Source code for darts.utils.ts_utils

Additional util functions

from enum import Enum
from functools import total_ordering
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Union

from darts import TimeSeries
from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_log

    from IPython import get_ipython
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    get_ipython = None

logger = get_logger(__name__)

    0: "`TimeSeries`",
    1: "`Sequence[TimeSeries]`",
    2: "`Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]`",

[docs]@total_ordering class SeriesType(Enum): """An Enum for different `TimeSeries` sequence types.""" NONE = -1 # `None` SINGLE = 0 # `TimeSeries` SEQ = 1 # `Sequence[TimeSeries]` SEQ_SEQ = 2 # `Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]` def _check_member(self, other): if self.__class__ is not other.__class__: raise_log(ValueError("`other` must be a `SeriesType` enum."), logger=logger) def __eq__(self, other): self._check_member(other) return super().__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): self._check_member(other) return self.value < other.value def __add__(self, other: int): if not isinstance(other, int): raise_log(ValueError("`other` must be of type `int`."), logger=logger) new_val = self.value + other if new_val > 2: raise_log( ValueError("Cannot go higher than `SeriesType.SEQ_SEQ`."), logger=logger ) return SeriesType(new_val) def __str__(self): return _SEQ_TYPE_NAMES[self.value]
[docs]def series2seq( ts: Optional[ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries], Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]] ], seq_type_out: SeriesType = SeriesType.SEQ, nested: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries], Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]]]: """If possible, converts `ts` into the desired sequence type `seq_type_out`. Otherwise, returns the original `ts`. Parameters ---------- ts None, a single TimeSeries, a sequence of TimeSeries, or a sequence of sequences of TimeSeries. seq_type_out The output sequence type: - SeriesType.SINGLE: `TimeSeries` (e.g. a single series) - SeriesType.SEQ: sequence of `TimeSeries` (e.g. multiple series) - SeriesType.SEQ_SEQ: sequence of sequences of `TimeSeries` (e.g. historical forecasts output) nested Only applies with `seq_type_out=SeriesType.SEQ_SEQ` and `ts` having a sequence type `SeriesType.SEQ`. In this case, wrap each element in `ts` in a list ([ts1, ts2] -> [[ts1], [ts2]]). Raises ------ ValueError If there is an invalid `seq_type_out` value. """ if ts is None: return ts if not isinstance(seq_type_out, SeriesType): raise_log( ValueError( f"Invalid parameter `seq_type_out={seq_type_out}`. Must be one of `(0, 1, 2)`" ), logger=logger, ) seq_type_in = get_series_seq_type(ts) if seq_type_out == seq_type_in: return ts n_series = 1 if seq_type_in == SeriesType.SINGLE else len(ts) if seq_type_in == SeriesType.SINGLE and seq_type_out == SeriesType.SEQ: # ts -> [ts] return [ts] elif seq_type_in == SeriesType.SINGLE and seq_type_out == SeriesType.SEQ_SEQ: # ts -> [[ts]] return [[ts]] elif ( seq_type_in == SeriesType.SEQ and seq_type_out == SeriesType.SINGLE and n_series == 1 ): # [ts] -> ts return ts[0] elif seq_type_in == SeriesType.SEQ and seq_type_out == SeriesType.SEQ_SEQ: if not nested: # [ts1, ts2] -> [[ts1, ts2]] return [ts] else: # [ts1, ts2] -> [[ts1], [ts2]] return [[ts_] for ts_ in ts] elif ( seq_type_in == SeriesType.SEQ_SEQ and seq_type_out == SeriesType.SINGLE and n_series == 1 ): # [[ts]] -> [ts] return ts[0] elif ( seq_type_in == SeriesType.SEQ_SEQ and seq_type_out == SeriesType.SEQ and n_series == 1 ): # [[ts1, ts2]] -> [[ts1, ts2]] return ts else: # ts -> ts return ts
[docs]def seq2series( ts: Optional[Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries]]], ) -> Optional[TimeSeries]: """If `ts` is a Sequence with only a single series, return the single series as TimeSeries. Parameters ---------- ts None, a single TimeSeries, or a sequence of TimeSeries Returns ------- `ts` if `ts` if is not a single element TimeSeries sequence, else `ts[0]` """ return series2seq(ts, seq_type_out=SeriesType.SINGLE)
[docs]def get_single_series( ts: Optional[ Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries], Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]] ], ) -> Optional[TimeSeries]: """Returns a single (first) TimeSeries or `None` from `ts`. Returns `ts` if `ts` is a TimeSeries, `ts[0]` if `ts` is a `Sequence[TimeSeries]`, and `ts[0][0]` if `ts` is a `Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]`. Otherwise, returns `None`. Parameters ---------- ts None, a single `TimeSeries`, a sequence of `TimeSeries`, or a sequence of sequences of `TimeSeries`. Returns ------- TimeSeries `ts` if `ts` is a TimeSeries, `ts[0]` if `ts` is a Sequence of TimeSeries. Otherwise, returns `None` """ seq_type = get_series_seq_type(ts) if seq_type <= SeriesType.SINGLE: # `None` and `TimeSeries` return ts elif seq_type == SeriesType.SEQ: return ts[0] else: return ts[0][0]
[docs]def get_series_seq_type( ts: Union[TimeSeries, Sequence[TimeSeries], Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]], ) -> SeriesType: """Returns the sequence type of `ts`. - SeriesType.SINGLE: `TimeSeries` (e.g. a single series) - SeriesType.SEQ: sequence of `TimeSeries` (e.g. multiple series) - SeriesType.SEQ_SEQ: sequence of sequences of `TimeSeries` (e.g. historical forecasts output) Parameters ---------- ts The input series to get the sequence type from. Raises ------ ValueError If `ts` does not have one of the expected sequence types. """ if ts is None: return SeriesType.NONE elif isinstance(ts, TimeSeries): return SeriesType.SINGLE elif isinstance(ts[0], TimeSeries): return SeriesType.SEQ else: try: if isinstance(ts[0][0], TimeSeries): return SeriesType.SEQ_SEQ else: raise_log( ValueError( "input series must be of type `TimeSeries`, `Sequence[TimeSeries]`, or " "`Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]`." ), logger=logger, ) except Exception as err: raise_log( ValueError( "input series must be of type `TimeSeries`, `Sequence[TimeSeries]`, or " f"`Sequence[Sequence[TimeSeries]]`. Raised: `{type(err).__name__}('{str(err)}')`" ), logger=logger, )
# TODO: we do not check the time index here
[docs]def retain_period_common_to_all(series: List[TimeSeries]) -> List[TimeSeries]: """ Trims all series in the provided list, if necessary, so that the returned time series have a common span (corresponding to largest time sub-interval common to all series). Parameters ---------- series The list of series to consider. Raises ------ ValueError If no common time sub-interval exists Returns ------- List[TimeSeries] A list of series, where each series have the same span """ last_first = max(map(lambda s: s.start_time(), series)) first_last = min(map(lambda s: s.end_time(), series)) if last_first >= first_last: raise_log( ValueError("The provided time series must have nonzero overlap"), logger ) return list(map(lambda s: s.slice(last_first, first_last), series))