1). | lags: The truncation lag parameter. | crit: The critical values at 10%, 5%, 2.5% and 1%. Based on [2]_. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] Kwiatkowski et al. (1992) """ ts._assert_univariate() ts._assert_deterministic() return kpss(ts.values(copy=False), regression, nlags)
[docs]def stationarity_test_adf( ts: TimeSeries, maxlag: Union[None, int] = None, regression: str = "c", autolag: Union[None, str] = "AIC", ) -> set: """ Provides Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test for a time series, using :func:`statsmodels.tsa.stattools.adfuller`. See [1]_. Parameters ---------- ts The time series to test. maxlag Maximum lag which is included in test, default value of 12*(nobs/100)^{1/4} is used when None. regression Constant and trend order to include in regression. "c" : constant only (default). "ct" : constant and trend. "ctt" : constant, and linear and quadratic trend. "n" : no constant, no trend. autolag Method to use when automatically determining the lag length among the values 0, 1, …, maxlag. If "AIC" (default) or "BIC", then the number of lags is chosen to minimize the corresponding information criterion. "t-stat" based choice of maxlag. Starts with maxlag and drops a lag until the t-statistic on the last lag length is significant using a 5%-sized test. If None, then the number of included lags is set to maxlag. Returns ------- set | adf: The test statistic. | pvalue: MacKinnon's approximate p-value based on [2]_. | usedlag: The number of lags used. | nobs: The number of observations used for the ADF regression and calculation of the critical values. | critical: Critical values for the test statistic at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels. Based on [2]_. | icbest: The maximized information criterion if autolag is not None. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] MacKinnon (1994, 2010) """ ts._assert_univariate() ts._assert_deterministic() return adfuller(ts.values(copy=False), maxlag, regression, autolag)
[docs]def granger_causality_tests( ts_cause: TimeSeries, ts_effect: TimeSeries, maxlag: int, addconst: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Provides four tests for granger non causality of 2 time series using :func:`statsmodels.tsa.stattools.grangercausalitytests`. See [1]_. Parameters ---------- ts_cause A univariate deterministic time series. The statistical test determines if this time series 'Granger causes' the time series ts_effect (second parameter). Missing values are not supported. if H_0 (non causality) is rejected (p near 0), then there is a 'granger causality'. ts_effect Univariate time series 'Granger caused' by ts_cause. maxlag If an integer, computes the test for all lags up to maxlag. If an iterable, computes the tests only for the lags in maxlag. addconst Include a constant in the model. Returns ------- Dict All test results, dictionary keys are the number of lags. For each lag the values are a tuple, with the first element a dictionary with test statistic, pvalues, degrees of freedom, the second element are the OLS estimation results for the restricted model, the unrestricted model and the restriction (contrast) matrix for the parameter f_test. References ---------- .. [1] """ ts_cause._assert_univariate() ts_effect._assert_univariate() ts_cause._assert_deterministic() ts_effect._assert_deterministic() raise_if_not( ts_cause.freq == ts_effect.freq, "ts_cause and ts_effect must have the same frequency.", ) if not ts_cause.has_same_time_as(ts_effect): logger.warning( "ts_cause and ts_effect time series have different time index. " "We will slice-intersect ts_cause with ts_effect." ) ts_cause = ts_cause.slice_intersect(ts_effect) ts_effect = ts_effect.slice_intersect(ts_cause) if not stationarity_tests(ts_cause): logger.warning( "ts_cause doesn't seem to be stationary. Please review granger causality validity in your problem context." ) if not stationarity_tests(ts_effect): logger.warning( "ts_effect doesn't seem to be stationary. Please review granger causality validity in your problem context." ) return grangercausalitytests( np.concatenate( (ts_effect.values(copy=False), ts_cause.values(copy=False)), axis=1 ), maxlag, addconst, )
[docs]def plot_acf( ts: TimeSeries, m: Optional[int] = None, max_lag: int = 24, alpha: float = 0.05, bartlett_confint: bool = True, fig_size: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 5), axis: Optional[plt.axis] = None, default_formatting: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Plots the Autocorrelation Function (ACF) of `ts`, highlighting it at lag `m`, with corresponding significance interval. Uses :func:`statsmodels.tsa.stattools.acf` [1]_ Parameters ---------- ts The TimeSeries whose ACF should be plotted. m Optionally, a time lag to highlight on the plot. max_lag The maximal lag order to consider. alpha The confidence interval to display. bartlett_confint The boolean value indicating whether the confidence interval should be calculated using Bartlett's formula. If set to `True`, the confidence interval can be used in the model identification stage for fitting ARIMA models. If set to `False`, the confidence interval can be used to test for randomness (i.e. there is no time dependence in the data) of the data. fig_size The size of the figure to be displayed. axis Optionally, an axis object to plot the ACF on. default_formatting Whether to use the darts default scheme. References ---------- .. [1] """ ts._assert_univariate() raise_if( max_lag is None or not (1 <= max_lag < len(ts)), "max_lag must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than len(ts).", ) raise_if( m is not None and not (0 <= m <= max_lag), "m must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to max_lag.", ) raise_if( alpha is None or not (0 < alpha < 1), "alpha must be greater than 0 and less than 1.", ) r, confint = acf( ts.values(), nlags=max_lag, fft=False, alpha=alpha, bartlett_confint=bartlett_confint, ) if axis is None: plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) axis = plt for i in range(len(r)): axis.plot( (i, i), (0, r[i]), color=( ("#b512b8" if m is not None and i == m else "black") if default_formatting else None ), lw=(1 if m is not None and i == m else 0.5), ) # Adjusts the upper band of the confidence interval to center it on the x axis. upp_band = [confint[lag][1] - r[lag] for lag in range(1, max_lag + 1)] # Setting color t0 None overrides custom settings extra_arguments = {} if default_formatting: extra_arguments["color"] = "#003DFD" axis.fill_between( np.arange(1, max_lag + 1), upp_band, [-x for x in upp_band], alpha=0.25 if default_formatting else None, **extra_arguments, ) axis.plot((0, max_lag + 1), (0, 0), color="black" if default_formatting else None)
[docs]def plot_pacf( ts: TimeSeries, m: Optional[int] = None, max_lag: int = 24, method: str = "ywadjusted", alpha: float = 0.05, fig_size: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 5), axis: Optional[plt.axis] = None, default_formatting: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Plots the Partial Autocorrelation Function (PACF) of `ts`, highlighting it at lag `m`, with corresponding significance interval. Uses :func:`statsmodels.tsa.stattools.pacf` [1]_ Parameters ---------- ts The TimeSeries whose ACF should be plotted. m Optionally, a time lag to highlight on the plot. max_lag The maximal lag order to consider. method The method to be used for the PACF calculation. - | "yw" or "ywadjusted" : Yule-Walker with sample-size adjustment in | denominator for acovf. Default. - "ywm" or "ywmle" : Yule-Walker without adjustment. - "ols" : regression of time series on lags of it and on constant. - "ols-inefficient" : regression of time series on lags using a single common sample to estimate all pacf coefficients. - "ols-adjusted" : regression of time series on lags with a bias adjustment. - "ld" or "ldadjusted" : Levinson-Durbin recursion with bias correction. - "ldb" or "ldbiased" : Levinson-Durbin recursion without bias correction. alpha The confidence interval to display. fig_size The size of the figure to be displayed. axis Optionally, an axis object to plot the ACF on. default_formatting Whether to use the darts default scheme. References ---------- .. [1] """ ts._assert_univariate() raise_if( max_lag is None or not (1 <= max_lag < len(ts) // 2), "max_lag must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than len(ts)//2.", ) raise_if( m is not None and not (0 <= m <= max_lag), "m must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to max_lag.", ) raise_if( alpha is None or not (0 < alpha < 1), "alpha must be greater than 0 and less than 1.", ) r, confint = pacf(ts.values(), nlags=max_lag, method=method, alpha=alpha) if axis is None: plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) axis = plt for i in range(len(r)): axis.plot( (i, i), (0, r[i]), color=( "#b512b8" if m is not None and i == m else "black" if default_formatting else None ), lw=(1 if m is not None and i == m else 0.5), ) # Adjusts the upper band of the confidence interval to center it on the x axis. upp_band = [confint[lag][1] - r[lag] for lag in range(1, max_lag + 1)] extra_arguments = {} if default_formatting: extra_arguments["color"] = "#003DFD" axis.fill_between( np.arange(1, max_lag + 1), upp_band, [-x for x in upp_band], alpha=0.25 if default_formatting else None, **extra_arguments, ) axis.plot((0, max_lag + 1), (0, 0), color="black" if default_formatting else None)
[docs]def plot_ccf( ts: TimeSeries, ts_other: TimeSeries, m: Optional[int] = None, max_lag: int = 24, alpha: float = 0.05, bartlett_confint: bool = True, fig_size: Tuple[int, int] = (10, 5), axis: Optional[plt.axis] = None, default_formatting: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Plots the Cross Correlation Function (CCF) between `ts` and `ts_other`, highlighting it at lag `m`, with corresponding significance interval. Uses :func:`statsmodels.tsa.stattools.ccf` [1]_ This can be used to find the cross correlation between the target and different covariates lags. If `ts_other` is identical `ts`, it corresponds to `plot_acf()`. Parameters ---------- ts The TimeSeries whose CCF with `ts_other` should be plotted. ts_other The TimeSeries which to compare against `ts` in the CCF. E.g. check the cross correlation of different covariate lags with the target. m Optionally, a time lag to highlight on the plot. max_lag The maximal lag order to consider. alpha The confidence interval to display. bartlett_confint The boolean value indicating whether the confidence interval should be calculated using Bartlett's formula. fig_size The size of the figure to be displayed. axis Optionally, an axis object to plot the CCF on. default_formatting Whether to use the darts default scheme. References ---------- .. [1] """ ts._assert_univariate() ts_other._assert_univariate() raise_if( max_lag is None or not (1 <= max_lag < len(ts)), "max_lag must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than len(ts).", ) raise_if( m is not None and not (0 <= m <= max_lag), "m must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to max_lag.", ) raise_if( alpha is None or not (0 < alpha < 1), "alpha must be greater than 0 and less than 1.", ) ts_other = ts_other.slice_intersect(ts) if len(ts_other) != len(ts): raise_log( ValueError("`ts_other` must contain at least the full time index of `ts`."), logger=logger, ) x = ts.values() y = ts_other.values() cvf = ccovf(x=x, y=y, adjusted=True, demean=True, fft=False) ccf = cvf / (np.std(x) * np.std(y)) ccf = ccf[: max_lag + 1] n_obs = len(x) if bartlett_confint: varccf = np.ones_like(ccf) / n_obs varccf[0] = 0 varccf[1] = 1.0 / n_obs varccf[2:] *= 1 + 2 * np.cumsum(ccf[1:-1] ** 2) else: varccf = 1.0 / n_obs interval = norm.ppf(1.0 - alpha / 2.0) * np.sqrt(varccf) confint = np.array(lzip(ccf - interval, ccf + interval)) if axis is None: plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) axis = plt for i in range(len(ccf)): axis.plot( (i, i), (0, ccf[i]), color=( ("#b512b8" if m is not None and i == m else "black") if default_formatting else None ), lw=(1 if m is not None and i == m else 0.5), ) # Adjusts the upper band of the confidence interval to center it on the x axis. upp_band = [confint[lag][1] - ccf[lag] for lag in range(1, max_lag + 1)] # Setting color t0 None overrides custom settings extra_arguments = {} if default_formatting: extra_arguments["color"] = "#003DFD" axis.fill_between( np.arange(1, max_lag + 1), upp_band, [-x for x in upp_band], alpha=0.25 if default_formatting else None, **extra_arguments, ) axis.plot((0, max_lag + 1), (0, 0), color="black" if default_formatting else None)
[docs]def plot_hist( data: Union[TimeSeries, List[float], np.ndarray], bins: Optional[Union[int, np.ndarray, List[float]]] = None, density: bool = False, title: Optional[str] = None, fig_size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, ax: Optional[plt.axis] = None, ) -> None: """This function plots the histogram of values in a TimeSeries instance or an array-like. All types of TimeSeries are supported (uni-, multivariate, deterministic, stochastic). Depending on the number of components in `data`, up to four histograms can be plotted on one figure. All stochastic samples will be displayed with the corresponding component. If `data` is an array-like, ALL values will be displayed in the same histogram. Parameters ---------- data TimeSeries instance or an array-like from which to plot the histogram. bins Optionally, either an integer value for the number of bins to be displayed or an array-like of floats determining the position of bins. density bool, if `density` is set to `True`, the bin counts will be converted to probability density title The title of the figure to be displayed fig_size The size of the figure to be displayed. ax Optionally, an axis object to plot the histogram on. """ n_plots_max = 4 if isinstance(data, TimeSeries): if len(data.components) > n_plots_max: logger.warning( "TimeSeries contains more than 4 components. Only the first 4 components will be displayed." ) components = list(data.components[:n_plots_max]) values = data[components].all_values(copy=False).flatten(order="F") else: values = data if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) else np.array(data) if len(values.shape) > 1: logger.warning( "Input array-like data with `dim>1d` will be flattened and displayed in one histogram." ) components = ["Data"] values = values.flatten(order="F") # compute the number of columns and rows for subplots depending on shape of input data n_components = len(components) n_cols = 1 if n_components == 1 else 2 n_rows = math.ceil(n_components / n_cols) title = "Histogram" if title is None else title if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=fig_size) gs = fig.add_gridspec(n_rows, n_cols) fig.suptitle(title) ax_all = [fig.add_subplot(gs[i]) for i in range(n_components)] else: if n_components > 1: logger.warning( "Only the first component is plotted when calling plot_hist() with a given `ax`" ) ax.set_title(title) ax_all = [ax] n_entries = len(values) // n_components for i, label, ax_i in zip(range(n_components), components, ax_all): ax_i.hist( values[i * n_entries : (i + 1) * n_entries], bins=bins, density=density, label=label, ) ax_i.set_xlabel("value") ax_i.set_ylabel("count" if not density else "probability density") ax_i.legend()
[docs]def plot_residuals_analysis( residuals: TimeSeries, num_bins: int = 20, fill_nan: bool = True, default_formatting: bool = True, acf_max_lag: int = 24, ) -> None: """Plots data relevant to residuals. This function takes a univariate TimeSeries instance of residuals and plots their values, their distribution and their ACF. Please note that if the residual TimeSeries instance contains NaN values, the plots might be displayed incorrectly. If `fill_nan` is set to `True`, the missing values will be interpolated. Parameters ---------- residuals Univariate TimeSeries instance representing residuals. num_bins Optionally, an integer value determining the number of bins in the histogram. fill_nan A boolean value indicating whether NaN values should be filled in the residuals. default_formatting Whether to use the darts default scheme. acf_max_lag The maximum lag to be displayed in the ACF plot. Must be less than residuals length. """ residuals._assert_univariate() fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(8, 6)) gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 2) if fill_nan: residuals = fill_missing_values(residuals) # plot values ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:1, :]) residuals.plot(ax=ax1) ax1.set_ylabel("value") ax1.set_title("Residual values") # plot histogram and distribution res_mean, res_std = ( np.mean(residuals.univariate_values()), np.std(residuals.univariate_values()), ) res_min, res_max = ( min(residuals.univariate_values()), max(residuals.univariate_values()), ) x = np.linspace(res_min, res_max, 100) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:, 1:]) plot_hist(residuals, bins=num_bins, ax=ax2) ax2.plot( x, norm(res_mean, res_std).pdf(x) * len(residuals) * (res_max - res_min) / num_bins, ) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax2.set_title("Distribution") ax2.set_ylabel("count") ax2.set_xlabel("value") # plot ACF acf_max_lag = min(acf_max_lag, len(residuals) - 1) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:, :1]) plot_acf( residuals, axis=ax3, default_formatting=default_formatting, max_lag=acf_max_lag ) ax3.set_ylabel("ACF value") ax3.set_xlabel("lag") ax3.set_title("ACF")