Source code for darts.utils.utils

Additional util functions

from enum import Enum
from functools import wraps
from inspect import Parameter, getcallargs, signature
from typing import Callable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from pandas._libs.tslibs.offsets import BusinessMixin
from tqdm import tqdm
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm as tqdm_notebook

from darts.logging import get_logger, raise_if, raise_if_not, raise_log

    from IPython import get_ipython
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    get_ipython = None

logger = get_logger(__name__)

# Enums
[docs]class SeasonalityMode(Enum): MULTIPLICATIVE = "multiplicative" ADDITIVE = "additive" NONE = None
[docs]class TrendMode(Enum): LINEAR = "linear" EXPONENTIAL = "exponential"
[docs]class ModelMode(Enum): MULTIPLICATIVE = "multiplicative" ADDITIVE = "additive" NONE = None
# TODO: remove this once bumping min python version from 3.8 to 3.9 (pandas v2.2.0 not available for p38) pd_above_v22 = pd.__version__ >= "2.2" freqs = { "YE": "YE" if pd_above_v22 else "A", "YS": "YS" if pd_above_v22 else "AS", "BYS": "BYS" if pd_above_v22 else "BAS", "BYE": "BYE" if pd_above_v22 else "BA", "QE": "QE" if pd_above_v22 else "Q", "BQE": "BQE" if pd_above_v22 else "BQ", "ME": "ME" if pd_above_v22 else "M", "SME": "SME" if pd_above_v22 else "SM", "BME": "BME" if pd_above_v22 else "BM", "CBME": "CBME" if pd_above_v22 else "CBM", "h": "h" if pd_above_v22 else "H", "bh": "bh" if pd_above_v22 else "BH", "cbh": "cbh" if pd_above_v22 else "CBH", "min": "min" if pd_above_v22 else "T", "s": "s" if pd_above_v22 else "S", "ms": "ms" if pd_above_v22 else "L", "us": "us" if pd_above_v22 else "U", "ns": "ns" if pd_above_v22 else "N", } def _build_tqdm_iterator(iterable, verbose, **kwargs): """ Build an iterable, possibly using tqdm (either in notebook or regular mode) Parameters ---------- iterable verbose total Length of the iterator, helps in cases where tqdm is not detecting the total length. Returns ------- """ def _isnotebook(): if get_ipython is None: return False try: shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell": return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole elif shell == "TerminalInteractiveShell": return False # Terminal running IPython else: return False # Other type (?) except NameError: return False # Probably standard Python interpreter if verbose: if _isnotebook(): iterator = tqdm_notebook(iterable, **kwargs) else: iterator = tqdm(iterable, **kwargs) else: iterator = iterable return iterator # Types for sanity checks decorator: T is the output of the method to sanitize T = TypeVar("T") def _with_sanity_checks( *sanity_check_methods: str, ) -> Callable[[Callable[..., T]], Callable[..., T]]: """ Decorator allowing to specify some sanity check method(s) to be used on a class method. The decorator guarantees that args and kwargs from the method to sanitize will be available in the sanity check methods as specified in the sanitized method's signature, irrespective of how it was called. TypeVar `T` corresponds to the output of the method that the sanity checks are performed for. Parameters ---------- *sanity_check_methods one or more sanity check methods that will be called with all the parameter of the decorated method. Returns ------- A Callable corresponding to the decorated method. Examples -------- class Model: def _a_sanity_check(self, *args, **kwargs): raise_if_not(kwargs['b'] == kwargs['c'], 'b must equal c', logger) @_with_sanity_checks("_a_sanity_check") def fit(self, a, b=0, c=0): # at this point we can safely assume that 'b' and 'c' are equal... ... """ def decorator(method_to_sanitize: Callable[..., T]) -> Callable[..., T]: @wraps(method_to_sanitize) def sanitized_method(self, *args, **kwargs) -> T: only_args, only_kwargs = {}, {} for sanity_check_method in sanity_check_methods: # Convert all arguments into keyword arguments all_as_kwargs = getcallargs(method_to_sanitize, self, *args, **kwargs) # Then separate args from kwargs according to the function's signature only_args = all_as_kwargs.copy() only_kwargs = all_as_kwargs.copy() for param_name, param in signature( method_to_sanitize ).parameters.items(): if ( param.default == Parameter.empty and param.kind != Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL ): only_kwargs.pop(param_name) else: only_args.pop(param_name) only_args.pop("self") getattr(self, sanity_check_method)(*only_args.values(), **only_kwargs) return method_to_sanitize(self, *only_args.values(), **only_kwargs) return sanitized_method return decorator def _parallel_apply( iterator: Iterator[Tuple], fn: Callable, n_jobs: int, fn_args, fn_kwargs ) -> List: """ Utility function that parallelise the execution of a function over an Iterator Parameters ---------- iterator (Iterator[Tuple]) Iterator which returns tuples of input value to feed to fn. Constant `args` and `kwargs` should passed through `fn_args` and `fn_kwargs` respectively. fn (Callable) The function to be parallelized. n_jobs (int) The number of jobs to run in parallel. Defaults to `1` (sequential). Setting the parameter to `-1` means using all the available processors. Note: for a small amount of data, the parallelisation overhead could end up increasing the total required amount of time. fn_args Additional arguments for each `fn()` call fn_kwargs Additional keyword arguments for each `fn()` call """ returned_data = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(fn)(*sample, *fn_args, **fn_kwargs) for sample in iterator ) return returned_data def _check_quantiles(quantiles): raise_if_not( all([0 < q < 1 for q in quantiles]), "All provided quantiles must be between 0 and 1.", ) # we require the median to be present and the quantiles to be symmetric around it, # for correctness of sampling. median_q = 0.5 raise_if_not( median_q in quantiles, "median quantile `q=0.5` must be in `quantiles`" ) is_centered = [ -1e-6 < (median_q - left_q) + (median_q - right_q) < 1e-6 for left_q, right_q in zip(quantiles, quantiles[::-1]) ] raise_if_not( all(is_centered), "quantiles lower than `q=0.5` need to share same difference to `0.5` as quantiles " "higher than `q=0.5`", )
[docs]def slice_index( index: Union[pd.RangeIndex, pd.DatetimeIndex], start: Union[int, pd.Timestamp], end: Union[int, pd.Timestamp], ) -> Union[pd.RangeIndex, pd.DatetimeIndex]: """ Returns a new Index with the same type as the input `index`, containing the values between `start` and `end` included. If start and end are not in the index, the closest values are used instead. The start and end values can be either integers (in which case they are interpreted as indices), or pd.Timestamps (in which case they are interpreted as actual timestamps). Parameters ---------- index The index to slice. start The start of the returned index. end The end of the returned index. Returns ------- Union[pd.RangeIndex, pd.DatetimeIndex] A new index with the same type as the input `index`, but with only the values between `start` and `end` included. """ if type(start) is not type(end): raise_log( ValueError( "start and end values must be of the same type (either both integers or both pd.Timestamps)" ), logger, ) if isinstance(start, pd.Timestamp) and isinstance(index, pd.RangeIndex): raise_log( ValueError( "start and end values are a pd.Timestamp, but time_index is a RangeIndex. " "Please provide an integer start value." ), logger, ) if isinstance(start, int) and isinstance(index, pd.DatetimeIndex): raise_log( ValueError( "start and end value are integer, but time_index is a RangeIndex. " "Please provide an integer end value." ), logger, ) start_idx = index.get_indexer(generate_index(start, length=1), method="nearest")[0] end_idx = index.get_indexer(generate_index(end, length=1), method="nearest")[0] return index[start_idx : end_idx + 1]
[docs]def drop_before_index( index: Union[pd.RangeIndex, pd.DatetimeIndex], split_point: Union[int, pd.Timestamp], ) -> Union[pd.RangeIndex, pd.DatetimeIndex]: """ Drops everything before the provided time `split_point` (excluded) from the index. Parameters ---------- index The index to drop values from. split_point The timestamp that indicates cut-off time. Returns ------- Union[pd.RangeIndex, pd.DatetimeIndex] A new index with values before `split_point` dropped. """ return slice_index(index, split_point, index[-1])
[docs]def drop_after_index( index: Union[pd.RangeIndex, pd.DatetimeIndex], split_point: Union[int, pd.Timestamp], ) -> Union[pd.RangeIndex, pd.DatetimeIndex]: """ Drops everything after the provided time `split_point` (excluded) from the index. Parameters ---------- index The index to drop values from. split_point The timestamp that indicates cut-off time. Returns ------- Union[pd.RangeIndex, pd.DatetimeIndex] A new index with values after `split_point` dropped. """ return slice_index(index, index[0], split_point)
[docs]def n_steps_between( end: Union[pd.Timestamp, int], start: Union[pd.Timestamp, int], freq: Union[pd.DateOffset, int, str], ) -> int: """Get the number of time steps with a given frequency `freq` between `end` and `start`. Works for both integers and time stamps. * if `end`, `start`, `freq` are all integers, we can simple divide the difference by the frequency. * if `freq` is a pandas Dateoffset with non-ambiguous timedelate (e.g. "d", "h", ..., and not "ME", "YE", ...), we can simply divide by the frequency * otherwise, we take the period difference between the two time stamps. Parameters ---------- end The end pandas Timestamp / integer. start The start pandas Timestamp / integer. freq The frequency / step size. Returns ------- int The number of steps/periods between `end` and `start` with a given frequency `freq`. Examples -------- >>> n_steps_between(start=pd.Timestamp("2000-01-01"), end=pd.Timestamp("2000-03-01"), freq="ME") 2 >>> n_steps_between(start=0, end=2, freq=1) 2 >>> n_steps_between(start=0, end=2, freq=2) 1 """ freq = pd.tseries.frequencies.to_offset(freq) if isinstance(freq, str) else freq valid_freq = freq >= 0 if isinstance(freq, int) else freq.n >= 0 if not valid_freq: raise_log( ValueError(f"`freq` must be positive/increasing, received freq={freq}."), logger=logger, ) valid_int = ( isinstance(start, int) and isinstance(end, int) and isinstance(freq, int) ) valid_time = ( isinstance(start, pd.Timestamp) and isinstance(end, pd.Timestamp) and isinstance(freq, pd.DateOffset) ) if not (valid_int or valid_time): raise_log( ValueError( "Either `start` and `end` must be pandas Timestamps and `freq` a pandas Dateoffset, " "or all `start`, `end`, `freq` must be integers." ), logger=logger, ) # Series frequency represents a non-ambiguous timedelta value (not ‘M’, ‘Y’ or ‘y’, 'W') if pd.to_timedelta(freq, errors="coerce") is not pd.NaT: diff = end - start if abs(diff) != diff: # (A) when diff is negative, not perfectly divisible by freq, and freq is a multiple of a base frequency # (e.g., "2D" or step=2), then computing `diff // freq` can be one off # Example: `end=1, start=2, freq=2` -> then `diff // freq` gives `-1`, but should be `0`. diff += diff % freq n_steps = diff // freq else: period_alias = pd.tseries.frequencies.get_period_alias( if isinstance(freq, BusinessMixin) or period_alias is None: # for lower pandas versions ~1.5.0, business frequencies wrongly have a period alias. # taking the period difference as computed in `else` gives wrong results. # in this (worst) case for special frequencies (e.g "C*"), we must generate the index is_reversed = end < start if is_reversed: # always generate an increasing index, since pandas (v2.2.1) gives inconsistent result for # negative/decreasing frequencies. Then reverse the index in case of negative/decreasing # input frequency start, end = end, start n_steps = len(generate_index(start=start, end=end, freq=freq)) if n_steps: # index includes end, take away for difference n_steps -= 1 if is_reversed: n_steps *= -1 else: # get the number of base periods ("2MS" has base freq "MS") between the two time steps diff = (end.to_period(period_alias) - start.to_period(period_alias)).n if abs(diff) != diff: # similar case as with (A) diff += diff % freq.n # floor division by the frequency multiplier ("2MS" has multiplier 2) n_steps = diff // freq.n return n_steps
[docs]def generate_index( start: Optional[Union[pd.Timestamp, int]] = None, end: Optional[Union[pd.Timestamp, int]] = None, length: Optional[int] = None, freq: Union[str, int, pd.DateOffset] = None, name: str = None, ) -> Union[pd.DatetimeIndex, pd.RangeIndex]: """Returns an index with a given start point and length. Either a pandas DatetimeIndex with given frequency or a pandas RangeIndex. The index starts at Parameters ---------- start The start of the returned index. If a pandas Timestamp is passed, the index will be a pandas DatetimeIndex. If an integer is passed, the index will be a pandas RangeIndex index. Works only with either `length` or `end`. end Optionally, the end of the returned index. Works only with either `start` or `length`. If `start` is set, `end` must be of same type as `start`. Else, it can be either a pandas Timestamp or an integer. length Optionally, the length of the returned index. Works only with either `start` or `end`. freq The time difference between two adjacent entries in the returned index. In case `start` is a timestamp, a DateOffset alias is expected; see `docs <>`_. By default, "D" (daily) is used. If `start` is an integer, `freq` will be interpreted as the step size in the underlying RangeIndex. The freq is optional for generating an integer index (if not specified, 1 is used). name Optionally, an index name. """ constructors = [ arg_name for arg, arg_name in zip([start, end, length], ["start", "end", "length"]) if arg is not None ] raise_if( len(constructors) != 2, "index can only be generated with exactly two of the following parameters: [`start`, `end`, `length`]. " f"Observed parameters: {constructors}. For generating an index with `end` and `length` consider setting " f"`start` to None.", logger, ) raise_if( end is not None and start is not None and type(start) is not type(end), "index generation with `start` and `end` requires equal object types of `start` and `end`", logger, ) if isinstance(start, pd.Timestamp) or isinstance(end, pd.Timestamp): freq = "D" if freq is None else freq freq = pd.tseries.frequencies.to_offset(freq) if isinstance(freq, str) else freq index = pd.date_range( start=start, end=end, periods=length, freq=freq, name=name, ) if freq.n < 0: if start is not None and not freq.is_on_offset(start): # for anchored negative frequencies, and `start` does not intersect with `freq`: # pandas (v2.2.1) generates an index that starts one step before `start` -> remove this step index = index[1:] elif end is not None and not freq.is_on_offset(end): # if `start` intersects with `freq`, then the same can happen for `end` -> remove this step index = index[:-1] else: # int step = 1 if freq is None else freq if start is None: start_ = end - step * length + step else: start_ = start if end is None: end_ = start + step * length else: # make end inclusive end_ = end + 1 if step >= 0 else end - 1 index = pd.RangeIndex( start=start_, stop=end_, step=step, name=name, ) return index
[docs]def expand_arr(arr: np.ndarray, ndim: int): """Expands a np.ndarray to `ndim` dimensions (if not already satisfied).""" shape = arr.shape if len(shape) != ndim: arr = arr.reshape(shape + tuple(1 for _ in range(ndim - len(shape)))) return arr