Source code for vegans.models.conditional.ConditionalInfoGAN

Implements the InfoGAN[1].

It introduces an encoder network which maps the generator output back to the latent
input space. This should help to prevent mode collapse and improve image variety.

    - Generator: Binary cross-entropy + Normal Log-Likelihood + Multinomial Log-Likelihood
    - Discriminator: Binary cross-entropy
    - Encoder: Normal Log-Likelihood + Multinomial Log-Likelihood
Default optimizer:
    - torch.optim.Adam
Custom parameter:
    - c_dim_discrete: Number of discrete multinomial dimensions (might be list of independent multinomial spaces).
    - c_dim_continuous: Number of continuous normal dimensions.
    - lambda_z: Weight for the reconstruction loss for the latent z dimensions.

.. [1]

import torch

import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn

from vegans.utils.layers import LayerReshape
from vegans.models.unconditional.InfoGAN import InfoGAN
from vegans.utils.networks import Generator, Adversary, Encoder
from vegans.utils.utils import get_input_dim, NormalNegativeLogLikelihood
from vegans.models.conditional.AbstractConditionalGenerativeModel import AbstractConditionalGenerativeModel

[docs]class ConditionalInfoGAN(AbstractConditionalGenerativeModel, InfoGAN): """ Parameters ---------- generator: nn.Module Generator architecture. Produces output in the real space. adversary: nn.Module Adversary architecture. Produces predictions for real and fake samples to differentiate them. encoder: nn.Module Encoder architecture. Produces predictions in the latent space. x_dim : list, tuple Number of the output dimensions of the generator and input dimension of the discriminator / critic. In the case of images this will be [nr_channels, nr_height_pixels, nr_width_pixels]. z_dim : int, list, tuple Number of the latent dimensions for the generator input. Might have dimensions of an image. y_dim : int, list, tuple Number of dimensions for the target label. Might have dimensions of image for image to image translation, i.e. [nr_channels, nr_height_pixels, nr_width_pixels] or an integer representing a number of classes. c_dim_discrete: int, list Number of discrete multinomial dimensions (might be list of independent multinomial spaces). c_dim_continuous: int Number of continuous normal dimensions. optim : dict or torch.optim Optimizer used for each network. Could be either an optimizer from torch.optim or a dictionary with network name keys and torch.optim as value, i.e. {"Generator": torch.optim.Adam}. optim_kwargs : dict Optimizer keyword arguments used for each network. Must be a dictionary with network name keys and dictionary with keyword arguments as value, i.e. {"Generator": {"lr": 0.0001}}. lambda_z: float Weight for the reconstruction loss for the latent z dimensions. feature_layer : torch.nn.* Output layer used to compute the feature loss. Should be from either the discriminator or critic. If `feature_layer` is not None, the original generator loss is replaced by a feature loss, introduced [here]( fixed_noise_size : int Number of images shown when logging. The fixed noise is used to produce the images in the folder/images subdirectory, the tensorboard images tab and the samples in get_training_results(). device : string Device used while training the model. Either "cpu" or "cuda". ngpu : int Number of gpus used during training if device == "cuda". folder : string Creates a folder in the current working directory with this name. All relevant files like summary, images, models and tensorboard output are written there. Existing folders are never overwritten or deleted. If a folder with the same name already exists a time stamp is appended to make it unique. """ ######################################################################### # Actions before training ######################################################################### def __init__( self, generator, adversary, encoder, x_dim, z_dim, y_dim, c_dim_discrete, c_dim_continuous, optim=None, optim_kwargs=None, lambda_z=10, feature_layer=None, fixed_noise_size=32, device=None, ngpu=0, folder="./veganModels/cInfoGAN", secure=True): c_dim_discrete = [c_dim_discrete] if isinstance(c_dim_discrete, int) else c_dim_discrete assert c_dim_discrete == [0] or 0 not in c_dim_discrete, ( "`c_dim_discrete` has multiple elements. Zero not allowed. Given: {}.".format(c_dim_discrete) ) assert isinstance(c_dim_continuous, int), ( "`c_dim_continuous` must be of type int. Given: {}.".format(type(c_dim_continuous)) ) self.c_dim_discrete = tuple([i for i in list(c_dim_discrete)]) self.c_dim_continuous = tuple([c_dim_continuous]) self.c_dim = tuple([sum(self.c_dim_discrete) + sum(self.c_dim_continuous)]) if len(y_dim) == 3: intermediate_in_dim = get_input_dim(dim1=z_dim, dim2=y_dim) gen_in_dim = get_input_dim(dim1=intermediate_in_dim, dim2=self.c_dim) else: gen_in_dim = get_input_dim(dim1=z_dim, dim2=sum(self.c_dim)+sum(y_dim)) adv_in_dim = get_input_dim(dim1=x_dim, dim2=y_dim) if secure: AbstractConditionalGenerativeModel._check_conditional_network_input(generator, in_dim=z_dim, y_dim=self.c_dim, name="Generator") self.generator = Generator(generator, input_size=gen_in_dim, device=device, ngpu=ngpu, secure=secure) self.adversary = Adversary(adversary, input_size=adv_in_dim, adv_type="Discriminator", device=device, ngpu=ngpu, secure=secure) self.encoder = Encoder(encoder, input_size=adv_in_dim, device=device, ngpu=ngpu, secure=secure) self.neural_nets = { "Generator": self.generator, "Adversary": self.adversary, "Encoder": self.encoder } super().__init__( x_dim=x_dim, z_dim=z_dim, y_dim=y_dim, optim=optim, optim_kwargs=optim_kwargs, feature_layer=feature_layer, fixed_noise_size=fixed_noise_size, device=device, folder=folder, ngpu=ngpu, secure=secure ) if self.c_dim_discrete != (0,): self.multinomial = nn.Sequential( nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(, np.sum(self.c_dim_discrete)), nn.Sigmoid() ).to(self.device) if self.c_dim_continuous != (0,): = nn.Sequential( nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(, np.sum(self.c_dim_continuous)), LayerReshape(self.c_dim_continuous) ).to(self.device) self.log_variance = nn.Sequential( nn.Flatten(), nn.Linear(, np.sum(self.c_dim_continuous)), nn.ReLU(), LayerReshape(self.c_dim_continuous) ).to(self.device) self.lambda_z = lambda_z self.hyperparameters["lambda_z"] = lambda_z if assert (self.generator.output_size == self.x_dim), ( "Generator output shape must be equal to x_dim. {} vs. {}.".format(self.generator.output_size, self.x_dim) ) # TODO: Remove those lines or use them again, but not commented # if self.encoder.output_size == self.c_dim: # raise ValueError( # "Encoder output size is equal to c_dim, but for InfoGAN the encoder last layers for mu, sigma and discrete values " + # "are constructed by the algorithm itself.\nSpecify up to the second last layer for this particular encoder." # ) ######################################################################### # Actions during training #########################################################################
[docs] def encode(self, x, y=None): if y is None: x_dim = tuple(x.shape[1:]) assert x_dim == self.adv_in_dim, ( "If `y` is None, x must have correct shape. Given: {}. Expected: {}.".format(x_dim, self.adv_in_dim) ) return InfoGAN.encode(self, x=x) inpt = self.concatenate(x, y).float() return InfoGAN.encode(self, x=inpt)
[docs] def generate(self, y, c=None, z=None): """ Generate output with generator / decoder. Parameters ---------- z : None, optional Latent input vector to produce an output from. n : None, optional Number of outputs to be generated. Returns ------- np.array Output produced by generator / decoder. """ if c is None: n = len(y) c = self.sample_c(n=n) if z is None: n = len(y) z = self.sample(n=n) y = self.concatenate(tensor1=y, tensor2=c) return self(y=y, z=z)
[docs] def calculate_losses(self, X_batch, Z_batch, y_batch, who=None): if who == "Generator": losses = self._calculate_generator_loss(X_batch=X_batch, Z_batch=Z_batch, y_batch=y_batch) elif who == "Adversary": losses = self._calculate_adversary_loss(X_batch=X_batch, Z_batch=Z_batch, y_batch=y_batch) elif who == "Encoder": losses = self._calculate_encoder_loss(X_batch=X_batch, Z_batch=Z_batch, y_batch=y_batch) else: losses = self._calculate_generator_loss(X_batch=X_batch, Z_batch=Z_batch, y_batch=y_batch) losses.update(self._calculate_adversary_loss(X_batch=X_batch, Z_batch=Z_batch, y_batch=y_batch)) losses.update(self._calculate_encoder_loss(X_batch=X_batch, Z_batch=Z_batch, y_batch=y_batch)) return losses
def _calculate_generator_loss(self, X_batch, Z_batch, y_batch): c = self.sample_c(n=len(Z_batch)) fake_images = self.generate(y=y_batch, z=Z_batch, c=c) fake_concat = self.concatenate(fake_images, y_batch) real_concat = self.concatenate(X_batch, y_batch) return InfoGAN._calculate_generator_loss(self, X_batch=real_concat, Z_batch=None, fake_images=fake_concat, c=c) def _calculate_encoder_loss(self, X_batch, Z_batch, y_batch): c = self.sample_c(n=len(Z_batch)) fake_images = self.generate(y=y_batch, z=Z_batch, c=c).detach() fake_concat = self.concatenate(fake_images, y_batch) real_concat = self.concatenate(X_batch, y_batch) return InfoGAN._calculate_encoder_loss(self, X_batch=real_concat, Z_batch=None, fake_images=fake_concat, c=c) def _calculate_adversary_loss(self, X_batch, Z_batch, y_batch): c = self.sample_c(n=len(Z_batch)) fake_images = self.generate(y=y_batch, z=Z_batch, c=c).detach() fake_concat = self.concatenate(fake_images, y_batch) real_concat = self.concatenate(X_batch, y_batch) return InfoGAN._calculate_adversary_loss(self, X_batch=real_concat, Z_batch=None, fake_images=fake_concat)