For deterministic forecasts (point predictions with num_samples == 1), probabilistic forecasts (num_samples > 1), and quantile forecasts. For probabilistic and quantile forecasts, use parameter q to define the quantile(s) to compute the deterministic metrics on:
- Aggregated over time:
- Absolute metrics:
- Relative metrics:
: Mean Absolute Scaled ErrorMSSE
: Mean Squared Scaled ErrorRMSSE
: Root Mean Squared Scaled ErrorMAPE
: Mean Absolute Percentage ErrorwMAPE
: weighted Mean Absolute Percentage ErrorsMAPE
: symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage ErrorOPE
: Overall Percentage ErrorMARRE
: Mean Absolute Ranged Relative Error
- Other metrics:
For probabilistic forecasts (storchastic predictions with num_samples >> 1) and quantile forecasts:
For Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) (aggregated over time):
: Dynamic Time Warping Metric