Source code for vegans.utils.utils

import torch
import pickle

import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from import Dataset
from vegans.utils.layers import LayerReshape

[docs]class DataSet(Dataset): def __init__(self, X, y=None): self.X = X self.y = y def __len__(self): return len(self.X) def __getitem__(self, index): if self.y is not None: return self.X[index], self.y[index] return self.X[index]
[docs]class KLLoss(): def __init__(self, eps): self.eps = eps
[docs] def __call__(self, input, target): """ Compute the Kullback-Leibler loss for GANs. Parameters ---------- input : torch.Tensor Input tensor. Output of a critic. Returns ------- torch.Tensor KL divergence """ return -torch.mean(torch.log(input / (1 + self.eps - input) + self.eps))
[docs]class WassersteinLoss():
[docs] def __call__(self, input, target): """ Compute the Wasserstein loss / divergence. Also known as earthmover distance. Parameters ---------- input : torch.Tensor Input tensor. Output of a critic. target : torch.Tensor Label, either 1 or -1. Zeros are translated to -1. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Wasserstein divergence """ assert torch.unique(target).shape[0] <= 2, "Only two different values for target allowed." target[target==0] = -1 return torch.mean(target*input)
[docs]class NormalNegativeLogLikelihood(): def __call__(self, x, mu, variance, eps=1e-6): negative_log_likelihood = 1/(2*variance + eps)*(x-mu)**2 + 0.5*torch.log(variance + eps) negative_log_likelihood = negative_log_likelihood.sum(axis=1).mean() return negative_log_likelihood
[docs]def concatenate(tensor1, tensor2): """ Concatenates two 2D or 4D tensors. Parameters ---------- tensor1 : torch.Tensor 2D or 4D tensor. tensor2 : torch.Tensor 2D or 4D tensor. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Cncatenation of tensor1 and tensor2. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If tensors do not have 2 or 4 dimensions. """ assert tensor1.shape[0] == tensor2.shape[0], ( "Tensors to concatenate must have same dim 0. Tensor1: {}. Tensor2: {}.".format(tensor1.shape[0], tensor2.shape[0]) ) batch_size = tensor1.shape[0] if tensor1.shape == tensor2.shape: return, tensor2), axis=1).float() elif (len(tensor1.shape) == 2) and (len(tensor2.shape) == 2): return, tensor2), axis=1).float() elif (len(tensor1.shape) == 4) and (len(tensor2.shape) == 2): y_dim = tensor2.shape[1] tensor2 = torch.reshape(tensor2, shape=(batch_size, y_dim, 1, 1)) tensor2 = torch.tile(tensor2, dims=(1, 1, *tensor1.shape[2:])) elif (len(tensor1.shape) == 2) and (len(tensor2.shape) == 4): y_dim = tensor1.shape[1] tensor1 = torch.reshape(tensor1, shape=(batch_size, y_dim, 1, 1)) tensor1 = torch.tile(tensor1, dims=(1, 1, *tensor2.shape[2:])) elif (len(tensor1.shape) == 4) and (len(tensor2.shape) == 4): return, tensor2), axis=1).float() else: raise AssertionError("tensor1 and tensor2 must have 2 or 4 dimensions. Given: {} and {}.".format(tensor1.shape, tensor2.shape)) return, tensor2), axis=1).float()
[docs]def get_input_dim(dim1, dim2): """ Get the number of input dimension from two inputs. Tensors often need to be concatenated in different ways, especially for conditional algorithms leveraging label information. This function returns the output dimensions of a tensor after the concatenation of two 2D tensors (two vectors), two 4D tensors (two images) or one 2D tensor with another 4D Tensor (vector with image). For both tensors the first dimension will be number of samples which is not considered in this function. Therefore `dim1` and `dim2` are both either 1D or 3D Tensors indicating the vector or image dimensions (nr_channles, height, width). In a usual use case `dim1` is either the latent z dimension (often a vector) or a sample from the sample space (might be an image). `dim2` often represents the conditional y dimension that is concatenated with the noise or a sample vefore passing it to a neural network. This function ca be used to get the input dimension for the generator, adversary, encoder or decoder in a conditional use case. Parameters ---------- dim1 : int, iterable Dimension of input 1. dim2 : int, iterable Dimension of input 2. Returns ------- list Output dimension after concatenation. """ dim1 = [dim1] if isinstance(dim1, int) else dim1 dim2 = [dim2] if isinstance(dim2, int) else dim2 if len(dim1)==1 and len(dim2)==1: out_dim = [dim1[0] + dim2[0]] elif len(dim1)==3 and len(dim2)==1: out_dim = [dim1[0]+dim2[0], *dim1[1:]] elif len(dim1)==1 and len(dim2)==3: out_dim = [dim2[0]+dim1[0], *dim2[1:]] elif len(dim1)==3 and len(dim2)==3: assert (dim1[1] == dim2[1]) and (dim1[2] == dim2[2]), ( "If both dim1 and dim2 are arrays, must have same shape. dim1: {}. dim2: {}.".format(dim1, dim2) ) out_dim = [dim1[0]+dim2[0], *dim1[1:]] else: raise AssertionError("dim1 and dim2 must have length one or three. Given: {} and {}.".format(dim1, dim2)) return tuple(out_dim)
[docs]def plot_losses(losses, show=True, share=False): """ Plots losses for generator and discriminator on a common plot. Parameters ---------- losses : dict Dictionary containing the losses for some networks. The structure of the dictionary is: ``` { mode1: {loss_type1_1: losses1_1, loss_type1_2: losses1_2, ...}, mode2: {loss_type2_1: losses2_1, loss_type2_2: losses2_2, ...}, ... } ``` where `mode` is probably one of "Train" or "Test", loss_type might be "Generator", "Adversary", "Encoder", ... and losses are lists of loss values collected during training. show : bool, optional If True, `` is called to visualise the images directly. share : bool, optional If true, axis ticks are shared between plots. Returns ------- plt.figure, plt.axis Created figure and axis objects. """ if share: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 8)) for mode, loss_dict in losses.items(): for loss_type, loss in loss_dict.items(): ax.plot(loss, lw=2, label=mode+loss_type) ax.set_xlabel('Iterations') ax.legend() else: n = len(losses["Train"]) nrows = int(np.sqrt(n)) ncols = n // nrows fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(12, 9)) axs = np.ravel(axs) for mode, loss_dict in losses.items(): for ax, (loss_type, loss) in zip(axs, loss_dict.items()): ax.plot(loss, lw=2, label=mode) ax.set_xlabel('Iterations') ax.set_title(loss_type) ax.set_facecolor("#ecffe7") ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() if show: return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_images(images, labels=None, show=True, n=None): """ Plot a number of input images with optional label Parameters ---------- images : np.array Must be of shape [nr_samples, height, width] or [nr_samples, height, width, 3]. labels : np.array, optional Array of labels used in the title. show : bool, optional If True, `` is called to visualise the images directly. n : None, optional Number of images to be drawn, maximum is 36. Returns ------- plt.figure, plt.axis Created figure and axis objects. """ if len(images.shape)==4 and images.shape[1] == 3: images = invert_channel_order(images=images) elif len(images.shape)==4 and images.shape[1] == 1: images = images.reshape((-1, images.shape[2], images.shape[3])) if n is None: n = images.shape[0] if n > 36: n = 36 nrows = int(np.sqrt(n)) ncols = n // nrows fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(8, 8)) axs = np.ravel(axs) for i, ax in enumerate(axs): ax.imshow(images[i]) ax.axis("off") if labels is not None: ax.set_title("Label: {}".format(labels[i])) fig.tight_layout() if show: return fig, axs
[docs]def create_gif(source_path, target_path=None): """Create a GIF from images contained on the source path. Parameters ---------- source_path : string Path pointing to the source directory with .png files. target_path : string, optional Name of the created GIF. """ import os import imageio source_path = source_path+"/" if not source_path.endswith("/") else source_path images = [] for file_name in sorted(os.listdir(source_path)): if file_name.endswith('.png'): file_path = os.path.join(source_path, file_name) images.append(imageio.imread(file_path)) if target_path is None: target_path = source_path+"movie.gif" imageio.mimsave(target_path, images)
[docs]def invert_channel_order(images): assert len(images.shape) == 4, "`images` must be of shape [batch_size, nr_channels, height, width]. Given: {}.".format(images.shape) assert images.shape[1] == 3 or images.shape[3] == 3, ( "`images` must have 3 colour channels at second or fourth shape position. Given: {}.".format(images.shape) ) inverted_images = [] if images.shape[1] == 3: image_y = images.shape[2] image_x = images.shape[3] for i, image in enumerate(images): red_channel = image[0].reshape(image_y, image_x) green_channel = image[1].reshape(image_y, image_x) blue_channel = image[2].reshape(image_y, image_x) image = np.stack((red_channel, green_channel, blue_channel), axis=-1) inverted_images.append(image) elif images.shape[3] == 3: image_y = images.shape[1] image_x = images.shape[2] for i, image in enumerate(images): red_channel = image[:, :, 0].reshape(image_y, image_x) green_channel = image[:, :, 1].reshape(image_y, image_x) blue_channel = image[:, :, 2].reshape(image_y, image_x) image = np.stack((red_channel, green_channel, blue_channel), axis=0) inverted_images.append(image) return np.array(inverted_images)